After visiting my buddy Janel I rented a car and drove to a suburb of Philadelphia. I cannot explain the joy I felt on this road trip, playing music, talking on the phone hands free, using modern technology to text people with voice activation. I was connected and yet free. Living on an island, one can only drive so far, so road trips are rare. It is so fun to get in a car and drive to a new state. Not to mention what happened afterwards. I arrived at my sister's house. She hadn't told any of her kids I was coming. So I got to surprise them, one by one. The looks on each of their faces was priceless. I had such a great time with them all. I had never visited them by myself, I was always Aunt Theresa, the mom, in the context of my family. This time I was just plain old aunt Theresa. I received a hero's welcome. It was like being a celebrity. Everyone wanted to sit near me, make me food, talk to me, hang out with me. I love all of my nieces and nephews. They are a precious piece of my siblings. I made a point to spend time with the kids. I slept in my teenage niece's bed, surrounded by her cute room, including my sister's and my childhood dollhouse. As a kid I spend many an hour making tiny things for that dollhouse!
We launched rockets with the boys at a big open field (heat wave didn't stop us), we had wonderful home cooked meals, (my sister makes three warm meals a day for her family, she is a rock star wife and mother), we walked through their small town, went through the kids' art portfolios (they are all very talented), went to church where my niece sang. I went to a book club with my sister and met her friends, had an intelligent discussion with lovely women. For my birthday my sister took me via train into the city and we got pedicure/foot massages, shopped at the original Anthropologie, and got lunch. This country girl got a nice taste of the city!
It was a great visit. There's more to that story later.