Showing posts with label Indexing a book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indexing a book. Show all posts

28 January 2011

Indexing semi-automatically

Semi-Automated Indexing

Everyone has a book in them, but when you've finished it, the publisher will email you asking for an Index by yesterday. This will show you how to index semi-automatically. You can create a Subject index, a Scripture index (with everything in the right order) and any additional indexes in Word, without reading your book, and and format it just like the publisher wants. Quickly.
At first glance the instructions look daunting, but that's only because I'm explaining it in detail.
Here is a section from real life for me: part of my Traditions of the Rabbis in the Era of the New Testament.

What the publisher sends you

Make a Word version

Correct page numbers

Simple Concordance Program

Edit the Concordance file

Refine the Concordance table

Auto-Index the Word doc

Format the Index

Separate Author & Ref indexes

Surplus page numbers

References markup

Fine details


When your comes manuscript comes from the publisher

The publisher has formatted your manuscript wonderfully, and sends you a PDF. If possible, ask them for a Word doc version. If they don't want to do this, make a rough one. You don't need to preserve the formatting - you only need to have the same words on the same page, so the Index pages will be correct. Here's how:


Make a Word file with the right text (formatting doesn't matter)

* Copy the text from the PDF. (This usually doesn't work too well, so I suggest you download a PDF to Word converter from or use the free online converter at
* Create a new Word doc and paste it in. Layout and formatting doesn't matter, except:
* Change the font size so that a page in the document contains more text than a page in the formatted book. (this is for page numbering, next)


Add the correct page numbers

The right page numbers are necessary so the Index will be correct. (This is the tedious bit, and why it is worth trying to get a Word version from the publisher). Use the PDF as your guide to the correct page numbers
* To set Page i, put your cursor on the top of the page, click on menu "Insert" or ribbon XXXXX, "Format", change the "Number Format", and select "Start at".)
* Type a manual page break at the end of each page (Ctrl-Enter) so that the page numbers match up with the PDF.
In my example, I know that the chapter on Berakhot start on p.41 (I've missed out the the How to Date Rabbinic Traditions section from this example). I have forced a page break after "Additional" even though it isn't at the end of the line - formatting doesn't matter for indexing.


Create a Plain-text file of the book

* Click on "File", "Save As"
* Change the "Save as type" to ".txt"
* accept the default format and ignore warnings about losing formatting (that's what you want to do)


Open Simple Condordance Program (SCP)

This is a freeware program available from various sites
* download the latest version from or (if you have a 64bit computer, use the 32bit version. It works OK)
* It now works with Mac too (get this from their official site), though Mac users may prefer Conc from
After you've installed it, you might like to read the Getting Started instructions or watch the video on the site. It is easy to use, but you probably have never used anything like it before. It is a really amazing program. If Young or Strong had this when making their Bible Concordances, they'd still be young and strong when they finished. If you hate reading software manuals, follow these instructions:


Make a SCP File

(SCP uses a special format of file, which it can create from a text file)
* start up SCP and click on File: New
* in the top-right browse for the folder in which you saved your chapters
* in the left-hand box, highlight the Plain Text file(s) of your book and click on 'Add selected files'
* tick "Build Vocabulary" and select "Separate by capitalization"
* click on OK and after much working, it will offer to save the results with a name you choose.


Make a Concordance list in SCP

* load the .scp file which you just made by clicking on File: Open
* click on the tab 'Word List'
* change the order to 'Decreasing Frequency Order'
* change the layout to One Column
* remove the tick from 'Frequencies'
* click on the button "Word List" to produce the list
* save it by clicking on File: Save: Save it as WordList.rtf


Edit the Concordance File

* open the WordList.rtf file in Word, by clicking on File: Open
* change 'Types of file' to 'Rich Text Format'
* find the file you made (if you can't find it, look in the SCP folder)

* remove all the words which you don't want to include
(ie most of the words at the top of the list)
* if words occur twice, once starting with a capital (as used at the start of a sentence), keep both versions, because Word's index markup is case-sensitive

. Make a Word Concordance Table

* the Word concordance needs to be a two column table
* highlight all the text by pressing Control-a
* click on Insert/Table: Convert text to table..'
* accept the default (1 column, separated by paragraphs) and click OK
* save the file as "Concordance.doc"

Create a second column

* narrow the column to about half the page width
* highlight the whole column (by putting the cursor at the top of the column till it turns into a 'down' arrow, and clicking to select) then Copy then Paste

. Refine Your Word Concordance Table

The left hand column is the words as they occur in your manuscript, and the right-hand column is the entry which will appear in your index. Most of the time they are identical but you may want to make some changes, eg:
* 'Paul', 'Paul's' and 'pauline' might all have the index entry 'Paul'
* 'Baukham ' should be Baukham, Richard
Sort the table alphabetically to make things easier:
* click on "Table", "Layout", "Data", "Sort", and accept the defaults of "Column 1" and "Text" "Ascending"
* do not remove duplicates such as "Sacrifice" and "sacrifice" because Word needs to know that you want to mark up both an instance occurring at the start of a sentence as well as the one inside the sentence.
* save when you've finished (this is the longest job)
(If you want more than one index, with Modern Authors separately, see below)

. Auto-index your Word document

* open the Word document which has the correct page numbers.
* make a copy of it (ie one without index marks, so you can start again if necessary)
* click on Insert/References: Insert Index (upper right of "Mark Entry")
* don't worry about the formatting at present. Just click on "AutoMark" and find your Concordance.doc.
* wait while your text is automatically marked up
* when it is done, you can see the markup

* save the file with a new name (in case you change your mind about the Concordance.doc data)
(to hide and unhide the data, click on "Home" and press the backwards "P" symbol)
(when the codes are visible, you can Find them with XE "*" )

. Generate the Index

* hide the index coding (see above). The codes may cause page lengths to overrun.
* to insert the index, move the cursor to the end (where you want the Index)
* click again on Insert/References: Insert Index...: and click on OK

Format the Index

The Index you've made can be updated and formatted in situ. You can format it like any other text, or you can change the formatting when creating the index. To do this:
* put the cursor anywhere inside the index and right-click and select "Edit Field", then click on "Index..."
* this time format it before you click OK to generate the Index, ie:
* change the number of columns, and try out different types of Formats
* if you want to get things exactly as you like it, click on Modify
Index1 is the first level of index. Find out about other levels in Scripture Index (below). If you use three levels (as suggested below) you may want to modify as follows:
Index 1: Use "Style based on"= Heading 1
Index 2: Use "Style based on"= Heading 2
* make "Indentation before text = 0, Outline level= Body.
Index 3: Click on Format: Paragraph and:
* make "Indentation before text = 0, Spacing before = 0
* click on "Line & page breaks" and untick "Widow/orphan control"
You can also adjust some formatting in the Concordance file. In the next section, the formatting in the concordance file is bold, so the Index entry is in bold.

Separate indexes eg for Authors and Subjects & References

You can create properly separate indexes in Word, but they can be a bit tricky, so here is a fudge which works just as well, using sub-levels of index. Sub-levels are created by adding ":" in the right-hand entry in the Concordance file.

For example:
To make separate Subject & Author indexes, add "Authors:" or "Subjects:" in front of every entry in the right-hand column of the Concordance file, eg:
Aaron   | Subjects:Aaron
Aaronic | Subjects:Aaron
Adams   | Authors:Adams, Edward
Alford  | Authors:Alford, Henry
almond  | Subjects:almond
almonds | Subjects:almond
(If you want to do it "properly", use the /F function as explained here - but it doesn't look any better in the end)
The Reference Index needs adjusting for the order for book names & chapters
If you include non-Biblical refs, you can create sub-groups for Bible, Qumran, Philo etc, using a second colon:

Ant.1.1.1 | Refs:Josephus:Ant.1.1.1;Ant.01.01.01 
1QM.7.4 | Refs:Qumran:1QM.7.4;1QM.07.04
Gen.1.1 | Refs:Bible:Gen.1.1;01Gen.01.01 
Exo.1.1 | Refs:Bible:Exo.1.1;02Exo.01.01
Psalm 1.1 | Refs:Bible:Psa.1.1;19Psa.001.01
* Text after a semi-colon is used to order the index, and text before a semi-colon is the actual index entry.
* The "01Gen" etc are added to make the Bible books list in their correct order. Because it occurs after a semi-colon, it is not shown in the index.
* Similarly the extra zeros in numbers (eg in "Gen.01.01") make sure that chapter 2 is listed before chapter 10.
* The bold is necessary so that the references stand out from the list of page numbers (see Formatting, above)
* If you use colons in references, "escape" them with a backslash so that the index program ignores them,
eg Refs:Bible:02Exo.01\:01;Exo.1\:1*
When you use extra levels in References, you need to add an extra level in the other indexes by adding a colon followed by a space, eg:
Aaron | Subjects: :Aaron

Extra note thanks to Diane H:

         It is possible to remove the Cross Reference full stop as in ‘Christ. See Jesus’ so it reads ‘Christ See Jesus’. In Word 2010 go to Insert, Quick Parts (in the Text paragraph), Index, Field Codes (Bottom left), Options (Bottom left), choose \k “ “ (up to 5 characters).
a.    This will insert a new index. Make sure that ‘Preserve formatting during updates’ is checked if you want to use the ‘Update Index’ under the Reference tab.
b.    This procedure overrides the ‘two column’ setting, which you get somewhat automatically using the index insertion under reference. So you will also need to add the switch for two columns, which is \c. To remove all the cross reference full stops and get two columns. Make sure not to have a space before the second switch
\c “2”\k “ “
c.     The above will work for the full stops on main entries, as well (remember the macro we had to write!). Same as above but use the \e switch. Doing this automatically changes the cross refs as well (I think).
\c “2”\e “ “

Now, if we could just override the ‘tab’ we could get the pages to align. MSFT has appropriated the ‘tab’ for ‘right align’. Wouldn’t it have been nice to put the tab in \e “ “ and have everything nicely automated.

. Macro for removing surplus numbers

When you Generate the index, you may have runs of numbers which the Word Index function can't clean up, eg:
Messiah, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 30, 31, 32
- you want to turn this into:
Messiah, 15-19, 21-22, 30-32
If this isn't a big problem you can do it manually, or you can use the macro below. To install it:
* click on the menu "Tools" or the ribbon "View", then on "Macros", "View macros"
* in "Macro name:" type "IndexSpan" and click on "Create" and the Macro editor opens. (If it doesn't, click on "Edit")
* Copy the whole macro (from ========== to ==========) and Paste under "IndexSpan()"
* Go back to the Word document, put the cursor ABOVE the index, then click on Macro, highlight "IndexSpan" and "Run" it
(If the macro gets stuck, press Ctrl-Break to stop it).

. Here's the macro to copy and paste:

   Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
   On Error GoTo SubEnd   'remove after debug
Do While Errornumber = 0
    Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
    R1 = Selection
    Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
    Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
    Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
    Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
    R2 = Selection
    If (R1 = "-" And R2 = "-") Then
        Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
        Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=2, Extend:=wdExtend
        Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
    End If
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=False
    With Selection.Find
        .Text = "[0-9]@, [0-9]@"
        .Replacement.Text = " "
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindStop
        .Format = False
        .MatchCase = False
        .MatchWholeWord = False
        .MatchWildcards = True
        .MatchSoundsLike = False
        .MatchAllWordForms = False
    End With

If (Selection.Find.Found = False) Then GoTo SubEnd
     Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
    N1 = Selection + 1
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
    Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
    N2 = Selection + 1
    Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
    If (N2 = N1 + 1) Then
        Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
        Selection.TypeText Text:="-"
    Else: Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1
    End If



. Help Marking up References

We can't use SimpleConcordanceProgram to mark up the references, because it will separate out all the numbers, so we need to make this Concordance file by other means.
First, make a new copy of your book, just for refs.
(This is because we will delete all text except the refs, in order to make a Concordance file of refs).
The best way delete everything else is to all the references in a different colour, then delete all the non-coloured text, and create a concordance file from what is left ie:

Do a Find+Replace looking for things looking like references, and mark them green. Here's how:
* click on Edit: Replace or ribbon "Home", "Editing", "Replace"
* click on "More" and tick "Use wildcards"
* at "Find what" type: <[0-9A-z]@[. ]@[0-9]@[:.,;][0-9]@>
* put the cursor in "Replace with" but leave it blank.
* while the cursor is in "Replace with", click on Format: Font: Font color, and pick a colour (eg Red), then click OK
* click on Find Next, and if it finds a reference, click "Replace"
* if you are confident it is finding only references, click on Replace All.
As you can see in the screenshot, some non-standard refs aren't turned red (eg "b.Ber.27b-28a") so you may have to do some extra searches. To do this you may need to understand the searches a bit better. The various symbols mean:
> an end of a word
(ie followed by a space or punctuation)
[0-9] any number
[0-9A-Za-z.] any number or any letter from A-Z and a-z, or a period (.)
@ one or more of the letters already defined
[:.,;] any punctuation which might be used in a reference
If your refs have a space between the number and the abbreviation add a space it to the formular
ie to find "2 Cor. 1.1" use <[0-9] [A-z]@[. ]@[0-9]@[:.,;][0-9]@>
If your refs follow on with other numbers, use other finds to colour them,
ie to find ", 10" use: , [0-9]@>
or to find "; 1:10" use: ; [0-9]@[:.,;][0-9]@
Play around with these and figure out more combinations till all your refs are coloured.

. Making the Reference Concordance data

When you have a file with all the refs marked in red, use Find+Replace to delete everything except your coloured refs:
* click on Edit: Replace and untick "Use wildcards"
* in the "Find what" box remove everything and while the cursor is there, click on Format: Font: Font colour, and pick "Automatic" (or "Black")
* in the "Replace with" box type: ^p and while the cursor is there, click on "No Formatting"
* click "Replace All" and all the black text will be replaced with paragraph markers.
* remove the excess paragraph markers by Find+Replace: Find= ^p^p Replace= ^p
* tidy up other debris with other Find + Replace commands.

. Create a Reference Concordance table for references

You need to make a table in which the left-hand column has the references as they occur in your text, and the right-hand column has what you want in the index. Some complex refs may need more than one entry in the index.
To create the table:
* highlight the list (use Ctrl-A), then click on "Insert", "Table", "Convert: Text to Table", and create a single-column table
* highlight the whole column, then copy and paste to create an identical second column (as when making a Concordance file before)
* make duplicate lines for multiple verses and tidy up the right side, but leave the left along, eg:
1Cor.1.1 1Cor.1.1
1Cor.1.2, 5, 7 1Cor.1.2
1Cor.1.2, 5, 7 1Cor.1.5
1Cor.1.2, 5, 7 1Cor.1.7
1Cor.1.2-15; 3.4; 15.1,5 1Cor.1.2-15
1Cor.1.2-15; 3.4; 15.1,5 1Cor.3.4
1Cor.1.2-15; 3.4; 15.1,5 1Cor.15.1
1Cor.1.2-15; 3.4; 15.1,5 1Cor.15.5

Add the level structure for the index (as explained above), eg:
1Cor.1.1 References:Bible:461Cor.01.01;1 Cor. 1.1

. More about Indexes

See the wonderful notes here and here

Special formatting issues for some publishers (by Diane Hakalah)

Today, many publishers, such as Mohr Siebeck, require the author to submit a fully typeset version of their book in pdf format. This means using a word processor to format the book and then creating a pdf version. Some of the following pointers may help.

Styles - You will need to use Styles, not only for headings and chapter titles, but also for paragraphs. You can go on the internet and take a course, but here are a few basics to get you started.

In Windows 7 and Vista, Styles is under Home. Click on the arrow on the lower right corner of the box.

You will be given a list of Styles. If you have done nothing, youll be on normal. If you click on Heading 1, the text where you are located will automatically be formatted to Heading 1. To return, just go back to Normal. If you want to change the formatting for Heading 1, right click on Heading 1, then click on Modify. A few options appear on the page for fonts, and all options are under the Format button in the lower left corner.

Document Map an advantage of Styles
If you have a long document like your thesis, you can save some time by setting all your chapter titles to Heading 1 and any sections to Heading 2. Now go to View and in the section called Show/Hide click on Document Map. Wait a few seconds and a table of contents will appear with all your Headings to the left of your document. Click on any heading there and it will automatically take you to that page.

Table of Contents

Word 2007 permits you to make an automated Table of Contents from all your Headings Styles. You may have to manipulate the output to meet many publishers specs.

How to Put Different Headings on the Left and Right Page

If, like Mohr Siebeck, your publisher requires Chapter Titles on the left page and Section Headings on the right page, there is an easy way to do this.

Edit Header

In Word 2007, go to the Header, either by dbl clicking on it, or by going to Insert, click menu Header, click Edit Header.

You will have a new group of sections.
Under Options, make sure all three boxes are checked including, Different First Page and Different Odd & Even Pages.
Under Header & Footer click on the Page # menu and set the preferred page style.
Under Positions, set the spacing for the publishers preference.

Chapter Titles Use a Style for the Chapter Title (such as Header 1)

Before Chapter Title, set an Odd Numbered Page Break by going to Page Layout. In the Page Setup section, click on Breaks menu. Click on Odd Page. This will insert an Odd Page break just before your chapter title.

Now go to the first Even page after the beginning of the chapter, i.e. the next page. For most publishers, chapters start on the Odd page.

Go to the Even page Header (see two methods above).
Important! Next in the Navigation section, unclick Link to Previous on the first even page. On the first chapter this wont matter, but in subsequent chapters, if you change the Heading for the subsequent chapter, it will automatically change the previous chapter headings as well. You dont want that.

Now finally the magic.
Use StyleRef in Word 2007. (Also available in Word 2003 and later).
Still editing the Header, in the section called Insert, click on the menu called Quick Parts.
Click on Field. On the left there is a menu of Field Names. Find StyleRef and click.
In the middle there will be a menu of Field Properties. Click on whatever you have chosen as the Style for your Chapter Title (such as Heading 1).
Section Headings on Odd Pages
Repeat the above for Chapter Titles. When you get to the Field Properties of StyleRef, click on the Style that you have identified for the Section Heading (eg. Heading 2).
Warning. You might wonder, and most tech types will try to convince you, that the easiest method is to set a Page Break (for Chapter Titles) and Section Break for Section headings and then copy and paste the Title or Heading into the Header.
Unfortunately, though ok for Chapter Titles, it wont work for Section Headings.
Reason #1 - if you have footnotes on either side of the Continuous Page Break on a single page, Word 2007 will automatically generate a Next Page Break. There are work-arounds, but. StyleRef is much quicker and easier.
The other and more critical problem is that the Footnote Numbering is also based on page breaks. That means that if you want to restart footnotes at each chapter, and avoid footnote #2050 in your you wont be able to use Continuous Page Break, because it will restart not only your heading, but your footnotes. StyleRef avoids the problem.
Footnotes & Endnote Settings and Numbering
Click on References.
In the section called Footnotes, click on the button in the lower right corner. That will bring up a menu of options and most are self-explanatory. To restart footnotes, click on the Numbering menu and choose where to start.
Footnote Separator
Youre at the end of your thesis, and have put together several chapters from 3+ years of work. The line which separates your footnotes from the main body seems to have extra spaces or be of different lengths, especially if youve changed computers or updated a word processor. This line is called the Footnote Separator. How do you fix it?
In Word 2007, click on View and under Document Views, click on Draft.
Then, back on the main toolbar, click on References. In the Footnote section click on Show Notes.
The page will show a split window, and the lower window will have a menu called All Footnotes. Click on the drop down menu, and click on Footnote Separator. You will be able to edit this line in any way that you desire. When youre done, go back to the main toolbar and click on View, then Print Layout.
If there are extra spaces, before leaving Draft, go to Home and click on the large backwards P in Paragraph. If there is more than one P around the footnotes separator, you have extra spaces. Just delete.
Remove Page Number from First Page
If you do not want a page number on the first page, as with most publishers and theses, go to your header. Either dbl click on the header, or click on Insert, then in the Header & Footer section, click on the Header drop menu and click on Edit Header.
In the Options section, check the box marked Different First Page.
Click on Page Layout.
Click on menu for Hyphenation and choose options.
Create Multiple Indexes

(This is the 'proper' way - not the easy fudge which is outlined above)
It is possible to create multiple indexes. An index is in fact an INDEX field, which collects information from XE fields in the document; each XE field defines a separate index entry. And you can mark for several different types of indexes by adding the \f
switch to your index entries.

To display XE fields, show hidden text. For your authors, you'll see something like { XE "Author name here" }. Just add the \f "a" switch to the end of the code: { XE "Author name here" \f "a" }. Repeat this procedure for each type of index entry, adding an \f switch and a "category letter". For subjects, you could use \f "s".

Then insert an index: Press Ctrl+F9. Word inserts field delimiters, { }. Type INDEX \f "a", and press F9 to update. For the next type of index, repeat the procedure, using the \f switch followed by the corresponding letter.
However, it is possible to create multiple indexes. An index is in fact an INDEX field, which collects information from XE fields in the document; each XE field defines a separate index entry. And you can mark for several different types of indexes by adding the \f switch to your index entries.
If you have already created your index entries without using the \f switch. If you want to later add the \f switch to the XE fields in the section, you can do it by following these steps:
    1. Type\f "a"(note the space in there) in a blank spot of your document and then cut it to the Clipboard.
    2. Make sure that field codes are displayed in your document. (PressAlt+F9to either show or hide the field codes.)
    3. Select all the text in the section that will have its own index.
    4. PressCtrl+Hto display the Replace tab of the Find and Replacedialogbox.
    5. In the Find box, typeXE "*"
    6. In the Replace box, type^&, a space, and then^c. The ^& will replace what is found with itself, then there's a space, and the ^c adds what is on the Clipboard (from Step 1).
    7. Click More and make sure the Use Wildcards checkbox is selected.

Click Replace All. When you're asked if you want to search the rest of the document, answer negatively. (You don't want to search the entire document; you only want to affect the portion you selected in step 3.

1 August 2000

How to index a book semi-automatically


You have finished your magnum opus, and your publisher wants an index.
He refuses to pay a professional indexer, and expects you to do it.
What do you do? Save this email for that eventuality.
These notes will assume you are using Word 2003. Other word processors are similar.
You can index a book the hard way, or the easier way, or the easy way.

- i.e. go through your document and mark every word which you want indexed.
- to mark a word, highlight it and click on Insert: Reference: Index and Tables...: Mark Entry...: Mark All
- or, use Alt-Shift X, and click on Mark All
- do that for every word which you want in the index
- if you are clever you will make a macro to bypass all those clicks, but you still have to pick out all the words.

- i.e. make a concordance of words you want indexed and use Auto-Mark
- but making a concordance is not easy. You have to collect all the words yourself.
- the Word Help files tell you how to make a concordance, but it is hard work, so...

- a concordance program collects all the words in your book
- you delete the words you don't want indexed, and tidy it up
- then use the resultant Concordance file for Auto-Mark
- it is a bit complicated, so I have laid out step-by-step instructions


(This is a freeware program available from various sites, including Tyndale)
- download the latest version from

or get an older copy from the Tyndale site
On a Mac you can use Conc which does roughly the same job as SCP on a PC.
I haven't used it personally, but you can read about it and download it from:

After you've installed it, you might like to read the Getting Started instructions.
- It is easy to use, but you probably have never used anything like it before.
- it is a really amazing program. If Young or Strong had one of these, they might still be young and strong
- if you hate reading software manuals, follow these instructions:

(SCP cannot read Word documents, so you have to make .txt versions)
- load the book file(s) into Word and save as text file(s)
- to do this, click on File: Save as. Then change the 'Save as type' to 'Plain Text...txt' and save
(ignore the warnings about losing formatting - that what you want to do)

(SCP uses a special format of file, which it can create from a text file)
- start up SCP and click on File: New
- in the top-right browse for the folder in which you saved your chapters
- in the left-hand box, highlight the Plain Text file(s) of your book and click on 'Add selected files'
- change the Title in the top-left from Project1 to something like MyBook (or whatever you want)
- tick "Build Vocabulary" and "Separate by capitalization"
- click on Save and after much working, it will offer to save the results with a name you choose.
(the program may appear to do nothing for a very long time, so be patient)
- click on OK to return to main SCP program

- load the .scp file which you just made by clicking on File: Open
- click on the tab 'Word List'
- change the order to 'Decreasing Frequency Order'
- change the layout to One Column
- remove the tick from 'Frequencies'
- click on the button "Word List" to produce the list
- save it by clicking on File: Save: It saves in .rtf format.

- open the SCP concordance file in Word, by clicking on File: Open
- change 'Types of file' to 'Rich Text Format'
- find the file you made (it is probably in the SCP folder)
- double-click on the file.
- remove all the words which you don't want to include
- if words occur twice, once starting with a capital (as used at the start of a sentence), keep both versions, because Word's index markup is case-sensitive
(ie most of the words at the top of the list)

Make a Word concordance table
- the Word concordance needs to be a two column table
- highlight all the text by pressing Control-A
- click on Table: Convert text to table..'
- accept the default (1column, separated by paragraphs) and click OK
- click the cursor just outside the right-hand edge of the table
- click on Table: Select column, then click on Table: Insert columns
- save the file

- the words searched for are in the left hand column
- don't change to upper or lower case, because Word's automatic index is case-sensitive
- in the right hand column put the entry you want in the index
- eg 'Paul', 'Paul's' and 'pauline' might all have the index entry 'Paul'
- and 'Baukham ' should be Baukham, Richard
- do not remove duplicates such as "Sacrifice" and "sacrifice" because Word needs to know that you want to mark up both an instance occurring at the start of a sentence as well as the one inside the sentence.
(If you want more than one index, with Modern Authors separately, see below)
- this large task is easier if you sort the table alphabetically:
- click on Table: Select Table: then on Table: Sort: OK

- load the whole document to be indexed into Word
- make a copy of it (ie one without index marks, so you can start again if necessary)
- click on Insert: Reference: Index and tables...: AutoMark...:
- when it asks you to find the AutoMark file:
- change 'Types of file' to 'Rich Text Format'
- find the file you made (it may be in the SCP folder)
- double-click on the file
- wait while your text is automatically marked up
- to remove Index marks (eg from the Contents), look for: XE "*"
(with Hidden and Wildcard turned on) and delete the codes.

- to insert the index, move the cursor to the end (where you want the Index)
- click again on Insert: Reference Index and tables...: and click on OK

No doubt it is not as you would like it.
To pick a different template: right-click on the index and click on Edit field: Index
Either pick a pre-defined Format, or pick the format "Template"
and click on "Modify", so that you can change each level independently.
You can carry on editing the document, and re-index at any time by right-clicking on the index and clicking on "Update Field".

(this is normally impossible. Word can only make one index per document)
- make a copy of the folder which has your document file(s)
- put the indexing concordance file in both folders
- edit the index files so one contains all names, and one has no names
- make an index on both documents, then copy and paste the second index
- OR, make an index concordance file from your Bibliography
- to make a separate Scripture Ref index, you will have to mark up the texts manually
Note: If you are still editing the book, make sure you know which one you edit, and re-copy it into the other folder before you re-index.

Update sent out Aug.2000
Several interesting emails from scholars contained significant nuggets which should be added to the previous email about indexing.
I won't mention names, in case I miss people out.

There is a Mac concordance program called Conc available from SIL
Apparently this works in a similar way to SCP. There are instructions at

If you are not supplying Camera Ready Copy, and you have to index your publisher's proofs, you can't simply supply an index of your files, because the page numbers will be wrong.
A rough work around is to produce a copy of your files with the same pagination as the proofs. You can make the pages match, either by making page sizes which are almost exactly the same as the proofs, or by forcing a New Page where-ever the proofs have a new page. The page layout will look terrible, but it doesn't matter, because you just want to produce an index. (Use Control-Enter to force a New Page).

The DIY indexing which I described will always be inferior to that done by a professional. A concordance file only finds the words you have used, and doesn't list the concepts. Also, you need to edit the concordance file rigorously so that you link words with the concepts they represent. So, if you can afford it, employ a professional. You can find one at: - an on-line version of Indexers Available 2000, searchable by subject (religion and theology currently has 22 entrants) - an on-line version of the SFEP Directory, currently being updated to 2000/2001. The 1999/2000 printed version has numerous entries under religion and theology: there are 36 entries in bold type that indicate specialists.

There is a problem with footnotes on PC Word 97 and Mac Word 98. Sometimes a footnote may be split or moved onto the next page, even when there is room on the correct page.
For the Mac problems, see
For Camera Ready Copy, it may be safer to print the file from PC Word 95 or Mac Word 5.1.
You will have to use 'Save As..' to save it in the older format, then re-open it in the older word processor.
Apparently this has been fixed in Word 2000, but you need to turn off the check box for tools\ options\compatibility\ layout footnotes like Word 97.
OR you can try the following fix:
Set the paragraph formatting of your body text to Exact line spacing. If you currently use Single line spacing, set it to around 115% of the point size. (The actual % to use depends on the font in use).