Home schooling was and is working great for the girls, but our son was a bit lonely and I could tell he wanted to be in a classroom setting with more children nearer to his age. After some deliberation and phone calls, we were able to get him into the local public school with a wonderful, loving, highly experienced first grade teacher.
He has never been happier in school. I wondered how he would do in a large elementary school (700 kids) after being in a small, cozy Montessori preschool. I don't know what I was worried about. Of all of our kids, this one is by far the boldest one.
When I picked him up from his first day of school I walked into a scene where he had his teacher and a bunch of custodians laughing their heads off. Every day I hear about more friends he is making, more "dollars" he is earning for good behavior to spend at the school store, and he is very excited about learning. His reading has really taken off. I am so grateful that we have found a good place for him.