Showing posts with label Arthur's Seat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arthur's Seat. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 July 2022


 I'm back!

In case you were missing me... life just takes over sometimes doesn't it.

We had a wonderful week in Scotland and unfortunately I came home with Covid, testing positive on the day I got back. So - even though I didn't feel too poorly with it, it seems to have taken my "bounce" away! I have struggled to find the energy needed to do all that I love doing.

This week I am feeling a bit better but seem shattered by the end of the day - I hope it goes away sometime soon.

I have managed some picture mounting and brooch finishing off for Tilly Tea Dance.

I love doing these tasks for Max but must admit it took a lot longer than usual!

Her bestie asked if I would make bunting for her little girl's party table so I have enjoyed a bit of fabric craft this week - well it took me all morning really.

So that's about it.

I did manage to climb "Arthur's Seat" on our last day in Edinburgh. The views were amazing.

I hope you are all well and have enjoyed our wonderful (if a bit hot) summer weather.

xx Jo