Showing posts with label Rabbit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rabbit. Show all posts


Toilet Paper Roll Bunny Rabbit

 Rabbit Supply List: 1 toilet paper roll, paint, google eyes, pipe cleaner, pom poms, construction paper, glue
 Paint your toilet paper roll and allow to dry.  Cole chose purple because that's his favorite color.
 Cut your pipe cleaner in half and punch it through the toilet paper roll about 1/3 from the top.
 Cut out ears from your construction paper.
 Glue on your eyes, pom poms and ears and allow to dry.  We ended up using a small piece of construction paper as a nose instead of our pom pom because it was easier to glue.

Book Suggestion: The Story of the Easter Bunny tells the story of how an elderly couple's white rabbit takes over the traditional Easter Bunny tasks once his owners are no longer able to weave baskets and dye eggs.  If the Easter Bunny visits your house then I would highly recommend this book.


Cute Little Bunny Toilet Paper Roll

 Bunny Supply List: 1 toilet paper roll, paint, brush, pink crayon, scrap of white paper, glue, scissors, marker, google eyes, cotton ball
 Cut your toilet paper roll in half and paint it.  We choose to use pink paint with some glitter mixed in.  Allow your cardboard tubes to dry.
 Cut two ears from your white paper and color pink in the center of the ears.  I drew an outline for the middle of the ears and then let Cole color them in himself.
 Glue your ears between the two tubes.  I used a chip clip to hold it together while it dried.
 Add your eyes, tail and draw on a mouth and some whiskers.

Book Suggestion: Jan Brett is one of my favorite authors.  This winter we loved reading The Hat and this week we've been enjoying The Easter Egg.  A young bunny named Hoppi wants to have the best egg so that he can help the Easter Bunny on Easter morning.  His plans are changed when he discovers a robin's egg has rolled out of the nest.


Toilet Paper Roll Bunny in Grass

 Bunny Supply List: 1 toilet paper roll, 1 napkin, scrap of green paper, glue, white paint, marker, scissors, tape, paint brush, google eyes, cotton ball
 Begin by painting the top part of your toilet paper roll with white paint and allow to dry.
 Trim your green piece of paper so that it will wrap all the way around your cardboard tube.  Then cut grass out of the top of the paper.  I showed Cole how to do this and then let him go at it.  He had a good time cutting little triangles out of the green paper.
 Fold your napkin so that it looks like this.
 Glue your grass around the bottom of your toilet paper roll and allow to dry.  I use a hair rubber band to keep it in place until the glue dries.
Fold your napkin ears in half and tape them inside the tube.  Glue on your google eyes and fluffy tail and draw on a little bunny nose and whiskers.

Book Suggestion: We found the book Little White Rabbit at our local library and I must say it is just delightful.  Beautiful pictures and a lovely story about a little rabbit with a very big imagination.  Cole noticed immediately that our rabbit looked just like the one on the cover of the book.