Showing posts with label hoodies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hoodies. Show all posts

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

WOYWW - knitting marathon!

Good morning to all WOYWW buddies. I hope you are all well and getting all your jobs done ready for Christmas.
This week I have been knitting again.
I promised my great nieces some knitted dollies' clothes so delved into my massive wool bag for bits and bobs that would look good on the modern dolly!
This is the result....

 A hoodie and a little cardi for each of the three dollies.

My sewing room looks like this at the moment...

Still in need of more organisation but at least it has a useful space for a bit of communal sewing. Maxine came round this week and we had an entire hour together sewing whilst Ben had his afternoon nap. Bliss!

This is what I made for him to hang on my tree...

Well that's it for this week. I have a bit of Christmas baking to do today.
Have a great week.

x Jo

Friday, 18 October 2013

Finished by Friday and a smile

Another Friday rolls around and here we are again with a few things to share with you all.
Firstly, one of Maxine's little needle felted and embroidered pictures.
It's a tiny dumfling mounted on linen in a small re-cycled frame. The photo doesn't really do it justice as it was a bit gloomy when I took the picture on the patio table today. I really love the colours and textures she has used. I now need to find or buy frames for the other dozen or so that she has created. Any ideas on inexpensive framing?
I have lost count of how many little hoodies I have made over the last 5 years. They are just an easy little knitting project that I can do whilst watching tv so I am happy to keep busy with them. This one is for my neighbours little grandson.

 And here is my Friday smile.....

Every cloud has a silver lining. We had wild winds and torrential rain yesterday. It completely flattened these gorgeous little blooms so I decided just to cut them all and bring them indoors. What a beautiful cheery colour they are! (Some kind of Schizostylis - common name Kaffir Lily, I think).

Follow my link here to Annie's blog for more Friday smiles.

Have a great weekend.

x Jo

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

WOYWW - the wonders of nature

Firstly ....
Isn't nature wonderful?
And doesn't she always have little surprises for us now and then.......

My tomatoes are very slow to ripen so we have picked a tress and brought it indoors hoping to speed up the process.
The variety is Gardener's Delight - I can't think why!!!!

OK now back to the serious stuff - here's my table this week for all you WOYWWers who like to pop in to see what I have been up to.
As you will see - it's my usual approach - cover all the cr..   er   rubbish, with things I have been making.

  • Two gorgeous little waistcoats for a friend of a friend's grandsons. I have made 7 altogether now so I think I have earned the "waistcoat makers" badge, don't you??
  • My little dragonfly picture that is now in our blog shop. Annie and I have had fun dumfing these.
  • Below is the little hoodie that I finished for Sam. I have also knitted a bolero for Lexi and a shrug for Lou. There is another shrug on the go and I have an order for another bolero so - never a dull moment here!

Well that's me for this week.
Thanks to all who popped over to see me last week - what a cheery, friendly bunch you are.
See you soon.
x Jo

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

WOYWW - new supplies

 Happy Wednesday to all our brilliant blogging friends who choose to drop in each week to see what we are up to. 
I must apologise for the fact that I missed a few of my favourite desk visits last week. My laptop is on a go slow - don't know why - think I need my clever nephew to give it a going over!! 
Also I must admit, I did get very taken up with all the Paralympic coverage. I loved every minute and was so full of admiration for all concerned. Congrats to everyone - it was a brilliant event.

Now - my table today has 3 new items that I have never used before - it's a "learn something new" week for me!! Modge Podge and freezer paper - lots of folk use these so I thought I might give them a try in some crafty activity or other. Also, there is a pack of Transfer Artist Paper - I saw the lovely Karen had been using it and The Craft Barn had lots of suggestions and posts about it last week. It fascinated me so I am going to try it.

In the front are little notecards from Vistaprint with my pretty felted dragonfly picture on them. It was free offer for 10 plus envelopes - bargain!!
On the left is a tiny felted canvas that I started but never got going with on fun day Monday.
Annie and I will pop each little canvas in the blog shop once they are finished.

This was my felting fun work table, in the sunshine, at the end of last week.
Today it's bright but there is a cold north wind, so I am indoors parcelling up my latest pic.
This was the first stage - just wet felted with some needle-felted yarns, lace and wool rovings.
I will blog the finished one when it's new owner has seen it.
 And lastly my latest hoodies - don't they look cosy?
OK folks - thanks for popping in - I promise I will try to get round a few more desks this week.

Have fun
x Jo

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

WOYWW - vintage lovelies!

Good morning all!
My table today is full of vintage loveliness.
I found these tray cloths and crochet mats at the local car boot. They are so fresh and pretty.
I was going to chop them up for my crafty activities but I might keep one or two as they are in excellent condition.

This week I made some tiny silver/white hearts for daughter M. She wants to decorate her hallway with them.

My other bit of craftiness produced this cute little hoodie for baby S.
They will be well dressed babes won't they?!

Short and sweet this week.

If you are looking for little Christmas gifts you might like to check out our blog shop...
Sisters Crafty Creations - we have lots of pretty stocking fillers and special gifts which are waiting to be posted out at short notice!

Have a great day everyone and if you want to join in our mad WOYWW bloghop, then follow me to Julia's Stamping Ground and see what all the other crafty folk have been up to.

Have a great week.
x Jo

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Happy Wednesday everyone.
Thanks lots to all who left lovely birthday messages last week.
I had a great day and fab evening with friends and family too.
I thought you would like to enjoy some of my birthday flowers.

Life is a bit quieter this week - if only because I pulled something in my back on Monday and have needed to take the last couple of days at a slower speed than I am used too. Its much better today, so I am just treating it with care!! (No weight lifting or marathon running for me this week then - lol)

My table has a few brooches left over from our craft fair (see post below) plus 2 gorgeous jars of buttons that I bought on Saturday.
My favourite magazines are alongside some knitted cords which I am using to make little bracelets with.
Thanks Suz for the link to the "you tube" video showing me an easy way to make them.
(I had struggled for hours with fancy wools and a "knitting Nancy doll" and failed.)

And below are my latest knits for P and L. A pretty bright pink hoodie each and one of their favourite little shrugs for them both.

And my latest little dress for the "Dress a girl around the world scheme"

We sent a parcel of 64 to Louise - she put them on her blog Sew Scrumptious if you want a good look.

Well thats it for today - thanks for calling - I must link up with you all over at Julia's Stamping Ground now - I am a bit late today!!

Update - click here for news of the new addition to Wipso's family - he is gorgeous!!!!!

Friday, 9 September 2011

Little knitties!

Just before I send these little knitties off to the expectant mums, I thought I would post a picture.
(It helps me remember what I have made - size/colours etc.)

Don't they look lovely all together. I can't wait to see the little babes wearing them. Fingers crossed, it won't be long now. Just a few more weeks and Wipso will have 3 more gorgeous little grand children. The tiny cardies for the twins looks so small don't they. I love the little shrugs and so do the girls. 

This week I have been knitting for Annie's  2 oldest grand children P & L -
I have just had to make 2 bright red shrugs for them to wear to a wedding. 
And now I  am making their fab bright pink hoodies which I will blog when they are finished.

Right - that's it for now - I am off to bake my bread buns - nearly a disaster there as I used plain flour instead of strong white flour. Luckily they were only half white and half brown flour so, with a little bit of tweaking, I think they will be fine.
Have a great weekend all!!