It’s not possible to write a post about my father without mentioning Notre Dame. Ever since I can remember my father has loved Notre Dame. He loves the football, the campus, the glory, and the faith in God. For his 90th birthday my oldest brother who is a graduate of the University, took him to a football game with my other brother and some friends. They tailgated, they ate food, they drank beer, and then they went to the night game. They had good weather and although it required a lot of maneuvering, they got to their awesome seats in the end zone (row 10) and they had an amazing time. Notre Dame won and my dad enjoyed it all very much.
My dad is loyal, kind, strong, faithful, intelligent, optimistic, loving, grateful, and sweet. He and my mom raised four kids in a small town in Upstate NY. He always made a point to be at our sporting events even though there were four of us on different teams all over town. He was always there for us. He took us on really fun vacations. He showed us the world. He encouraged us to study hard. And encouraged us to do our best. He worked hard as an engineer to put us through private schools, high schools and colleges. He encouraged us to have faith in God. And always keep a sense of humor!
My father always loved my mom fiercely and still does. He gave me a great example of a loving husband and father.
I’ve had the great blessing to spend the last five months living near my parents for the first time since I left for college. My husband and oldest daughter have been with me and I’m so grateful for the time I’ve had to spend with my parents. There’s something so comforting about just being in the presence of a loving parent. I’m sure it’s been good for my parents too.
Happy birthday Dad! May you have many more years of happiness, joy, and love.
Thank you for teaching me about love.