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Showing posts with label Pittsburgh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pittsburgh. Show all posts

Monday, September 29, 2014

A Visit to the Spring House with Pap

We were in Pittsburgh at the end of September and Andy took his kids to visit his dad.  They went to the Spring House, which is a family farm and creamery not far from where Andy grew up.  I heard all about it from Brady when they got home, but had a lot of fun looking through all the pictures that Andy took.  I hope you do too.

 Looks like everyone had fun on the slide.

 Crazy climber number 1.  Crazy climber number 2 recently climbed the ladder onto Brady's top bunk.

 I love this picture because Andy made his dad carry all of the bags.

 This a great one of Izzie with her Pap.

Andy was amused that his dad fell off the hay stack when they hit a bump. 

 Pap got the kids a pumpkin.  This was the first one they got this season, the total count today is at four.

They had some really cool pumpkin displays.  Despicable Me is a personal favorite of Brady's.

 Izzie's favorite, Ariel.

 A favorite for both my kids and the majority of kids across the country, Frozen.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sports Portraits 2014 & A Pitt Home Game

It's that time of the year that all of us sports fans wait for since the last second of the Super Bowl in early February.  After 8.5 long months, football is back!!! Thursday through Monday nights are now filled with games.  It's been several years since we took Brady for sports portraits and never have for Izzie, so it was time to get some done.  Brady has been able to say Go Pitt since before he was two and has been going to games since before he was even born.  We've had a hard time getting some good smiles during portraits lately, but I think he did very well this time around.

Loving on the panther.

Brady was six months old the last time we had portraits taken in his Pitt jersey.  These are going to be great for when he plays for them someday.

What sports session would be complete without Steelers gear?  Charlie Bear has been with us since Brady was about five months old and is always decked out for game day during the season.

Brady was 18 months old the last time we captured him in his Steelers jersey and Charlie Bear too!

Brady did great, so of course, Izzie would be the difficult one.  

The kids are both 18 months old in these portraits and wearing the same jersey (yes, I know Mendenhall doesn't play for us anymore).

 At the end of September, we made our way back to Pittsburgh to go to a Pitt game, which of course, wouldn't be complete without a beautiful Pittsburgh skyline photo.

Here it comes!!! 

Pitt Princesses 

Get ready, in 14 years, this will be for real!  Although, we figure he'll be a better running back. 

Of the two kids, Izzie has the better arm. 

 You can't go to Heinz Field without admiring a Lombardi Trophy or two, or six!

Primanti's sandwich time. 

For a late September game, it was crazy hot in the 80s and very sunny.  We all came out a bit pink and the game started around nap time, so Izzie crashed before we made it out of the parking garage.