46. Shooter Hunt
Starting Pitcher
Throws: Left
Age: 23
ETA: 2012
Potential: Ace
2010 outlook: Who knows?
Here is a name that should be much higher. Shooter Hunt has more potential than almost any Twins minor league pitcher. The Twins drafted him last year in the 1st round. He was nasty in his debut in the rookie league, he had a 0.47 ERA and struck out 34 in 19 innings. In low A ball he struck out 34 in 41 innings, but walked 27.
People tried to look past his lack of control, but it caught up to him this year. He walked 58 batters in 33 innings. That is just ridiculous. The Twins sent him home because they didn’t know what to do with him. Hopefully he can overcome his control issues because he has the potential to be a front of the line starter for the Twins. His season in 2009 was so atrocious it seems crazy to stick him on any prospect list, but his potential is too great to ignore.