Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Back to God's Country

On 03.28.2014, all the packing was done, carpets were cleaned, the house keys were turned in, we were on our way back to God's Country (aka South Carolina aka the South).  Mike had already been gone and moved for 4 weeks at this point, thank goodness my mom was able to fly up, help us pack up and clean the house for its new owners, and help me drive my 3 kiddos and the dog back home to South Carolina.  Notice that I said DOG (single), yep, thats right, thanks to some wonderful people in our ward, the Siglins, they took our "devil dog" Bam in.  Bam was way too much trouble for me.  Between the chewing, the barking, the biting, the pooping in the house, the chewing up of my $200 LL Bean coat, he bursted my bubble and I was ready to leave him out on the street to freeze in the snow....so thanks to this wonderful family who fell in love with Bam (not really sure why, but I didnt want to ask), we left Bam in New York where he belongs.

ANYWAYS, we left New York.  This move was bittersweet for me.  We LOVED living in New York.  We fell in love with the people, we fell in love with the area, the schools, our neighbors, our house, and our son, Rhett was born here.  Rochester will always have a special place in our hearts.  What I wont miss is the cold, snow, taxes, and government--sorry New York, you can keep those things.  But thank you New York, for wonderful memories and a good life.  As excited as we were to move back home to South Carolina, we have surely missed living in upstate New York.

Addison's best friend Arthi...she lived right next door to us and we were so sad to move away from her. 

 Picture of our house with the "Sold" sign on it  (sad sad day)
We officially closed on 03.31.2014

Just to give you an idea...we went from THIS (New York in March)...............

to THIS (Carolina) is just a matter of a few days.

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