Our family life in the tropics. Lots of music, art, gardening, cooking, traveling, ponderings, and joy. Creating memories, traditions
and hopefully some humor. Trying to give back as well.

September 30, 2009

corner view~white

In the last few months I have done some globetrotting. Here are some of the gorgeous white flowers I have come across. Click on here for more 'White' Corner Views inspired by, Natsumi, and coordinated by Jane.

September 28, 2009

change of plans

Home schooling was and is working great for the girls, but our son was a bit lonely and I could tell he wanted to be in a classroom setting with more children nearer to his age. After some deliberation and phone calls, we were able to get him into the local public school with a wonderful, loving, highly experienced first grade teacher.

He has never been happier in school. I wondered how he would do in a large elementary school (700 kids) after being in a small, cozy Montessori preschool. I don't know what I was worried about. Of all of our kids, this one is by far the boldest one.

When I picked him up from his first day of school I walked into a scene where he had his teacher and a bunch of custodians laughing their heads off. Every day I hear about more friends he is making, more "dollars" he is earning for good behavior to spend at the school store, and he is very excited about learning. His reading has really taken off. I am so grateful that we have found a good place for him.

September 22, 2009

corner view~out the car window

This was taken several miles from my home town, where the air is cooler, fresh and crisp. It was a lovely day. I drove my daughter up the mountain to visit her friend in the countryside, all the while chatting with my six-year-old son, rocking out to Don Henley, and taking in the scenery. My son and I stopped in a small country store with hitching posts in front of it. I got him a snack, and was happy to see improvements of a store that hadn't changed much in probably 50 years. They have some organic food, a new deli and smoothie bar. We visited with the local folks.

Our other daughter stayed behind at sea level to play with her friend til late in the evening, and my husband, who had been rehearsing with his new rock band, eventually met us at another friend's house later for dinner. All in all, there were lots of connections with lots of friends, new experiences, and natural beauty. And for that we are grateful.

For more Corner Views:
jane, ladybug-zen, ian, bonnie, esti, sophie, cele, modsquad,caitlin, joyce, ani, kim, a day that is dessert, natsumi, epe, kaylovesvintage, trinsch, c.t., jeannette, outi, ritva, francesca, state of bliss, jennifer, dana, denise, cabrizette, bohemia girl, dianna, isabelle, amber, a girl in the yellow shoes, mister e, janis, kari, jgy, skymring, elizabeth, audrey, allison, lise, cate, crescent moon, erin, otli, ida, caroline, lisa, dorte, kimmie, la lune dans le ciel, nicola, malo, vanessa, britta, april, b, kyndale samantha, karen, kristina, dorit, goldensunfamily, sophie, janet, mcgillicutty, desiree, travelingmama, aimee, sunnymama, amanda, ali, jenell, britta, juanita, pamela, inna, daan, myrtille, cris, ibb, susi, jodi, lily, gillian, athena, pienduzz, latisha, clairette, kelleyn, iris, demara, mus, ninja, guusje, di, sammi, theresa, cherry b, victoria, kathryn , lisa, liza, juliette, braja, mulot, anne

September 21, 2009

a friend's garden

I have been thinking a lot about my dearest women friends, how I treasure them, how each are so different. I have a few close friends who are all far away that I share my life with, with infrequent visits and more frequent phone calls. One of these women I met in childhood, one I shared a philosophy class with in college our freshman year, and one I met only a couple of years ago. There are many kinds of friends. The garden pictured belongs to a new friend. She is gentle and often silent, but always listening, and full of creativity and surprises. She is a mother and a wife whose recent visit overseas to her mother inspired her to work in her garden.

Living where we do there is a lot of transience and people coming and going. Some people only want to connect with you if you are there to stay. We have no idea how long we will live in the tropics, so far from our old life and our families. But one thing I know for sure, if I can add to someone's life, even just for a day, or they can add to mine, even just for a day, then my heart is open to new friends.

September 15, 2009

corner view~september

I have joined Corner View, the project hosted by Jane that brings together bloggers from all over the world. We share our thoughts about a specific weekly theme. Today's theme is September.

In the rhythm of our life September is a time to feel reoriented back home after having been away for the entire summer. We have always left our tropical world in early June to travel to the U.S. mainland and see our families. We usually return sometime in August. So by September the kids are back at school and we are settling into a family routine - with regular meals, chores, homework, gardening, songwriting, story writing, new movies to watch, and, of course, down time.

We have been home for twenty four days. Today I finally took some time to take photos to show you our world in the autumn. I went to a sleepy, remote, beachfront town about ten minutes from our more suburban, developed area. The oceanfront stone church (sans cross) was founded in 1832. I appreciated being able to do this, it slowed me down and made me focus on a place special to me, close to where I live. I realized I haven't taken my children here in years. And I should again.

For more Corner Views:
jane, ladybug-zen, ian, bonnie, esti, sophie, cele, modsquad,caitlin, joyce, ani, kim, a day that is dessert, natsumi, epe, kaylovesvintage, trinsch, c.t., jeannette, outi, ritva, francesca, state of bliss, jennifer, dana, denise, cabrizette, bohemia girl, dianna, isabelle, amber, a girl in the yellow shoes, mister e, janis, kari, jgy, skymring, elizabeth, audrey, allison, lise, cate, victoria, crescent moon, erin, otli, ida, caroline, lisa, dorte, kimmie, la lune dans le ciel, nicola, malo, vanessa, britta, april, b, kyndale samantha, karen, kristina, dorit, goldensunfamily, sophie, janet, mcgillicutty, desiree, travelingmama, aimee, sunnymama, amanda, ali, jenell, britta, juanita, pamela, inna, daan, myrtille, cris, ibb, susi, jodi, lily, gillian, athena, pienduzz, latisha, clairette, kelleyn, iris, demara, mus, ninja, guusje, di, sammi, theresa, cherry b

September 13, 2009

help me be like daddy

Tonight I went out to get the laundry off the line. Shawn came to help me. "Look Mom, it's a wishing star!" he exclaimed, as he noticed the first star in the night sky.

"Make a wish!" I said, and he jumped into my arms, facing the star.

"Please wishing star, help me be a good kid. Help me be a good drummer when I grow up, and be a good drummer as a kid. And, please help me be like Daddy." I asked him how he wanted to be like Daddy.
He replied, "Being kind. Daddy has his own great personality! He's perfect, well not perfect, but..."

Then he walked to the trampoline and got sprayed by the sprinkler, and the moment was over.

September 5, 2009

back to gardening

I was quite thrilled to return home to a garden where many plants had grown so much! The tulsis have tripled in size, the papayas are enormous trees now and we will be enjoying their fruits in a month or so. I never cease to be amazed by the miracle of life and growth. A garden and children, they are the best reminders, don't you agree?

September 3, 2009

happy anniversary honey

There's a story behind this photo. It was taken on the night of our fourteen year wedding anniversary. Gary and I were headed out to a French restaurant in San Francisco that night, the babysitter had arrived, the kids were outside with her shooting baskets, we stood on the sidelines watching. All I wanted for our anniversary was a photo of us. But they kept turning out too stiff...and then we were postponing leaving and we had to catch a train, and I kept insisting on a photo. Then we laughed because we looked annoyed and stressed in the previous "happy anniversary" photos, and then we finally relaxed enough to get the perfect photo. Well perfect enough. To quote one of Gary's songs, "That's what they call a life."

You see I wanted to capture a photo that shows our love, our bond, our connection. After so many years there's been incredible joy and agonizing tears, there has been worries, big and small, and times of abundance and times of lack, and learning so many new things, reading Yogi Berra quotes and laughing so hard our stomachs hurt, the births of our children, and moving houses and packing boxes, and kids hating school and kids loving school and trying home school, our first Christmas and so many other holidays, visiting my grandpa in a nursing home with Gary and Grandpa not recognizing me, losing my grandmother who died at age 100, and who knew and loved my husband. We have had many friends, we have perfected a long menu of meals that we eat as a family. Gary has written books and songs, I have tried to write books, and made paintings, and gardens. Then we have admired each other's work. We have hosted concerts and parties, and made up scavenger hunts for our kids, we have had birthday celebrations and loved all of our nieces and nephews. We have enjoyed traveling with the kids but not enjoyed the long airplane rides, we have encouraged each other in all that we do.

After all of these years Gary is still my best friend, we laugh at the same things, we respect the same qualities in people, we have so much fun together, and we so enjoy our three children. It's easy in all consuming family life to take one's spouse for granted. I wanted that photo to remind me not to.

I love you G.

Here's to a great year. Fourteen is my lucky number.