First, Josh McElveen posed this question to Rick Santorum:
From MercatorNet: “Your position on same-sex adoption, obviously, you are in favor of traditional families, but are you going to tell someone they belong in — as a ward of the state or in foster care, rather than have two parents who want them?”
Mr Santorum answered, “My — my feeling is that this is an issue that should be — I believe the issue of marriage itself is a federal issue, that we can’t have different laws with respect to marriage. We have to have one law. Marriage is, as Newt said, a foundation institution of our country, and we have to have a singular law with respect to that. We can’t have somebody married in one state and not married in another.”
“Once we — if we were successful in establishing that, then this issue becomes moot…
Newt Gingrich went on the attack charging media bias again, along with outlining an example of the MSM's bias - anti-Christian bias. He is right to point this out. There is bookoo media bias in the MSM. Newt went onto answer the question differently.
“I just want to raise — since we’ve spent this much time on these issues — I just want to raise a point about the news media bias. You don’t hear the opposite question asked. Should the Catholic Church be forced to close its adoption services in Massachusetts because it won’t accept gay couples, which is exactly what the state has done? Should the Catholic Church be driven out of providing charitable services in the District of Columbia because it won’t give in to secular bigotry?”
He went further:
“Should the Catholic Church find itself discriminated against by the Obama administration on key delivery of services because of the bias and the bigotry of the administration?
“The bigotry question goes both ways. And there’s a lot more anti-Christian bigotry today than there is concerning the other side. And none of it gets covered by the news media.”
"Mitt Romney noted that Massachusetts Catholic Charities was out of the adoption business because of the Church’s fundamental beliefs."
This anti-Christian bigotry which leads to religious persecution needs to be stopped. This is the antithesis of what America is all about, and runs contrary to our constitutional principles and rights. So much for tolerance.... or respect for people who hold different beliefs.