Free E-Book: The Person of Christ According to the New Testament by B.B. Warfield

In this short e-book, the great B.B. Warfield's goal "to make as clear as possible the conception of the Person of Christ, in the technical sense of that term, which lies on—or, if we prefer to say so, beneath—the pages of the New Testament. Were it its purpose to trace out the process by which this great mystery has been revealed to men, a beginning would need to be taken from the intimations as to the nature of the person of the Messiah in Old Testament prophecy, and an attempt would require to be made to discriminate the exact contribution of each organ of revelation to our knowledge."

You can find it here.

This has also been added to our "Free Apologetics E-Book Library" here.

Happy Reading!

Courage and Godspeed,

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