It's Not Funny Anymore.
Just how Sinopec became co-author of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's new foreign policy and energy strategy isn't a question any of us are supposed to be asking. There are other questions I intend to keep chasing in the coming days, but here's a taste of my Ottawa Citizen column today.
It was Sinopec that spent $2 billion on an outright purchase of the Alberta oil and gas firm Daylight Energy late last year. A direct Beijing foothold - this was a first for Canada's oilfields. But it was an earlier $2-billion Sinopec takeover of Vancouver's Tanganyika Oil that won Beijing its first big piece of Syria's Oudeh oilfields, and that's how Sinopec provides the sanctions-busting revenues that allow the delusional mass murderer Bashar al-Assad to hang on in Damascus.
It's the same game Sinopec has been playing in Sudan, keeping the genocidaire Omar al-Bashir in Khartoum instead of in the prisoner's dock at the International Criminal Court in the Hague. But here's where it gets really ugly. China is now Iran's number one trading partner. Sinopec is now Iran's main buyer of crude oil. Tehran has managed to avoid the bite of Euro-American sanctions aimed at curbing the ayatollahs' nuclear ambitions. Sinopec is the reason why the sanctions are failing. If sanctions fail, it will almost certainly mean war.
Another question.
In the summer of 2010, Richard Fadden, the head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, got in big trouble for saying that politicians in at least two provinces were under "foreign influence" and China was funding political activism in Canada. Fadden followed up with a detailed memorandum to his boss, Public Safety Minister Vic Toews. He named names. Toews knows who the politicians are that Fadden was talking about. Prime Minister Harper must surely know.
Meantime, my pal Mark Collins alerts me to this essay in the New York Review of Books on Liu Xiaobo's No Enemies, No Hatred: Selected Essays and Poems, edited by Perry Link, Tienchi Martin-Liao, and Liu Xia, with a foreword by (the late) Václav Havel.
Until victory.
Until victory.
Hello Terry,
The real reason the Chinese got their hands on the Alberta oil is because President Obama caved in to his envirowacko friends and killed the Keystone Pipeline.
The Chinese have no interest in Iran or the Sudan aside from their being a source of the oil the Chinese desperately need to keep growing their economy.
As for the sanctions on Iran, they were never going to work anyway. Just as an aside,one of the chief countries acting as a conduit for Iran evading the sanctions isn't China, who are fairly straight forward about things,but our supposed NATO ally Turkey.
Sanctions aren't going to defer the Mullahs from getting nukes and there's really only one way to deal with it. As it is, the US will probably leave it up to Israel.
Rob Miller
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