Showing posts with label Electronic books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Electronic books. Show all posts

10 November 2010

Finding and Reading Online Books & Periodicals

Finding and Reading Online Books & Periodicals
Dec 2010: added note re Calameo.

Online books are becoming more accessible, but not as fast as we want. It is still difficult to find the books and articles, and there are annoying restrictions, some of which can be got round.

Tyndale Toolbar

Tubingen Article Search

Theological Journal Search

Google Scholar

Google Books

Tyncat for Amazon

Amazon online reading

Archive & Gutenberg

Getting round restrictions

Journals online

R&T Abstracts

Scan Service

Organised lists

Online books

Specialist lists

Plea for PDF books

Tyndale BookBar


Tyndale Toolbar is the place to start

 Get it here
* in the Bibliog. tool, type a word or two of a title or subject
* if you want to constrain it to an author, type their surname only
* in the "Bibliog" dropdown pick the type of thing you want


Tubingen Article Search

* click on "Articles" on the Tyndale Toolbar Bibliog. search
* this searches 20,000 articles in hundreds of academic periodicals every year
* their Index theologicus (IxTheo) used to be on sale on CDs
* their search engine is very fast and very comprehensive
* I once typed my name in (the way you do) and it included two articles I'd forgotten about!
* it covers about the same number of periodicals as ATLA, though with some differences
* this has more non-English works and ATLA has more less-important English journals
  (well, that's my judgment based on an unscientific comparison)


Theological Journal Search

* click on "... more" on the Tyndale Toolbar Bibliog. search
* this searches over 340 theology and Biblical journals using a specialist Google Custom Search
* all the journals are readable free online, and the list is updated
  (this includes some popular Christian magazines and papers too)
* Sally Jo Shelton puts together this list
* this searches inside the articles as well as the title and subject data
* this means you'll get more false hits, but the text is all online so it is quick to check

. - Another useful Google Custom Search

*  searches nearly 4000 free ejournals in the arts & humanities with surprisingly useful results
* but you have to be fairly specific in your request, because most of the journals aren't theological.


Google Scholar

* this is even less specific than JURN, but is sometimes useful
* by default it searches only "scholarly" sources, of all kinds
* click on "Advanced Search" and you can constrain it to looking for words in titles, and specific authors or dates
* it is especially good for periodicals if you networked to a large library
* click on "Scholar Preferences" (top right) and it will find library links
* this means it will find journals that your library subscribes to electronically.
* you can also create email alerts to tell you about new articles in your field
* but there is no way to constrain searches to Theology or Biblical studies,
  (unlike various sciences, which have their own tickboxes in Google Scholar).


Google Books

* click on "GoogleB" on the Tyndale Toolbar Bibliog. search
* Google books are great, but don't always contain the text you need
* public domain works (ie their copyright has lapsed) are there in full
  (though some of these are restricted outside USA - see below for workarounds)
* for copyright works Google gives a "snippet view" - ie about 4 lines
  (this is often enough to let you see if it will be useful or not. If it is, order a scan - see below)
* some wonderful publishers allow copyright books to be displayed in "Limited Preview", which means just 10% is missing
What if the pages you want are missing?
* try Amazon, who often have their own scan (Use TynCat for easy access - see below)
* try another day. Occasionally I've found that pages I've looked for previously weren't available, and then another time they are available. This suggests that Google has all the pages and uses some secret strategy to decide which pages to hide. Does anyone have insights into this?
* You can download GoogleBooks but this should only be done for those on full view (ie those without copyright control).


Tyncat for Amazon "Look inside" is the quickest way to locate the Amazon books
* if you go through Amazon, it is tedious finding out which books can be read,
  and you have to go through various pages before you get the online copy
* TynCat marks which books are not available on Amazon, so you don't waste time
* and it takes you straight to the online reader, bypassing the Amazon advertising
* if a TynCat entry has a picture of the book, it is likely that Amazon has it online
  (or it is preparing to put it online - an unfortunate number are waiting)


Amazon online reading

* this is free, but they will want credit card info to know that you could buy it
* so create an ID & password. Hint: it will continue to work when your card expires.
* Amazon allows you to search for a word, and then read a few pages beyond it
* when you come to a stop, search for a word on that page and start again
  (Hint: often you can search for a word in the page heading, which will list every page)
* notice that the page shown here is one which was unavailable on GoogleBooks (above)

. & Project Gutenberg

* click on "Articles" on the Tyndale Toolbar Bibliog. search
Project Gutenberg  doesn't just wait for free out-of-copyright books. It makes them
* you can volunteer as a worker with them, and clean up pages they have scanned
* this is tedious work, and they are quite exacting, but this is one way to make a difference to the world
* they are all copyright-free in the USA, but not always in Europe
* but they don't make a limit on downloading outside the USA
  (at present - this may change. If it does, see below for workarounds)
* don't bother to search the Gutenberg site - use "Archive" on the Tyndale Toolbar includes books from Project Gutenberg
* plus books from hundreds of other library collections: over 2 million books
* their 2millionth book was Homiliary on Gospels from Easter to first Sunday of Advent by Heiric, of Auxerre, ca. 841-876 AD


Getting round European copyright restrictions

Copyright exists to protect authors and publishers from financial loss, and this should be respected
* but a large proportion of books 'protected' by copyright are out of print with no-known copyright owner
* these so-called "orphan" works are a huge legal battlefield and have caused a problem to the Google Books project
* the situation as I understand it (I'm not a lawyer, so don't rely on me) is this:
* the USA Authors Guild have agreed to a compromise, allowing Google Books to host orphaned books until a claimant turns up
* in Europe Google Books cannot scan orphaned books and can't even show scanned USA orphaned books.
As an author, I'm outraged. When I'm dead, I want my books to be read
* and if no-one is publishing them, I want them to be freely available.
* in other words, a law which is doing good at protecting some books, is also doing a disservice
While the lawyers argue, we in Europe are at a disadvantage
* a huge proportion of our books won't join GoogleBooks
* and a huge number of books available as full text in the USA are blocked in Europe.
So, here's what to do: Send your computer to America and ask it to bring the books back to you
* if you can't afford the airfare, you can do it electronically, by IP masking
* I recommend Hotspot Shield  - but there are several others
* they let you browse the internet via a server in the USA, so your internet access is in America
* when using the software, you won't notice any difference, except that you'll appear to be in America
* this means you can read lots of GoogleBooks which are blocked in Europe.
  (it is also useful if you are using the internet in countries which like to check up on you, because it makes you effectively anonymous)
To test it, try reading F.C.Baur, Paul, the apostle of Jesus Christ, his life and work, his epsitles and his doctrine (vol.2 1876; trans & ed Allan Menzies, Eduard Zeller)
* in Europe you can't read it. Turn on Hotspot Shield and you can read it.
* remember to turn off Hotspot Shield if you are using resources which recognise your local IP, such as subscription sites through your institution.


Journals available online

* Tyndale House periodical list  is an up-to-date list of all theology & Biblical Studies periodicals online
* if you see something missing which you think should be there, please tell me
* another, less refined but useful list is at the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)   which covers all other disciplines very well
* other useful lists of journals online are here and here

More and more journals are going online, both free and subscription.
* most follow the model of print first then give free or subscription access after a few years
* some are free or subscription online from the start
* I like the model of the Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism
* they put the new articles online free for a year, then print them in a hardback volume and remove them from the web
* ideally the web versions would still be available on subscription. Perhaps they'll add this in the future.
* if you publish with them, your article will get noticed, and referred to, and this means all libraries have to buy the printed copy


Religious and Theological Abstracts 

They provide a limited free search service - only 5 results to every search are free
* however, you can repeat the search with added words to make it more specific
* and there doesn't appear to be any limit to the number of searches
* their results are very useful, because they all have a short summary of every article


Quick scans by email

If you can't find what you need online, use the Tyndale scan service
* for the price of a two cups of coffee, you get a scan of an article or a chapter, usually the next day
* the scans are searchable PDFs, which you download and keep for the life of your research
* you can save them on your computer and search them with Zotero or Foxit
* eg you can find every place in all your scanned articles which mention "atonement" or "Zechariah"
* if we don't have it, the British Library almost certainly will, though their articles can't usually be downloaded as PDFs and they aren't searchable (and they are more expensive)


Organised lists:

Most of the web is disorganised, so you search by words and pick through results
* Google Directories try to organise things  but there is surprisingly little there
* Yahoo used to do a wonderful job, but it became too labour-intensive
* is doing a surprisingly good job with small resources
* they organise material thematically - look at the side margin here
* they get permission to reproduce chapters and papers and even whole series of journals
* and they are selective - only the best is used (with a clear scholarly evangelical bias)


Finding online versions of books

* there are now a large number of eBooks, and PDFs of whole books online
* lists of sites to download free books are  here &  here & here 
* You can upload your own books as scans or PDF or Word files at Calameo or read ones others have uploaded.
* Warning: it is sometimes difficult to know whether a book is being supplied legally, so be careful to follow copyright law.


Here's a few specialist lists

Loeb translations online 
NICNT Commentaries
Lists of commentaries online here  and here 
Online libraries of theology (a mixed bag)  
EEBO -  Early English Books Online  - a subscription service which provides full PDFs of EVERY book published in English from 1473-1700. Absolutely marvelous for modern historians, and frustrating for everyone else. Why can't we have the same? One day, perhaps.


A plea for electronic publications

When an important book comes out on paper-only, I groan because it is harder to use!
* simply reading a book (eg a novel) is often easier on paper, but for serious work a PDF version is better
* paper books can't be enlarged or reduced, can't be copy&pasted,
* they can't be scribbled on (unless you own it and don't want others to read it) or highlighted
 (do all this easily with free FoxIt PDF reader
* you can't search them, except by using a very imperfect Index, and some of them have Endnotes (hateful things)
An example: Keener's wonderful  Historical Jesus
There's a huge amount of information in the footnotes, eg when discussing John the Baptist's teaching on hell and Gehinnom, the superb footnotes have more references to primary sources than I'd expect in a complete article on hell.
And yet how can anyone ever find this?
The Subject index has no reference to Hell or Gehinnom so you have to remember at what point in the book it occurred.
And anyway, you'd have to read it with two heads, because the footnotes are published as endnotes.
So the easiest way to find it is to look up "Gehinnom" in Keener's book is to use the GoogleBooks version.
This finds the right page quickly (p.168), and also the footnote page (p.484) at the same time - great!
This is useful even if the actual pages aren't available in the preview, so you get a link to "Buy this book".
No-one minds paying for good stuff - except that the only copy you can buy is the cumbersome paper version!
What I'd love is EVERY published book to be available on snippet view, with a pay-by-page option for the full pages
* I think this would make a lot of money for publishers, save a lot of trees and transportation, and speed up research.
I look forward to the day when we can stop squashing trees and have easier-to-use electronic publications instead.


Tyndale Bookbar - gets the best prices

If you do have to buy a book, this is the place to get it cheaply
* you can quickly look up 1000+ new & used book sources
* and if you do buy a copy, Tyndale House gets a tiny profit
* also, it is a quick way to find reviews and online copies

25 March 2009

Keeping up with reading, online

Finding books and articles online is getting easier. There are more titles available
and fewer places which need searching, thanks to huge aggregated indexes.
The best indexes are now available from the Tyndale Toolbar, so everything's in one place.

Online versions are better than paper because you can usually search them,
and take notes by copy and paste. Now all we need is time to read them.

1) Articles online and how to find them
2) Books online and how to find them
3) How to keep a searchable copy of
online reading

1) Articles online and how to find them

Tyndale Periodicals
lists 440 online & paper periodicals in Biblical Studies & Theology,
of which 225 have full text online, many of them free, without subscription,
and if it isn't online, you can ask Tyndale Library to scan it and email it to you.
Many thanks to those who send me new suggestions, especially Holger Szesnat.
On the Tyndale Toolbar under "Bible Links: Online Books & Periodicals"

Tubingen Library database (IxTheo) indexes 600 periodicals with full bibliographic detail
They cover all the important journals in ATLA plus many extra European ones
Use this to find the article, then look for an online copy on the Tyndale Periodicals page
On the Tyndale Toolbar under Bibliog.: Articles - search by Author and/or title word(s)

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) covers all other disciplines very well

2) Books online and how to find them

Google Books - aims to host millions of books, and now has better legal permission
Even books with "limited" viewing often omit only 10% scattered through the book
Searches also find books which cite the book you are looking for - very useful!
On the Tyndale Toolbar under Bibliog.: GoogleB- search by Author and/or title word(s)

Amazon via Tyncat - (in Tyncat searches, Amazon content is indicated by a picture icon of the book)
Amazon has almost full previews of a large proportion of books. Join for free to view them.
"Look inside" may mean anything from just the Contents page to the whole book is viewable
Hint: Read the permitted 3 pages, then search for a word on that page and continue reading.
On the Tyndale Toolbar under Bibliog.: Tyncat - search by Author and/or title word(s)

OAIster - searches lots of different sources (but isn't always working)
On the Tyndale Toolbar under Bibliog.: AIOster - search by Author and/or title word(s)

3) How to keep a searchable copy of online reading

Use Zotero to keep a copy of web pages and PDFs.
- Zotero is a bibliographic tool which keeps and organises copies of online material

Use Evernote to keep a copy of online books which can't be saved (eg Google Books & Amazon)
- Evernote keeps scans and screen grabs and converts them to searchable text.

See details on their use at a previous Tyndale Tech

5 November 2008

The Future of the Book

The inventor of the book was probably a Christian because all the
earliest codexes contain Christian writings. Too poor to buy large pieces
of papyrus or leather scrolls, they joined together lots of small scraps
of papyrus to create a 'codex’ and wrote on both sides to maximise space.

Will our generation see the demise of the book? This has been predicted
as often as the ‘paperless office’. It may happen soon – but not yet.
Microsoft has dropped out of the electronic library business
while Google has recently had a surprise success (see below).

1) Handheld devices are good, but not good enough – yet.
2) Google has the legal go-ahead to scan everything – almost.
3) Copyright law gives power to paper – for now.
4) How to read books online – now.

1) Handheld devices are good, but not good enough – yet.

Most phones, iPods and pocket computers can display electronic books.
But no-one reads books on them, because the screens are too tiring.
Two technologies are still needed: better ePaper and better batteries.

ePaper aims to be like real paper – it reflects light instead of
transmitting it. This makes it much easier on the eye when reading for a long time.

Page-turning is slow, and pages are grey&black only (colour is coming
‘soon’), but no power is needed to maintain a page, so battery life is very long.

There are a few ePaper readers already on the market, especially:

Sony Reader PRS - details at Wikipedia and at Sony
You can buy books from Sony (not many), or display free PDF books.
It can read word processing docs if you save them as RTF,
though you need to turn to landscape to read full-width A4 or Letter size documents.

Amazon Kindle - details at Wikipedia and Amazon
You can buy books from Amazon (not many at present, but growing),
and a free email service converts your documents to the Kindle format.
Its Whispernet wireless connection gives access to new books,
and rudimentary web browsing & email, but only in USA cities.

Opinion: The screens are fairly grey, so it is like reading a cheap paperback with small print. Zooming in helps, but those over 45 will want to read this in good light.
The wireless feature is good, and it may ultimately become a 3G phone+PDA+netbook.

In the mean time, buy a device which already does all this, with a bright screen, – eg the LG X110 (reviews here and here). Many others like this will follow.

2) Google has the legal go-ahead to scan everything – almost.

Google’s plan to scan everything, including copyrighted works, landed them in court.
They have now settled with the Author’s Guild, by agreeing to set up (and pay for) a Book Rights Registry where copyright owners can agree or decline to have their works searchable on Google Books. At present Google shows only a few lines from in-copyright books which it searches, but with this agreement they can show a whole page, and offer to print the
page for a small payment, 2/3 of which goes to the owner.

At present, Google can scan all non-copyright books, and agreed books from the 20,000 publishers who have signed up with them so far. By this new agreement they will be able to scan, search and display extracts from:

  • any in-print book (4% of all titles) - if the publisher opts in
  • any out-of-copyright book (20% of all titles, mainly pre-1923)
  • any out-of-print book (76% of all titles) - if the owner doesn't opt out
This is wonderful news for scholars, because it releases the vast number of books which are not in print and cannot be printed because no-one knows who owns the copyright.

But, this doesn’t mean we can read whole books. There will be as-yet unspecified limits.
(More on the numbers, the Google_settlement and misgivings.)

3) Copyright law gives power to paper – for now.

Copyright law for books is now simplified and relatively unified.
The USA and Europe give automatic copyright to any writing after 1950 till 70 years after the death of the author (or 95 years if their employer owns it). Any book published before 1.Jan.1923 is out-of-copyright by default. Between these two dates is a grey area occupied partly by books whose copyright has been asserted, and by so-called orphaned books whose copyright ownership is uncertain.

No-one can offer full copies of books on the web unless they have permission from the copyright owner or they are out-of-copyright. This excludes the vast majority of books, which can only be read in their entirety on paper (if you can find a copy). So physical libraries are going to continue to be important for researchers for the foreseeable future.

4) How to read books online – now.

The best starting place for finding Biblical Studies books online is which provides automatic links to online versions at Google and Amazon. provides “Search Inside” facilities for a very large number of in-print books.
TynCat identifies the books which they put online (or are in the process of putting on line) by adding an picture of the book on the left, and clicks you straight to the online copy.

Tips: Amazon may ask you for your credit card, but that is only to make sure you could pay for a copy if you wanted to buy it. The preview doesn’t cost anything.
When Amazon stops you reading after 3 pages, pick a word on that page, search for it, then carry on reading. gives access to the largest selection of out-of-print books and a surprising number of books which are in print. They are said to have scanned 7 million books! Don’t be put off by “Limited Preview” because this often means that 90% of the book is available, though there is likely to be a limit to how much you can read in one day. The missing 10% is critical for a novel, but for textbooks, the Google copy often saves a trip to a library.

Prediction: Amazon sells more books than any bookshop because it
lets customers see so much of the goods before buying. Google Books will
take over as the default way of looking things up in books, because they
are so easy to search. This will result in more books being used, and
more revenue to publishers than even Amazon has created. And probably,
more books will be sold because, ultimately, we are materialistic and we
like to own tangible things.

Tip for publishers: Make printed books which look and feel nice,
and throw in a free electronic copy to read on the train.

Some other useful online book sources, especially for out-of-copyright books:
Bible & Church History:

  • – careful selection of books and articles by subject
  • ABZU Ancient Near East catalogue (incl websites) - incl. academic Biblical Studies
  • – well organised books & articles in Biblical Studies & Theology
  • CCEL - Christian Classics Ethereal Library – from the Fathers onward, in English
  • Project_Wittenberg – mainly Lutheran & Reformation historical works
When we had a power cut at Tyndale House, people wandered about with nothing to do, even though almost every Biblical Studies book worth reading was on the shelves.
The end of the book is nigh.

6 March 2008

Tyndale Toolbar for Bibles, languages, bibliography & news

Time is too short to keep opening programs or hunting for web pages for simple things
like looking up a Bible text or finding bibliography.

So I wrote the Tyndale Toolbar to save time. It works on PC (Firefox & IE) and Mac (Firefox & Safari).
It isn't the prettiest toolbar on the planet, but for Biblical scholars it is the most useful.

Speaking of pretty things, are you artistic? I'm announcing a webpage design competition.

Technical expertise is NOT needed. You need an eye for what looks good (see below).

1) Tyndale Toolbar: Translation tools
2) Tyndale Toolbar: Bibliography tools
3) Tyndale Toolbar: Bible lookup tools
4) Tyndale Toolbar: Links to the best of the web
5) Tyndale Notices: News, Opportunities, Questions, Events
6) Tyndale Toolbar: Gadgets

7) Webpage Design competition

1) Tyndale Toolbar: Translation tools

A set of tools to translate Greek, Hebrew and other ancient languages, plus some modern ones.
Type in plain ascii or Unicode (download Unicode for your computer here) or just copy & paste.
The 2LetterLookup links just need the first 2 letters, then you can pick from a list.
The Perseus lookups automatically trawl round the mirror sites till it finds one which is awake.

2) Tyndale Toolbar: Bibliography tools

Find books and articles on subjects you are researching.
Online copies are often available through TynCat which links straight to
Amazon online books, or GoogleBooks (which are now surprisingly good).
Articles are found through Tubingen's fantastic IxTheo, which is almost
as good as ATLA, and better, for some things.

3) Tyndale Toolbar: Bible lookup tools

Quick lookup for passages in the top English translations or original languages.
The Hebrew is the Westminster Leningrad (ie a BHS without the typos)
and the Greek is the same as NA27 & UBS4, with Rahlf's LXX.
If the translation you want isn't here, look in the next tool.

4) Tyndale Toolbar: Links and News

Links to the best on the web, including 70+ English translations online!
Lots of other resources for scholars, teachers and preachers.
Some of the links go to pages of selected links to even more wonderful sites.

5) Tyndale Toolbar: Links and News

This notice board is where we can share news with other scholars.
If you hear about or organise an interesting conference or event, tell others here.
Do you know about a bursary or scholarship or Sabbatical or research opportunity?
Have you heard about a worthwhile opening, or are you looking for good staff?
Share what you know here, with fellow Biblical Studies and Theology scholars.

Just send an email to

6) Tyndale Toolbar: Gadgets

I've included one gadget for you - an email checker. It keeps an eye on several accounts
and clicking on one logs you straight into the web account without needing a password.

There are lots more gadgets here for you to play with. Some are fun. Some are useful.

Don't worry about running out of room - the gadgets drop off the end and show up
when you click on the double-arrows.

7) Webpage Design competition

You are probably familiar with Tyndale's webpages. Informative but not inspiring.
At least, that's what I'm told. I'm not good at this visual stuff. So I need your help.
If you produce an inspired design, you could be on every page ("page design by....).
It might be the start of a new career!
Simply copy the page at and redesign it.
So get out your Photoshop or whatever program makes you feel the most creative,
or even Word or Publisher if you wish, and send me a mock up of the web page.
You don't need to produce any code or stylesheets or working menus. I'll do that.
Your contribution is the design - the colors, layout, font, graphics, menu position etc
Please include colours for Hover over and Visited links (if these are different).
Send your entry to me, attached to a reply email. Closing date: May 1st.
The best will go on show and the winner will be famous.
I will be one of the judges, so let me tell you what I like and don't like:
I like usability
e.g. having a full menu always available so you can go anywhere from anywhere
(many websites send you to the home page or obscure part of the page to find the full menu)
I like clarity
e.g. using a plain background which doesn't interfere with reading the text, and using fonts which can be rescaled by the user (using the menu View: Text size)
(many sites use CSS with fixed font sizes so you have to zoom the whole page)
I like easily updated pages
Personally, I hand-craft html, php & MySQL, but most people prefer WYSIWYG.
Unfortunately CMS (Content Management Systems) are often too limiting, so if you propose one, make sure it is very flexible - ie you can add code easily and put anything anywhere. GooglePages are a good compromise, so I integrate these into the site for pages which other people need to update - e.g. staff pages. See mine at
So the design has to allow for this kind of integration of pages within a frame.
Actually, most of this doesn't apply to your design. I'm just getting it off my chest.
So let your imagination go! And show me what you've come up with.
Don't worry about the technical side of things. If it looks good, we can probably find a way to make it work. Attach it to an email to me.

See the proposed designs here.

1 January 2007

Searching for academic research on the web

Google is surprisingly useful even for academic research, but even
Google Scholar fails to find most of the important material.
The specialist databases are the key - and this is how to find them.

1) Finding articles and archives
2) Finding books and theses
3) Use the new IE7 Searchbox

1) Finding articles and archives
ATLA - the American Theological Library Association database is still the best source for English Biblical Studies and Theology, indexing books and about 500 journals, some back as far as 1949. If you or your institution can't afford it, the following are very good, and free.
Index theologicus (IxTheo) (TĂ¼bingen library).
Indexes 600 journals including many non-English titles not included in ATLA.
This has recently become a free online service being previously a subscription CD.
See also THEOLDI Bibliographic Database (Insbruck library) and BiBIL Biblical Bibliography (Lausanne library)
Some other databases which cover specialist areas very well:
GNOMON for Classics
AIGYPTOS for Egyptology
RAMBI for Jewish Studies
Orion for Dead Sea Scrolls
Reading the articles
Tyndale House has collected the links for academic Biblical Studies & Theology
including 138 academic journals with full online content, many of them free
and links to another 127 journals as well as information about the 400 titles we shelve.
We offer a photocopy service for any periodicals and books we hold.
Directory of Open Access Journals
This attempts to lists all journals with free internet access in all academic subjects.
Tyndale is better for Biblical Studies and Theology, but it has 2500 titles in other subjects!
OAIster collects the information which other databases forgot.
Indexes collections of documents, pictures, and archives from a huge number of sources.
If you need the private letters of an historic missionary, you should look here.

2) Finding books and theses
TynCat - the Tyndale Catalogue
If it is here, it is worth reading. If it isn't, quick links to other libraries will find it for you.
Records are formatted for pasting straight into your footnotes or bibliography.
The links to online reviews and online copies can save you days.
TynCat also has direct links to:
Library of Congress Catalogue - biggest English-language library catalogue in the world.
COPAC - 24 UK academic libraries in one searchable database, plus The British Library
For older publications:
English Short Title Catalogue - details of virtually every pre-1800 English publications
Early English Books Online - whole-book scans of a large proportion of the pre-1800 titles
(this needs a university link)

Finding a library
LibDex Libraries Index - geographical index of libraries
WorldCat - finds the nearest library which has the book you are looking for
Theses & Dissertations
The full texts of theses are only available from subscription sites
though often the titles and abstracts can be searched for free.
UMI / ProQuest has collected theses from the USA and some other countries.
See also African Theses British Theses French Theses

3) Use the new IE7 Searchbox
If you use Windows, your Internet Explorer has probably updated itself to v.7
One of its nicest features is the searchbox which you can set to whichever
search engine you like, or have a long drop-down list from which to select.

You can add anything you want - click on the down-arrow, then on
"Find more providers". On the right you can "create your own".

For really useful searches, paste the following into URL and Name,
then click on "Install" and on "Add Provider"
Name: Title Words in Articles
This will search the TĂ¼bingen library for articles with these words in the title in
* 600 journals in Biblical Studies and Theology in major languages
* 500 multi-author works (including Festschriften) per year

Name: Title Words in Books
This will search the Tyndale library for books with these words in the title, and also
provide buttons to:
* search other libraries for these title words
* find the cheapest price among 1000+ vendors for this book
* look for reviews of the book,
* look for online versions of the book
Hint: Don't type in the whole title - only a couple of significant words.

1 September 2005

Read Tyndale library books online

The Tyndale Library catalogue lists almost every Biblical Studies book worth reading.
Now you can read a large proportion of them online, thanks to Amazon and Google.
Just look up the book at and click on the link to read it online.
Passing on this news will transform you into an 'internet guru' in your community.

It is still easier and quicker to browse the books at Tyndale House Library, but until you can
come for a visit, we'll make sure you can read as many of our books as possible on your computer.

1) Reading books online at TynCat
2) How to use Amazon and Google online books
3) Google plans to scan 50,000,000 books!
4) Other sites with significant online books

1) Reading books online at TynCat
How many commentaries on Corinthians do you have in your office?
OK, too many. But often you don't have the one you need. So do the following:
- go to
- in "Title Keywords" type: Commentary Corinthians
- click on "Search TynCat"
- almost all of the commentaries listed on this page can be read online

Try the first, by Murray Harris (a former Warden of Tyndale House)
- the note on the left says it isn't at Amazon, so click on "Google"
- this finds it at Print.Google, along with several similar books
- click to read it! (we will see how to get the most out of Print.Google below)

Try the next, by Alan Johnson (a Tyndale Fellowship member)
- it is at Amazon, so click on the word "Amazon" (not on the picture)
- and there is the full text (we'll see how to get the most out of it below)

Try the next, by David Garland, and you find the problem
- when you click on Amazon you get an apology that they haven't added it yet
- this usually means the publisher has given permission, so it is worth trying later
The next one, by Frank Matera is there. And many more...

2) How to use Amazon and Google online books
You probably don't need these instructions, but they include some useful tips.
To see the pages at Amazon you need to sign up with them, with a credit card
- this doesn't mean that you will be charged anything, but they want to know that
you could buy the book if you wanted to.

Try Frank Matera's commentary on Amazon
- when the cover displays, click on the right of it to 'turn the page over'
- turn over three pages till you get to the Contents page.
- let's look at the start of 2 Cor.4, which he titles "Paul's Apostolic Integrity" (p.97-)
- so type "Apostolic Integrity" into the search box right at the top of the page and click Go.
- this does a concordance search for every page using these words.
- look for p.97 (it is on the third page of results) and click on it.
- now that you are there, you can read forwards or backwards three pages
- if you want to go beyond this, look for a significant word on that page and search for it

Now try Murray Harris' book on Print.Google
- click on the cover at the top of the Google list, and you go to the Contents
- pick out the section you want and type significant words into the search box on the left
- you will have to sign on with a Google account to use this - but it is free
- like Amazon, you can turn over two leaves before you have to search again.

With both, you cannot print the pages, or save them, or read long stretches without interruption
- and when you have read too many pages they may tell you to come back another time
- but you wouldn't want to read too much of the book on a computer screen anyway.
- if you find the book so useful that you get frustrated, you'll buy a copy.
- then the price comparisons on the Tyndale site will search 1000+ outlets for you

3) Google plans to scan 50,000,000 books!
Google books come in three styles
1) Out of Copyright: 100% of the pages are scanned and readable
2) Copyrighted with Publisher's Donation: 90% of the pages are scanned and readable
- the other 10% are visible on Amazon, if they have scanned it, so always try them first
3) Copyrighted, with no permission from the publisher: only a few paragraphs are visible
- this is Google's interpretation of the legal term 'fair use', which has got the lawyers excited

Amazon wants to sell books, and Google wants to add material to their search engine.
But why would publishers and authors want to allow free copies of their books on the web?
They get free publicity and shelf-space in the largest bookshop on the planet - the web.
I always take a lot of trouble to put my books on the web, but for 6 months one publisher
forced me to remove a book, and the sales went down - till I put the book back on the web.
Many Christian publishers, such as Crossway now routinely give all their books to Google
(see Google's interesting page at

Google has plans to scan complete libraries and substantial collections from others
These include high-profile academic libraries and libraries in a number of countries, including
the whole of the University of Michigan Library, plus substantial collections from the
University libraries of Harvard, Stanford, Oxford (Bodleian) and the New York Public Library.
Students already do a lot of their research online. Now their legs could atrophy completely.

4) Other sites with significant online books
Google accepts books in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, and Portuguese
but they make up a small proportion of the total. In response to this:
France is imitating Google with their own scanning programme: see
German publishers are planning their own Volltextsuche Online (I haven't found it yet)
Yahoo are also starting their own (they say they thought of it before Google, but didn't announce it)
Google Scholar - - finds results from scholarly sources only
- not another book collection, but a very useful service which filters out most rubbish
Project Guttenberg - most copyright-free books on the web:
For Biblical Studies, there are a few significant collections of free books. Links collected at

Some commercial sources (pay per book or subscription)
Powells Books - general Christian eBooks
Questia - general college books with a good Religion section
EEBO - Virtually every English book from 1473-1700.
Ebrary - a lot of CUP books and other publishers:

1 July 2004

Book Buying, Selling, and Reviews on the Web

When you buy books you want to save time + money, and find out more
about what you are getting. Reviews and Price Comparisons are now
easier to find on the web. And when you've finished with your books,
selling them or giving them to good causes is also getting easier.

1) TynCat. All in one place: reviews, libraries + price comparisons
2) Reviews and previews of books on the web
3) Price comparison sites for new + used books
4) Sell your surplus books when you?ve finished with them
5) Give away your surplus books to a good cause

1) TynCat all in one place: reviews, libraries, + prices
TynCat, the Catalogue of Tyndale House, has a new BookBar.
Click on the picture of a book at to go there.
If the book is in Tyndale House library, it is worth reading,
and most of the information about these books which available
elsewhere is linked to from the BookBar.
Find your book, then click on a Title to find more information,
or click on the picture of the book for the BookBar.
This links to Reviews, Price Comparison sites + Libraries.
When you've found the best price, buy it here and you help
to support Tyndale House.

2) Reviews and previews of books on the web
Review of Biblical Literature
Thousands of excellent academic reviews with good search facilities.
SBL members can offer to review a book (and keep it, of course).

Reviews in Theological Journals online, eg:
Protestant Reformed Theological Journal:
Denver Journal:

The Medieval Review (with links to UMDL's huge collection)
Reviews of academic history, including church history + theology;page=boolean

Amazon Reviews
USA Amazon (ie .com) often has more reviews than local Amazons
Reviews are by ?real? people, not handpicked academics.
Also: Inside the Book and Contents pages for many titles.

Acqweb's Directory of Book Reviews on the Web
Links to the other review sources, including many Academic sites

3) Price comparison sites for new + used books
There are many price comparison sites. Most fail to meet
Tyndale's exacting standards. The following are good.
GoodBookPrices - -
The price comparison which Tyndale uses
- brings the best comparison sites into one place
FetchBook -
- prices from 92 stores plus delivery to most countries
BookHQ -
- new + used textbooks plus delivery to most countries
AddAll -
- used books at
- searches 40 bookshops and 10,000 Used booksellers
abeBooks -
- 12,000 Used booksellers. Maintains a ?Wants? list for you
BookFinder -
- merges lots of others, but no shipping info

Some runners-up:

4) Sell your surplus books when you?ve finished with them
Lots of sites are offering to buy back textbooks,
but the following will pay your postage (within the USA)
These sites offer free listing, for a commission if sold:
BigWords will search for the best price in various sales sites
In the UK there are also lots of textbook sellers, eg:
List of other sites in the UK:

5) Give away your surplus books to a good cause
Donate your old books (and new ones) to:
Ukrain (from USA) -
other Eastern Europe biblical libraries (from anywhere)
Africa (from UK) -
list of others -

American Sociological International Book Donation Information
Lists charities who ship books to third world. Mostly no theology!

1 December 2003

Full-Text books on the web, free and subscription

Since sending out my last email, I have found some significant
extra sites and sources.

1) Full-text books via the web - for payment or subscription
2) Full-text books via the web - for free
3) links for searchable full-text commentaries
4) A peek into the future of publishing

1) Full-text books via the web - for payment or subscription
Remember: many paid services are subscribed to by universities.
Early English Books Online:
This aims to put all the books printed in UK from 1473 to 1800 on the web as page images. They have already completed thousands of titles including a lot of theology.
Logos - a large and growing number of searchable texts
Powell's Christianity eBooks - 700 titles
Well organised links to Christian commercial eBooks
Some general sources have significant Biblical Studies books:
Questia 45,000 books and growing for $120 per year
eBookMall - 25,000 books, pay for each individually
Ebrary - very cheap subscription site
Lots of CUP titles and other theology & Biblical Studies
View for free, pay for printouts. Subscription costs $5!

2) Full-text books via the web - for free
Project Guttenberg has a large collection (about 3000 authors)
- but I haven't found it much use for Biblical Studies
Case Western Reserve University
- about 300 older books, including some theology
and a surprising amount of ANE background.
University of Virginia Library
- about 5000 books, mainly USA history
- including some religious books, mostly listed at
BlackMask Online
- a general collection, including 500 on Religion at
The Internet Public Library
- over 19,000 titles
- a slow search function hampers the use of this collection
Online Books
- a list of thousands of books online elsewhere
- incluldes 1400 books on Christianity and the Bible

Some smaller specialist collections :
Michael Marlowe's web directory for Biblical Studies books
- well organised links to most of the important sources on the web
Philologos - mainly Edersheim, Bullinger, Lightfoot, Ginzberg
Divorce & Remarriage papers & books by David Instone-Brewer
- a personal experiment in putting protected books on the web
- I'm particularly pleased with
- 2000 books, mainly English literature
Early Christian Writings
- lists the best of the Biblical Studies books on the web
Bradshaw's Biblical Studies articles & Books, organised by subject

Inside the Book (TM) at Amazon
Amazon gives access to the full text of 120,000 books
(with many many more to come), e.g.
Go to and search for "Books": "Tyndale Samuel"
- click on the first item (Joyce Baldwin's Tyndale Commentary)
- click on "Search Inside" ™ to search for any phrase and then
you can read two pages either side.
Or, go to TynCat:
Search in the title: "Luke Commentary"
Two of the books on the first page of results have a Search Inside ™
icon. Click on them to search the whole of those books and view any page.
You need to give Amazon your credit card number to use this feature,
but they won't take any money unless you decide to buy the book.
A topical list for NT Scholars:

3) links for searchable full-text commentaries
I said in my last email that there are many full-text books
on Amazon, which are all accessible through TynCat. I looked
up some commentary sets and quickly found the following.
You might like this handy list on your computer - it saves
carrying all these commentaries round with you.
I don't know why some in these series are on the web and
others aren't. I guess they only scan the newest and they
want to see if they sell. I think these scanned books will
sell well, because when you get used to them on screen,
you will want a copy in your hand.
There are many more full-text books - find them through TynCat

Word Commentary
Genesis 1-15
Genesis 16-50
2 Samuel
1 Chronicles
2 Corinthians
Ezra - Nehemiah
Psalms 1-50
Psalms 51-100
Isaiah 1-33
Isaiah 34-66
Jeremiah 1-25
Hosea - Jonah
Matthew 1-13
Matthew 14-28
Luke 1-9
Luke 19-24
Romans 1-8
Romans 9-16
1, 2 Thessalonians
Colossians - Philemon
1 Peter
2 Peter, Jude
1,2,3 John
Revelation 1-5
Revelation 17-22:

Anchor Commentary
Leviticus 1-16
Leviticus 23-27
Numbers 21-36
Deuteronomy 1-11
2 Samuel
Proverbs 1-9:
Isaiah 1-39
Isaiah 55-66
2 Maccabees
Mark 1-8:
Ephesians 4-6
1,2 Thessalonians
1,2 Timothy
1 Peter

New Interpreter's Bible
Matthew - Mark:
Luke - John:

The IVP Bible Background Commentary
Old Testament
New Testament

Tyndale Old Testament Commentary
The Song of Solomon:
1,2 Kings
1 Chronicles
Joel & Amos
Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah

IVP New Testament Commentary
2 Corinthians
Colossians, Philemon
1,2 Timothy, Titus
1,2,3 John
and all of them at

Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture
Matthew 1-13:
Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians:
Genesis 1-11
Genesis 12-50
The Ivp Women's Bible Commentary
New Bible Commentary: 21st Century Edition
Charlesworth's Old Testament Pseudepigrapha:
Brown's Death of the Messiah:
Brown's Birth of the Messiah:

4) A peek into the future
Putting a book on the web is not a small task for individuals
(I know - I've done plenty). But if you have the resources and
the incentive (usually profit) then the task is not too difficult,
as Amazon is now showing.
Amazon have already put the full text of 120,000 books on the
web, and sales of those books are up by 9% over equivalent
titles which are not scanned. These books can be searched for
any word and then you can go to any page which has that word.
The only restriction is that you cannot turn pages more than
two ahead and back from the result of your search.
I think that publishers will be queuing up to join this scheme,
so that a large proportion of new books will go on the web in
this form. The main exceptions will be dictionaries and other
books which one does not read page by page, though a large number
of commentaries (which people tend to consult rather than read)
are already available - including all the Word commentaries!
The easiest way to access these Amazon books is via TynCat
Any book which is searchable at Amazon is marked with an icon.
Does this mark the end of paper books? Not yet.
Screen technology needs to improve before most people can be
weaned off flattened trees. Cambridge Display Technology is
developing a flexible high resolution screen, thinner than a
hair which can be folded into your pocket, and run on very
little power. See and a summary of
this technology at
When these screens are linked to a wireless web connection,
we will all have a library in our pockets.

1 October 2003

Full-Text bibliography and journals on the web

Does it take you too long to find books and articles?
You can quickly build up a bibliography from web catalogues,
but finding the books and journals often takes longer than
reading them. Many books and journals are on the web.
I have listed the the best places to find them.
The most important news is that TynCat (the Tyndale Catalogue)
will point you to a free full-text source when available, and
will search libraries and bookshops around the world for you.
Go to

1) Finding Bibliography of books and articles
2) Full-text articles via the web - for payment or subscription
3) Full-text articles via the web - for free
4) a new web search tool expertly tuned to biblical studies

1) Finding Bibliography of books and articles
This has already been dealt with in a previous Tyndale Tech
email - see:
Also see:

Recently I have discovered an important new sources:
RedLightGreen booksearch tool:
Finds and sorts books on subjects you ask for, and helps you find them.
Subito - catalogue of academic journals in German universities
Searching is free though articles are charged
For legal reasons it is currently restricted to German speaking countries

Some databases of specialist areas:
GNOMON Classics articles from 1997:
A cut-down version of their CD, concentrating on titles from recent years.
AIGYPTOS - A database for Egyptological publications:
Includes a one-stop search of other bibliographies at the bottom of the page.
RAMBI - Index of Articles on Jewish Studies:
Includes a very useful subject browsing, in Hebrew and English.
L'Année philologique:
A subject-classified database of books and articles in the area of Classical Studies .
There are other good subscription sites - for Cambridge links see

2) Full-text articles via the web - for payment
Remember: many paid services are subscribed to by universities.
British Library Document Supply Centre (BLDSC):
- titles and subjects from 20,000 journals - by subscription
Universities have access to this through ZETOC at
Cambridge access information at
PERI gives free BLDSC searching for Developing countries
and they can order articles for £5
Subito is for German speaking countries but is spreading:
- students get articles by email for 4Euro
- This is a very valuable set of journals because it includes everything taken at Tubingen. BUT for legal reasons they don't accept registrations from outside German-speaking countries. Hopefully this will change. Keep an eye on it.

3) Full-text articles via the web - for free
OUP gives developing countries free or cheap access to their journals.
Other publishers may follow.
Cambridge University gives access to 2000 journals (plus more in Chinese)
- most of these are in the sciences (perhaps they have something to teach us).
- most are Cambridge-only access, but many are unrestricted access.
Theology Journals and articles available online are listed at: (journals) (other articles on the web)
Religion-Online has a growing number of chapters and whole books

4) a new web search tool expertly tuned to biblical studies
Teologiportalen - a search engine for theology (also in English)
- uses experts to refine searches from Google and get useful results
- intelligently extracts treasure out of the rubbish on the web
They are looking for more experts to contribute, so get involved.
Email Henrik Laursen <> who will send you an ID & password
so that you can add your list of favourite sites for them to search.
The more scholars who get involved, the more useful this becomes.

You probably first heard about Google from Tyndale Tech
(I told you about it way back in March 2000, when it was
relatively unknown). Have you heard about Froogle yet?
It has been tested for 2 years now, and is the next BIG thing.
Try it out at - only works for USA so far.