Showing posts with label story in the details. Show all posts
Showing posts with label story in the details. Show all posts

Friday, January 27, 2012

What's Wrong With This Picture? and The Story is In the Details, Part 1

What's Wrong With This Picture?
I'll give you a few hints. This is the American Girl Doll of 2012 from the American Girl Catalog. Each doll comes with a story, and they represent a character. This doll represents a girl from Seattle.
It's really cute, and I'm sure that American Girl has done some research for their two books about this character.

However, there is an interesting detail that is slightly wrong . . . do you know what it is?
If you are from Seattle you don't usually ______________.

If you can fill in the blank or have a guess, put it in the comment section below. 

The Story is in the Details, Part 1
Usually I would say the story is in the character, based on his/her motivations, challenges, and deepest heart's desire.

However, stories are often shaped by details, and knowing the details can help us know the story.
A story is shaped by the rules of the world that the character lives in, and the rules that they impose on themself. Those are details that need to be filled in to make the story come alive.

A writing friend of mine told me about a female character that had tears come to her eyes every time she heard someone jingle their car keys in a certain way. When that female's romantic interest jingled his keys, she broke up with him even though she deeply loved him. Why? Well, the story was in the details of that character's background, and the rules she had imposed on herself.

In my current WIP, my character Clara is given a crystal sword, but it isn't just any crystal sword but the one pure crystal sword. She has trained hard for years to be accepted into Septily's Sword Master Circle, but when she receive this sword she struggles to wield it.

Why? The story is in the details of her character, but the story is also shaped by the details of the "rules" of the fantasy world where she lives.

What details matter to your story?

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Matthew 10:29-31