Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Choosing A Song For Your Funeral
There's some value in all of the songs that are mentioned, but I like Piper and Swain's answers the most. Swain mentioned my favorite song, "The Sands Of Time Are Sinking", which is derived from the writings of Samuel Rutherford. But the video Taylor linked has a different tune than the one I prefer and less than half the verses. I prefer the first tune here, and that site shows all nineteen verses. Some of my favorite ones aren't included in the video Taylor posted. But I think Piper's answer is the best so far. The best song for a funeral isn't necessarily your favorite song. You have to take contextual factors into account, like the nature of the situation and what you want the audience to go away with. Piper's song is a good choice because of the importance of its themes and how concise, clear, moving, and memorable it is.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
"When Amazon erased my book"
As many know, conservative Catholic political philosopher and ethicist Ryan Anderson (PhD, Notre Dame) had his book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment removed from Amazon mere days ago. This represents the latest battle in the culture wars. A battle which is all the more pressing in light of Biden's Equality Act. The left and its sympathizers will seek to cancel even the most reasonable, informed, and charitable voices if the voices dissent from leftist convictions or commitments. Anderson writes about all this and more in his First Things article "When Amazon erased my book". I don't agree with everything, but it's still worth a read.
For now, people can still purchase Anderson's book on Encounter Books (the book's publisher), Christian Book, Barnes and Noble, and other bookstores.
Update. From Ryan Anderson:
Update 2. From Abigail Shrier:
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
The Positive Attention The Great Christ Comet Is Getting
But I have some problems with Nicholl's argument. You can read my review of his book at Amazon here.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Evangelicalism and OEC
Thursday, April 03, 2014
Wednesday, January 01, 2014
Hear the word
Happy New Year, everyone!
A good way to kick off the year is to acquaint oneself with the Bible to acquaint oneself with its Author.
With this in mind, Christian Audio is offering the ESV on audio for free. Please see here.
Also, Justin Taylor has several Bible reading plans to help.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Prodigal Sam
"6 Ways to Love a Depressed Person" by Sammy Rhodes.
On a totally different note, Rhodes' "Tweeting Myself to Death: The Rise & Fall of @prodigalsam" is worth a read as well.
HT: Justin Taylor.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Monday, April 08, 2013
"Suicide, Mental Illness, Depression, and the Church"
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
"How Could God Command Genocide in the Old Testament?"
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Illustrating the Some Truths about the Trinity
"The illustration here is one attempt to capture in a diagram some of the truths related to the persons of the Godhead".
Read more about it here.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Problem with this stereotype is that it becomes a vicious cycle. It’s often the same type of circular proof that’s used in Freudian psychology. Freud says sons suffer from a repressed Oedipal complex. When normal men deny this, the Freudian says that just goes to show the denier is in denial. His very denial of a repressed Oedipal complex proves the he’s repressed his Oedipal complex.
Likewise, if a Calvinist attempts to rebut the “angry Calvinist” stereotype, then the very fact that he defended Calvinists against the sweeping charge is treated as damning evidence that he must be an angry Calvinist.
It’s also like the stereotype of an “angry white male.” If you’re a white male, and you reject the accusation, then the accuser takes your very rejection as incriminating evidence that you must be an angry white male.
The whole thing takes on a Kafkaesque quality–where the allegation becomes unfalsifiable.
Which is why it is possible that the problem afflicting the evangelicals at the Gospel Coalition is one of sentimentality. That is, they value feelings more than doctrine. This is what Ken Myers called orthopathy instead of orthodoxy. This does not mean that the folks at TGC ignore doctrine. Obviously, they promote it. But they never let it function in a way that might make leaders, readers, or bloggers uncomfortable — that is, doctrine will never be offensive, especially to the co-allies. But they seem to have no problem patrolling the Christian world for incorrect emotions.
JT, not really simplistic, binary, or boilerplate here since those who have a higher regard for the church than the parachurch know that discipline, even if angered, is beneficial. The church, not a coalition, is the biblical way. Why is it you guys never seem to concede that confessionalists are more biblical than evangelicals on this one?