Showing posts with label homebirth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homebirth. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Long-Awaited Birth of Baby W

I was beginning to wonder if this moment would ever come. I was 17 days over due... the longest I'd ever gone past my due date. I tried every old wives tale in the book... walking endlessly, climbing stairs, getting down on all fours and rocking, taking various herbs and castor oil. Even having my membranes swept. And re-swept. Thunderstorms and full moons came and went, and STILL no signs of real labor. So I gave up. I decided that our sweet growing baby would come when he was ready, and not a moment before.

Finally, after having pre-labor/false-labor symptoms for 3 weeks, my water spontaneously broke Sunday, December 9th around 6am. This was a first for me- my water has never broke on it's own before. We spent the whole day Sunday doing normal things, even going to the grocery store and doing chores- a typical day. My contractions were consistently 8-10 minutes apart all day, but never got uncomfortable. My midwife was kept abreast of the proceedings, and I told my best friend, but I didn't want to tell anyone else because I honestly thought I would be in labor for a very long time, and I didn't want any of my family to worry.
That night, we went to bed, knowing that at any moment "hard" labor would arrive.
At 1am Monday, December 10th, I awoke because the contractions seemed a little "tighter," and I began to time them. They had gotten closer together, and were about 6-8 minutes apart. I sent a text to my midwife to let her know, but told her that they still were not painful.
So back to bed I went.
At 2 am I woke up to some pretty uncomfortable contractions- the hardest I had had up to that point. Again, timing them, they were still apart 6 minutes apart. Knowing how different these contractions were feeling, my midwife said she'd gather her things and would head over- but being that we live an hour away from her, she wouldn't arrive until 3:30am.
One of the midwife apprentices' arrived first, as she lived the closest. She offered to check me, but I declined, as I assumed I was still very much in the beginning of labor.
My midwife and another apprentice arrived at 3:30am and almost immediately my contractions got painful. I was checked and shocked at finding that I was already dilated to 8cm! The next hour and half were the hardest, with me having to utilize relaxation and breathing techniques to get through the contractions. They were so close together and very intense. I spent most of this time sitting on the edge of my little couch in the bedroom, rocking back and forth with my eyes closed, and concentrating on just RELAXING.
Handy Husband was so helpful and supportive this whole time. He kept asking what he should do, but honestly, I didn't need him to do anything but be there with me.
I'm not sure exactly what time I started getting the urge to push, but I tried pushing on the bed for a little while, but we felt that I was not getting anywhere in that position. So my midwife had me try out the birthing stool and that was so much better. I could instantly feel that my hard work was making some progress as my little one moved down. We knew this baby would be big, and the birthing stool helped to open up my hips better and I was much more able to really utilize all my pushing power in that position. From here, I believe I only pushed for about 20 minutes when his head was born.
At this point though, my midwife had one of the apprentices help hold my right leg out and up a bit to open my pelvis up even further to get the baby's chest delivered. This was no petite baby. After one more push, his body gently eased it's way completely out.

Though I was relieved to have it over, a moment of panic and confusion set in when our baby boy did not immediately respond to the midwives' rubbing and stimulation. All I remember was them telling me, "Talk to your baby." So I did. I said hello. And I caressed his cheek. And then he woke up and it was one of the most wonderful moments of my life.

I held my sweet baby boy to my chest as the midwives and my dear handy husband helped me back to the bed. There we spent some time bonding and he instantly latched on for his first meal.

What only seemed like a few minutes later, the placenta, my baby's home for nearly 10 months, was delivered. Now, I don't know much about placentas, but according to the midwives, mine was simply amazing. Very robust and beautiful.

After our mother & baby herb bath, we got all cleaned up and our little one was weighed and measured. It wasn't long after that, that our older two boys woke up and came in to meet their little brother. After that, we sent them upstairs to wake up the girls. We could hear the stampede coming down the stairs as all four kids came running down to see Baby W. They all loved him, just as I knew they would.
Baby W, weighing 11 pounds, 7 ounces, and measuring 22 inches long, was born at 5:22am December 10th, 2012. He is one hefty little boy- with his chest measuring an inch bigger than his head! 
Now for the pictures:
Taking our herb bath.

Daddy holding his first-born for the first time.

Getting checked out and dressed by our midwife.

Me and my little guy. Love!


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Loooong Overdue

16 days overdue. Feeling good. Just waiting. And waiting.
And waiting....

Monday, November 26, 2012

Overdue and Anxious

I'm not sure who's more anxious- me, or every other person who knows I'm pregnant. Answering all the texts and calls asking if we've had the baby yet are getting old. We are not going to keep the birth a secret, afterall! Haha!
I've decided that he will come when he's ready and there is just no way to get around that fact. We are all excited about his upcoming arrival, and I'm sure we won't be waiting too much longer.
Here's my most recent belly-shot, and probably the last one I'll be doing (unless of course, there are pictures taken while I'm in labor).

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Any Day Now...

With my due date being a mere two days away, we've been busy making sure we have everything ready for Baby W's arrival. I have had increasingly more uncomfortable Braxton Hicks contractions the past few days and I'm hoping that they are at least helping my body prepare for the birth.

This will by my third homebirth, and I am really hoping that once real labor begins, it will go fast and smooth. My previous births were all uncomplicated and easy, and my only complaint was that they were all long-ish labors- with the last one being a whopping 34 hours of "real" labor, with about 4 days of pre-labor symptoms ahead of that.  
We've got all sorts of fun things organized and ready-to-go for when the time comes. I can't wait!