We've had record breaking rain and flooding here in Texas! I'm so over it! I feel like I'm living in Seattle again except the rain here is like a monsoon and the lightening and thunder at night is so loud and crazy and wakes up the kids, boo. Caleb loves jumping in the puddles though and playing outside with his umbrella.
Caleb's favorite show is paw patrol and this is his dog chase from the show. He informed me the other day that it was his fifth birthday so I made some cupcakes and we sang him happy birthday. We also got him a present, a new collar. :)
After dinner the other weekend the kids saw a splash pad and dove right in, fully clothed. It was so humid so I don't blame them.
Caleb finished his baseball season! His team was in the playoffs for first place! The lost by one point, such a bummer but the kids didn't care and were still so proud of themselves, minus a couple kids who were in tears because of their parents scowls! Yikes. It was a great season and Caleb had so much fun and improved a lot!
Caleb's last week of school, they had a petting zoo come visit the kids! Bella was happy siblings could come.
Jonathon had a field trip to the bureau of printing and engraving, one of two places in the whole U.S that prints money! One in Fort Worth and one in Washington DC. It was so neat as they were able to watch and learn how it all works. He had a great time and loved the gift shop too where everything had money printed on it.
Caleb graduated from pre K last week. All the preK classes had a song performance, talks by the teachers, and then all the kids were handed their certificates. It was so adorable and Caleb was proud of himself. He worked hard this year and learned so much. He knows all letters and their sounds, colors, shapes, and numbers through twenty. We are working on sight words now and math skills over summer.
After his graduation he had a pizza party in class, this is his buddy Grant and my buddy Lisa, they are from Clovis! Yay for hometown friends!