Showing posts with label Boutique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boutique. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


When you get to a, ahem, certain age, you sort of figure that you will no longer let nerves get the best of you.  I'm here to tell you that's a pile of bunk.  I haven't been truly nervous in a long, long time.  Giddy and excited yes, but with nerves attached, nope.  Until this week...NJ  Co. is opening, actually it is open now with a grand opening set for next Weds.  My little booth inside has had me tossing and turning, and sweating, and giggling nervously.  It's all set up, though I suspect I'll be in there fiddling with it constantly.  Would you like a peek?  Hope so, cuz here it is...
I've learned a lot.  How many pieces of furniture I can fit in an 8x8 space, how I need to spend some time working on more "Little's", what it takes to truly style a space without overwhelming the furniture.  It's a work in progress, as am I!  Hey look how that works out for me!
This coffee table is finally shown in all her glory and looks so cute I kinda want to take her home.  Just shows that I really need to focus on taking better "styled" photos at home when I finish some pieces.  Of course, then they might not leave me. (grin)

See the cute little chair in the background there?  I just finished that last week, and I didn't even blog about it.  Shame on me!  It turned out really cute, but I've been too busy worrying about whether anyone will like my work to actually get it up on the blog.  Have you missed me a bit??  I'll try to do better!

Now I think you might like some teaser pictures of the rest of the store.  I assure you, they have a great selection of some really, truly cool pieces.  I've been drooling and plotting which piece to purchase first for my home!

See some things you might like?  Well, here's some more.
And how about this?
So, furniture, accessories, pillows, artwork, candles, soaps, teas, belts, purses, jewelry, clocks, lamps, chandeliers, boutique clothing, function and form, and downright beauty.  They are open for business so run by and say hi and see what you find.  I apologize, but the photos I took of the clothing booths did not turn out great so I was not able to add them here, but trust me when I say "hot, new, trends"!

Have a great week...I need to go shake in a dark corner for a bit!