Showing posts with label Islamophobia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamophobia. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Return of the Clock Boy

Remember our old friend Ahmed Mohamed?  No, not that Ahmed Mohamed, or the other Ahmed Mohamed, or that other Ahmed Mohamed, this Ahmed MohamedHe lost his defamation lawsuit failing to provide any evidence that any of the accused said anything false about him.  Senior counsel for the accused concluded by saying:

“This lawsuit filed by Clock Boy’s father is yet another example of Islamist lawfare, which is a component of the Muslim Brotherhood’s civilization jihad.”

"The Islamists employ the progressive mainstream media to label any public criticism of a sharia-centric, jihad-driven Islam as "Islamophobic," and they add fear and financial ruin to the equation by utilizing the legal system to file SLAPP actions."

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Return of Ahmed the Clock Boy

He's back! Our old friend the "inventor" who took the guts out of a clock and put it in a case to look like a bomb (his "invention"), now seeking to earn 15 million (or thereabouts) the old fashioned way--by inventing a lawsuit.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

More on the Clock Boy

Just as I suspected:

Detention wasn’t the worst of it. While his discipline record is confidential and his father didn’t want to discuss it, the file was thick by some accounts.

“I told you one day I’m going to be — and you told me yourself — I’m going to be really big on the Internet one day,” Ahmed said.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Ahmed the "Clock Inventor" is Back!

Surprise, surprise.  The teenager (who I wrote about here)--the one whose father was a politician--is now seeking 15 MILLION dollars in damages.

Please, PLEASE, someone arrest ME!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Quran and the Seige of Paris

David Wood asks which of the following better explain what went down in Paris:

1. Climate Change (Bernie)
2. Income Inequality
3. Islamophobia
4. Joblessness
5. Starbucks Coffee Cups
6. Muhammad's Repeated Commands to Wage Terrorist Attacks

Give it a listen.  It's only 8 minutes.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Ahmed Mohamed: Explosion of Racism/Islamophobia Accusations

By now you've heard the story of the teen who made a clock, was arrested, and then suspended from school.  The pop culture narrative is the following: Totally innocent boy genius inventor was targeted for his race and religion (Islam) by bigoted teachers, administrators, and police.  That narrative is possibly true.  Maybe that's right.  But I don't think there is good evidence to believe it.  In fact, I think another narrative is at least as likely to be true.  That narrative is that Ahmed has a history of getting into trouble at school (his father denies this but so do millions of parents who, in spite of all evidence to the contrary believe their children are angels), he thinks he's more clever than his teachers, and perhaps he even pulled a grand political stunt (just like "Deez Nuts" who is his age).

I present the case for the alternative narrative (which I am not claiming is true, but might be true--plausible for all we know at this point.  In fact, because of what he says in the video he made, I think the alternative narrative--or something like it--is actually more likely than the completely innocent, angel narrative).