![Photo: Calling all Tupperfans!
Here's our 1st contest for 2013. Do take part in our Rice for Life contest and win yourselves fabulous Tupperware products.
Easy, just take a creative picture with your Tupperware Rice Dispenser and email the photo together with a caption on why you love RICE to Rice4life@tupperware.com. Remember to include your NAME, ADD and TEL.
Submission of photo and caption: 18 - 31 Jan 2013.
Photos will be uploaded on 1 Feb 2013, so get your friends to Vote!
Winners will be announced after 17 Feb 2013.
So get snapping now!](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/https/fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/408652_10151203313196951_1602227684_n.jpg)
Pada semua peminat Tupperware
Jom join contest.
1st contest untuk tahun 2013.
Hanya mengambil bahagian dalam contest "Rice for Life"
pastinya anda akan melayakkan diri untuk memenangi produk Tupperware.
Ambil gambar yang kreatif dengan Rice Dispenser anda bagitahu kepada anda sukakan RICE (beras) dan email kan kepada Rice4life@tupperware.com dan
Remember to include your NAME, ADD and TEL.
Submission of photo and caption: 18 - 31 Jan 2013.
Photos will be uploaded on 1 Feb 2013, so get your friends to Vote!
Winners will be announced after 17 Feb 2013.
So get snapping now!
Remember to include your NAME, ADD and TEL.
Submission of photo and caption: 18 - 31 Jan 2013.
Photos will be uploaded on 1 Feb 2013, so get your friends to Vote!
Winners will be announced after 17 Feb 2013.
So get snapping now!