Thursday, May 28, 2015

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! I had a very special Mother's Day this year, as they always are! The sweet gifts came all week from my boys. Caleb made me this beautiful tea cup with flowers planted inside. I love his art work and how he writes his name. 
He was so excited to give it to me when I picked him up from preschool :) 

Jonathon had a picnic for moms at his school, the littles and I brought him lunch in our picnic basket and we enjoyed it on the lawn outside his school with other families. 

Mother's Day morning started early since we had 9 am church, with Jake's famous French toast brought to me in bed! 

The kids followed with all of their surprises, it was so special. Post-it notes all over my door and the walls of my room with all the reasons why they love me, flowers, a new smoothie blender, and cookies for later :) 

Homemade Pop out card from Jonathon, melts me!

My four babies who've made me a mother! Missing Ryan as always, but always feel him near when I need him the most! 

Motherhood has transformed me. I used to worry that I would lose myself in motherhood and forget who Ashley was. Instead of feeling swallowed up by motherhood I've chosen to be changed. Being a mother is the hardest thing I've ever done and will do. It has brought my greatest sorrow but also my greatest joy. It is so much more amazing than I ever imagined. On monotonous days when everyday seems to be on routine I remind myself not to parent on auto pilot. Each day as their mother is a gift to me not to be taken for granted because I know firsthand how quickly it can be taken. So I thank my father in heaven each day for these tiny people, for their love, smiles, laughter, and for all they have taught me. In turn, I hope they grow into adults who will be such a light to the world. For my job is the most important out there, I'm making a home, one of the most important places on the earth. I'm changing the world through them because they will make their generation even better!

Mother's Day for me was about this woman, my mother pregnant with me! She is everything to me. It's hard to put down in words all that she means to me because she is beyond description. Her strength and example to me is worth so much. She has been the light in my life, her joy, excitement, positivity, laughter, smile, and fun has made my life so happy. She makes everything come to life. She had taught me how to overcome any obstacles that come my way with joy, she loves the Savior and was and still is a big supplier to my testimony. I hope to be more like her as I get older. She's my best friend. 

Likewise, my mother in law is the sweetest lady on earth. She has always been SO kind to me, helpful, loving, giving, and thoughtful. She is a woman of so much strength and courage as well. Her example through her own trials has taught me so many invaluable life lessons. She is so talented and full of grace. She is a wonderful mother and grandmother and we are blessed by her. 

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