Showing posts with label Home Remedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Remedy. Show all posts

Friday, March 4, 2022


So we had had these weeds/flowers/vines growing all over everything last Fall.  You all probably remember a post about that.  We don't like to use poisons and/or other chemicals if we don't have to (wasp spray being an exception to that rule, ha) so that leads us to looking for some sort of homemade remedy.

We did this last November and I took pictures but forgot to post it.  So here is the end result.

Several of you mentioned vinegar in the comments for that post and so we used that as a starting point for researching ideas.  We found a recipe that is vinegar, salt, water and dishwashing liquid.

The large batch recipe is:

1 gallon (4 quarts) White Vinegar

1 Cup Salt

1 Tbsp Liquid Dish Soap

This first time though, we were making a smaller batch to test it out so we cut everything in half:

2 quarts, 1/2 cup, 1/2 Tbsp.

Put the vinegar and salt into a bottle and shake it up to dissolve the salt.  Then add the dish soap and swish it around.  The dish soap helps it cling to leaves.

I put it into a spray bottle.  I sprayed it pretty heavily (I wasn't sure how much to use) and did it when we first got to the farm and then once again when we left, just to be sure I was getting good coverage, ha.

Then we just had to wait...

Here it is before...

...and here it was a couple weeks later.  DEAD!  You can also see the flower bed below that, I sprayed it because it was becoming a weedbed and not a flowerbed.

Here is the garden cart that was covered up with the vines before...

...and here is is after.  Dead.  

We would give this homemade weed killer two thumbs up (SO FAR)!  It has worked great though we've only really used it on this type of vine.  Also a possibly important side note; we used "cleaning vinegar".  It's sometimes harder to find cleaning vinegar but this type of vinegar has a 6% acidity instead of 5%.  We read that even though this sounds like there is not much difference, it's actually 20% stronger.  That could be why our blend was so effective.  Whatever the reason, it worked like a charm and we don't have to worry about spraying our yard with something toxic.

We'll see how well it works moving forward with other uses around the yard and garden this Spring and Summer so fingers crossed.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


2nd Man was perusing TikTok and found a "recipe" if you want to call it that, for a fire ant killer.  We often get fire ants in the raised beds and of course we can't use a toxic chemical in there.  We get them in both the veggie beds and the fruit tree beds.


Homemade fire ant killer

This was a combination of diatomaceous earth and sugar.  The DE is what kills them, the sugar is what attracts them and makes them take it down into the nest (and hopefully the queen).

Diatomaceous earth and sugar

There were no amounts given so we thought a ratio of 2:1 sounded good.  Two cups diatomaceous earth and one cup sugar.  We just put it in a ziplock baggie...

Fire ant killer

...and shook it up.  Oh and labeled it, ha.

Fire ant mound in raised bed

It might be hard to see it but this is the corner of a raised bed and there is a fire ant nest there.  That's why I can't pull grass or even use the weedeater.  If you've ever been bitten by a fire ant, you'd understand why you don't want to be anywhere near these things.

Killing the fire ant mound

I sprinkled it on, they came out with a vengeance to see what was going on and then I left it alone.


LOOK!  They are gone!!!  Dead and gone!

Dead fire ants

I pulled up the clump of grass and there were no live ants.  I looked down deep and there were none in hiding.  I had put on quite a bit and I stirred them up a bit so they'd go ahead and get into it.  Not sure of the amount you're supposed to use but this stuff worked great!  It eliminated the fire ants.

Once we run out of the batch I made, I'll make some more and put it in a mason jar.  We have plenty of those, ha!  Then we'll make sure it is on the shelf with the other garden supplies.

We love a home remedy that works!

Monday, January 28, 2013


The other day, I posted about HERE about our amazing results with coughing and the Vicks Vaporub cure.  Many of you suggested other uses so I decided to see what was out there.   

So, I've been scouring the Internet and have found all sorts of interesting uses.  I can't reference one specific website that I found all of these on because I gathered them from a variety of places.  I did the hard work for you and pulled them together from posts and even comments on other websites.

So, in no particular order, here are some of the many uses I found for Vicks
(most as yet untested by me):

Rub a dab on your temples or forehead.

Splinter, paper cut or small cut, scrape?
Clean the wound and rub some on to prevent infection and speed up the healing process.  Small cuts/scratches only.

Want to keep a dog or cat away from a certain area?
Place an opened jar in the area you don't want the pet to be in and they should stay away as they don't like the smell.

Rub some on the potential bruising area to prevent it from turning purple and black and blue.  It will help break down the blood that causes the bruise.

Nail fungus?
Rub some on the nail and the nail bed, several times a day, fungus should turn dark and as nail grows, you can eventually cut off dark area.  This technique supposedly works very well but it does take a while as nails grow so slowly.
Don't give up right away.

Bug repellent?
Rub some on the back of your neck, behind your ears, the backs of your knees and elbows.  These are pulse points that will release the aroma continually and can repel mosquitoes.  An open jar on an outside table can drive them away as well.  Not sure about your dinner companions though, ha.

Bug bites and stings?
It helps to relieve the itching and pain of stings and mosquito bites.

Cover the tick with Vicks and it should work it's way back out.

Stretch marks?
Rubbing them with Vicks is supposed to help fade them.  I'm guessing this is another long term use.

Cracked heels and rough feet or elbows?
This one I can attest to, even if you don't need it for coughing, rubbing some on your heels and feet and putting on socks before bed for several nights can leave you with smooth feet.  Dry elbow patches can also be treated this way (minus the socks of course, hat tip to Granny for pointing that out, LOL!)

Chapped lips?
Obviously, a bit rubbed on your lips is supposed to help them heal faster.

Cold sores/Fever blisters?
Again, a dab rubbed on them will dry them and heal them faster.

Athletes foot?
Goes back to putting it on the feet and wearing socks before bed.

A dab several times a day is said to clear them up.

Poison Ivy?
Rubbing some on the irritation is supposed to relieve itching and speed up the healing process.

Leg cramps/Sore muscles?
Massage into muscle and cover with warm cloth up to three times per day.

As always, there is nothing on here that is scientifically proven, and Vicks is never intended for internal use or use on 'sensitive areas'.  I left off a couple of remedies that dealt with that, I'm not EVEN going to go there.
Otherwise, I think a jar (or two or three) is an essential in any farmhouse medicine cabinet.  Never hurts to be prepared!

Monday, January 21, 2013


Well, I just had to post about a 'home remedy' that has worked wonders for us.

2nd Man and I caught a cold a few weeks ago.  We always try to start taking Vitamin C and Zinc at the first sign and we did.  But then we stopped when it felt like it was gone but alas, it wasn't completely gone.  It came back in the form of a lingering cough.  You know, that cough that is worse when you lay down and keeps you up all night?  You have coughing fits so bad that they give you a headache or hurt your ribcage?  Well it's been keeping us up so we broke down and got some cough medicine.  That didn't really help.  Sure it probably relieved some of the congestion but the cough was still there
(so much for "truth in advertising")

Vicks VapoRub
Flash forward to the other day when my dear friend Dawn suggested a home remedy:  Vicks Vaporub...on your feet before bed...and socks.  HUH?  For a cough?  Sounds crazy but hey, we had the Vicks, we have the socks and we definitely have feet, LOL.

Now growing up of course, my Mom always put Vicks on my chest when I was sick.  I even asked her to put it on Tommy the Tiger, my constant stuffed animal companion as a child.  But I had never heard of the feet thing.

*Not my feet

So the other night, I got home and decided to do it.  I slathered it on while I was up watching TV and then put my socks on over it.  Sure I was a sight to see in red and green plaid flannel pajama pants (hey, don't judge, it's been below 30 here at night, ha), white socks and black Crocs.  I figured that was the best way to a) not get Vicks all over the hardwood floor, and b) not mess up my regular shoes.  2nd Man waited until bedtime to put his on.  Apparently, there is something about being horizontal that helps as well.  I coughed a bit while I was up but then before bed, I put it on again and let me tell you, we both slept like a baby.  No coughing in the night, and slept right up until the alarm went off to get up and go to work.

I've also noticed today that my cough is different, it's somehow released the congestion in my chest and broken it up.  I didn't even take the cough syrup last night and I slept without needing it and without coughing.  I will be doing this again tonight and every night until it's gone.

A nice side effect is that my feet are soft and smooth too, ha.  I'm not sure how it works.  Power of suggestion?  Some sort of aromatherapy-ish thing? The essential oils being absorbed into the body?  Something like reflexology since the feet connect to other parts of our system?  I've still coughed during the day but that's just because there is no real way to put this on and go to work, but for sleeping through the night, it's wonderful.

I have never heard of this home remedy before but wow, I have to say,
"color me impressed!"

I wonder what ELSE Vicks can do??

Buy Vicks Vaporub 3.53 Oz here at Amazon if you can't find it near you.

UPDATE:  Several of you have written to say it works best with wool socks.  I believe the socks I used were wool, but I will make sure if I have to do this again, I will buy a special pair of wool socks "just in case", ha.

UPDATE 2:  I posted a list with more uses for Vicks that I culled from around the net.  CLICK HERE to read the post.