Showing posts with label CHICS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CHICS. Show all posts

Wednesday, 30 October 2013


Good morning to all who drop in here each week.
It's nice to know folk out there find my crafty table interesting!
Join in the WOYWW fun over at Julia's Stamping Ground - there are lots more crafty folk over there who are willing to share their creative desks with everyone.

My table is much tidier this week as I had a big clean up last week and totally re-organised all my fabric stash. I think I know where everything is but only time will tell!
This week I have put ready some Christmassy fabric which I will be using to make some scrapbox dolls. I made a basket full last year and they have nearly all gone now. I cut out and do all the machine sewing first and then sit in the evening stitching on hair and faces etc. I have 2 cardis and a hoodie to finish first but I like to have plenty at the ready.

Here are the little beads bags that I made for Jo's scheme at CHICS. The children keep their Bravery Beads in them as they progress through their treatment for cancer.

Well that is certainly a short post.
If you want a giggle then scroll down to my Friday smile.
Thanks for calling in.
Have a good week.
x Jo

Wednesday, 13 March 2013


Just a little bit more quilty fabric on my table today.
Annie found the mousey bits and bobs and now I just have to find a few more pieces to combine with them.
The pile on the right hand side will probably make a nice girly quilt.

Jo has blogged about them on her LillyBo Quilt blog.
It's wonderful to hear how they have been given to the poorly little ones at hospital in Liverpool by the CHICS group.

My latest finished quilt is below - I found the bright butterfly fabric and thought it would be perfect for a really cheery quilt and bag.
Of course I had to make a little fabric butterfly to pop in the pocket.

I hope you are all keeping cosy in this wild wintery weather.
I love the bright sunny days that go with the flurries of snow but that North wind is pretty chilly!!

Have a great week and thanks for popping in to see what I have been up to.
I will be round to visit as many desks as possible later.
Come over to Julia's Stamping Ground and join in!

x Jo