Opinions are like assholes – everybody has one;
however, some stink worse than others.
Bush got us started in the Middle East fiasco
even though Colin Powell warned, ‘if we break it we own it.’
With 22 years in the military I have seen the
results of war. I have seen body bags
stacked like cord wood on pallets waiting for the C-130 to pick them up. I have smelled the morgue in DaNang in the
hot jungle summer. I have seen an 18-year-old
kid with his guts blown out, having to deal with wearing a colostomy bag for
the rest of his life and wondering how his fiancé is going to react.
This morning I listened to the news programs and
hear all the bellicose talk by the panels, none of which have ever served in
the military, much less combat duty.
There is Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, U.A.E.,
Qatar, and Jordan; all Sunni nations with a blood stake on peace in the Middle
East – also add Israel. Yet, we are
carrying the fight and our military people are dying, our money is being dumped
into this religious confrontation that goes back a thousand and five hundred
I have never before agreed with Trump – and I am
sure his tweet about pulling the military out of the Middle East had some self-serving
motive; but I do agree with pulling the military out of that quagmire. These
Middle East countries are more than willing to let the United States carry the
fight while their military sit on the sideline and observe.
The gas attacks in Syria are reprehensible; but
those are Sunni lives and the Sunni should handle it. Also, Israel has a stake, and they are a well-armed
nuclear nation. It’s time Israel put aside their apartheid
politics and became the broker in the Middle East
Like Vietnam, we should cut our losses and leave. When the Middle East countries realize we are
not going to carry their water, they will have to step up and solve their own
problems. If they won’t: fuck-um.
We have spent more than we ever should have in
that part of the world. Our cost has been in American lives, injured service
personnel, unreasonable deployments splitting up families, and trillions of
Any solution is only temporary: we can not solve this.
It is time the to get the fuck out.
My opinion
the Ol’Buzzard