Showing posts with label hoodie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hoodie. Show all posts

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

WOYWW - lots to snoop!

Good morning all.
I snapped my table laden with goodies yesterday when the sunshine was beaming through my window. It was a very frosty foggy morning but the afternoon was just the most perfect day.
Lots for all my WOYWW friends and others to snoop today....
My latest LillyBo Quilt is finished and so is the little tote bag for it to go in.
One of Annie's kind customers saw what we were doing and gave us this gorgeous little beanie kitten to pop in the pocket. There are some lovely folk about aren't there.
In the centre you can see the latest little knitted hoodie that I have just finished for my neighbour's new grandson. I bought a snazzy pair of jeans to go with it for him. Babies don't seem to wear pastels much these days do they?
In the front of the picture is the satin wedding horseshoe made for one of our blog buddies.
So, as you see, I have had a busy week. Thank goodness that cold has gone and I have bounced back to full strength!!!
I hope you are all well and enjoying life.
I am determined to get around a few more WOYWW desks today so I am nipping over nice and early to Julia's Stamping Ground to see what she is up to first.
have a good week.
x Jo
This was my view one misty moisty morning this week.....

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

WOYWW for 2012

Good morning all and a very Happy New Year to you!
So that was Christmas then - didn't it just fly by.

We had a quiet time - unlike Wipso, who didn't know where she would be from one day to the next - bless her. Of course Santa came and left me lots of lovely parcels. He seems to know me well and always leaves really useful crafty items!

On my desk are the fab boxes he left - just perfect to fill with beads and buttons, so I have done just that.
He also left a beautiful crafty book with some great ideas for things to make.
Thanks to all who organised Santa so brilliantly - you know who you are!!!

The bright pink knitting will be a little hoodie for twinnie L - its so warm and cosy - I think she will love it.

Here's hoping you all have a wonderful, crafty and creative 2012 - looking forward to seeing what you all get up to.

Now over to Julia's Stamping Ground to join in the blog hop.

Thanks for calling. x Jo

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

WOYWW after a few crafty activities

Good morning all - I hope you are all feeling fine on this wonderful Wednesday!
Lots to look at on my table today....
On the right is the gorgeous pure wool sweater which I bought from our local car boot and  felted in the washing machine. Below it you can see some little brooches which I am making from small squares cut from the sweater. Also I have made a little purse for my camera.

In the middle is the pale turquoise hoodie that I have been knitting for P. I just have the zip to put in and then I am going to embroider some cream daisies down the front.
I also decided to knit another shrug using Sirdar Crofter - I love the colours.
The little lilac brooch was made using woollen fabric and yarns with a beaded centre.

And finally.... this is the little bag made from the lower part of the re-cycled sweater. I love the colours and patterns and think it looks great with the little wooden handles. It will probably go in the blog shop with my other bags.
So, another busy week and I have even managed a shopping trip with daughter M. and a fun day Monday with Wipso!

Hope you have enjoyed your weekly snoop.
If you want to see more WOYWW exposed then hop over to Julia's blog and join in the fun!

PS for a close up of my sock dolls on the window sill, check out the post below!

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Before and after - WOYWW

First pic - my desk with work in progress.
On the left is the little hoodie that I have nearly finished for P. It just needs 6 buttons, which I hope to get in town today.

On the right under the machine is the roman blind that I am making for M's next door neighbour. I think I have served my apprenticeship in roman blind making now - 24 at the last count!!!! This one will soon be finished and off to Shrewsbury for fitting in S's study.

Oh and the finished journal on the window sill which I attempted to put in our blog shop - think Wipso will have to pop over and tidy the shelves as I am not so clever at arranging the gifts so neatly!!

Then I remembered that someone said they wanted to see the fabric stash. I have only scattered a few of the "cool colour" box that M keeps so neatly. On the left some gorgeous bits of sari silk, voile, chiffon, lurex, tie dye and lots more. Just small pieces that will be made into tiny collages or "dumfed" onto cards.

Now I have to fold them all carefully and replace them in the box!!

Also next to the hoodie you can see the items I bought from our local pound shop.
A cute little felt basket which will be perfect to hold the little egg cosy I crocheted for P. - and a choc. egg of course.
10 Easter cards and envelopes - (I know you wonderful card makers will be horrified but I loved the pics and thought I would find a use for them somewhere!)
A page of Easter stickers - my infants teaching niece might be interested in these.
I also bought a pack of self adhesive photo paper and a pack of 6 padded posting bags -6" square. All items a pound each so I think I did well. What do you think?

I am posting this early so that I can get off to town for buttons and a wedding album for M's gorgeous dumfed cover. I might just nip over to Julia's blog first and see what everyone else has on their desk today.
Thanks for popping in - Have a great day!