Showing posts with label 5 Reasons to Write with Pinterest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5 Reasons to Write with Pinterest. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Kendra Ardnek's 5 Reasons to Write with Pinterest

5 Reasons to Write with Pinterest by Kendra E. Ardnek


Several years ago, my mom told me to get an account on a website called “Pinterest” because she said it looked cool. I agreed that it looked cool, but I really didn’t know what to do with it, beyond creating a board for stuff I want in my future house. That is, until I discovered the writing side of Pinterest. Now I’m here to talk about the value of writing with Pinterest.

1.      Character Casting and Setting Simulation. (I like alliteration). We’ll start with the straight up obvious use. Finding that perfect face for your character, or getting the aesthetic of your setting just right. Thanks to Pinterest, I know that I want Eddy Redmayne to play Andrew when Water Princess, Fire Prince is made into a movie and that red leaves instead of green in Colluna will be TOTALLY gorgeous. Basically, Pinterest is the place to go to get visuals for your story.

2.      Writing Prompts and Inspiring Images. So once you’ve dug past the surface use of Pinterest and you’ve given a face to all of your characters and your setting is so real that you could almost go live there, there’s another reason to hang around Pinterest – the prompts. Some people have whole boards devoted to them. Some of them are short, some are long. All are awesome. And while you were looking for the pictures that fit what you already knew of the story, you probably found a whole TON of pictures that just screamed “include me!” and made you want to add twelve new characters and create a world where trees have bubbles for leaves. In fact, I can point to a number of scenes in my newest release that were inspired by specific images that I found on Pinterest.

3.      Connecting With Other Creative People. Pinterest is a form of social media – it’s made for sharing and organizing ideas. You can use Pinterest as a tool to find other writers and explore their story ideas, or you can link Pinterest to your existing social media and your blog and show off your ideas. However, if you don’t want to be public, there is the option of a secret board.

4.      Writing Advice. Pinterest isn’t just a place to collect images, but you can also collect the articles behind the images – articles about opening sentences, how to write a good prophecy, the creation of characters, anything about writing that someone has thought to give advice about. You can find a lot of helpful quotes from famous authors and quotes that will encourage you to keep writing when you feel you can’t.

5.      And finally, Co-writing. I’m co-writing a few books, and I’ve found Pinterest to be an invaluable tool for sharing ideas between me and my fellow writer. We have a place to share our images of the characters, the prompts and quotes we think will fit the mood of the story, and recently Pinterest added a chat feature to group boards that, though I’ve not tried it, I think will be great for co-writing.

Just … one point of caution on Pinterest. Don’t get absorbed and forget to write. 

Book Description: 
Two girls with one face
Two girls with twisted fate
One in purple, one in red
One shall speak the other’s death
Who shall win their final war?
Lady Dragon or Tela Du?

Amber, the Lady Dragon, has been promised a fifty-year reign over Rizkaland and nothing can stop her from claiming it. But when you've lived six thousand years, fifty is such a pitiful number. Only one person can keep her from making this reign permanent - the Tela Du, a girl who shall share Amber's face.

The last thing Petra wants is a magical world interrupting her plans for a normal life, let alone an ultimate battle against the Lady Dragon with only one prophesied survivor. She has her childhood best friend, Reuben, at her side, but she's not sure if he's more of a help or a hindrance right now. Though she'd much prefer to just return home and forget about this whole crazy affair, things change when she discovers that the world has surprising connections to her own family - including her sister who disappeared without a trace two years before. Still, Rizkaland can't possibly expect her to risk her very life, can it?

Author Bio:
Kendra E. Ardnek is a homeschool graduate who picked up a pen at an early age and never put it down. The eldest of four, she makes her home in the Piney Woods of East Texas with her parents, younger siblings, giant herd of giraffes, and honor guard of nutcrackers. 


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Water Princess, Fire Prince will be free for the first five days of the tour (October 19-23).