The view from our holiday cabin in Devon was stunning and I wanted to get it down on paper if I could. The only problem was that if I sat down, I could not see it! So this small painting was achieved standing up with the pad in one hand, brush in other, and paints on the coffee table. Not my chosen way of working but I am pleased with how it turned out.
The second sketch was a closer study of the water - this one I could do from a chair on the balcony, the only problems being the very bright sunlight and the dog drinking my paint water.
Interestingly, with each day that passes I am noticing that the eye I had the cataract removed from sees colour so much brighter now. I am wondering just how badly having cataracts has affected my colour perception when painting - probably just as well I have been painting brown bears a lot! I just cannot wait for the other eye to be done.
Hopefully now the catching up from being on holiday is done, I can get back to this little cutie - he's already got a buyer so I had better get a move on!