Our family life in the tropics. Lots of music, art, gardening, cooking, traveling, ponderings, and joy. Creating memories, traditions
and hopefully some humor. Trying to give back as well.

September 30, 2016

the spirit of home

So we are back home to a life that is very familiar and yet new and a bit different too. The biggest difference is there are two kids living with us instead of three. There are two new schools, one is a local university, as Annabel is now taking all college classes as a high school senior. And thus bus routes to learn. We are driving our small, easy to park, quiet, zippy electric cars which I love and really missed. Mine is turquoise blue. The kids have new friends and more independence since we last lived here. A new edible home garden project is about to happen. We visit the same beaches and shave ice stand. There are more photovoltaic systems popping up on roofs everywhere and some new buildings and stores on our tiny island. 

There is the same welcoming small town spirit. Peace and serenity abounds. It's nice here.

September 15, 2016

back home

Greeted by beautiful sunsets, bananas and a huge crop of tangerines, oh and of course my smiling family.

We are planning to add many more fruit trees and a veggie garden area in our back yard.

Lots of rain here lately, which is nice for us, hard for certain areas. But we escaped any hurricanes! Just some clouds and rain. Thank God for that.

Sky's doing well, living in California and taking college classes.

September 4, 2016

the main us

There is something that has happened as the years have passed.
The bond has strengthened.
The happy memories have increased.
We've grown as individuals and we've grown together as a couple.
We've supported each other's dreams. We've stood by our kids and we've loved each other.

It seems that one day I met Gary, we got married, and we became parents. Where have the years gone? Sometimes the days were long...but the years flew by. Seems like one day I woke up and I had a long committed marriage. With lots of traditions and joy and sure some strife, everyone has strife. But it's what you do with strife that determines the outcome. Strife itself is just par for the course. 

But yes, I am happy. Being with my best friend. Feeling like we are there for each other and we can count on each other. 

Is there anything better than that? To find a soulmate in a life? What a blessing. 

Love you so much babe.

September 3, 2016

california summer trip with miss sky

I don't know how Sky and I got so lucky but we were able to stay in a beautiful, magical place. After our time in New York with my parents we went to northern California and moved into a house with a bunch of monks. Me and Sky and the monastics.

During this time we went into San Francisco and also to Marin to see old friends. Sky got to see friends she has known since babyhood. Their mothers were my friends when we were all new mothers. What a special bond we all have.

We stayed some days in the beautiful house eating Indian food and resting and doing some volunteer work, and then I returned home while Sky remained on her own for a few weeks. Sky and the monastics. Sounds like a rock band name.

I returned to California to the same house and a few days later moved Sky into college. Then something interesting happened but that's for another post.