Turn left exiting the Glendale TH within Glendale to resume the clockwise loop route and drive 4 5 mi on OR-19 S, turn left into the small lot for Glendale TH (small brown sign) for an actual hike.
Where is Glendale? | Glendale Map | Map of Glendale Photo Gallery
Then continue on OR-19 S 3 mi and perhaps visit Thomas Glendale Center on the right (open 10-5 except holidays). Continue 2 mi more on OR-19 S, turn right on US-26 W 30 mi to the small town of Mitchell with limited accommodations and a campground E of town on FR-12 (Buck Point Road). Continue 31/2 mi from Mitchell on US-26 W, turn right on Burnt Ranch Road into Bridge Creek Road 51/2 mi total, turn left on Bear Creek Road (gravel, washboard, slow) 1 mi to the crest of a saddle with Painted Hills Overlook on the left 5 mi up to Painted Hills TH (with parking along the circle, but save the overlook for sunset or later in the day to visit at least three other areas in Painted Hills Unit first). Continue almost 1/2 mi from the saddle on Bear Creek Road around to Red Hill TH (small sign) immediately on the left with much parking.
Drive back the same way 1/2 mi after the brief walk, turn left at the corner 5 mi for Painted Cove TH on the left in the square lot.
Then drive back to Painted Hills Overlook with limited parking at the bottom of the drive nearest Bear Creek Road for Carroll Rim TH and more of a hike to the top of a hill with 360-degree views. Finish with Painted Hills TH at the overlook for a brief walk.
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