Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Feb 5, 2012

I'm Challenged!

Lately, cooking food's been a challenge for me. I know how to cook but I'm not really a good one. I just cook the usual food my family ate at home and if I experiment, my family would not mind if I got the right taste or if it's too bland.

Anyway, since my in-laws are staying with us for the meantime, I'm usually worried with what I cook for lunch or dinner. Breakfast's not a problem for the food are just easy to cook. I'm just worried that they don't like the taste of my food. Worried also if I included ingredients that might compromise their health. My MIL avoid eating meat so I refrain from cooking meaty food unless she already ate or not around. She prefer to eat milk fish and not some other kinds of fish. But hubby's been buying fishes that we love to it. The result? I cook 2 kinds of fish to solve the problem :-)

Tomorrow, I will be going to cook malunggay fish soup and I hope and pray that I'll hit the right taste. What a big challenge for me!

Jan 13, 2012

Lazy Teacher

My daughter is to join Math quiz bee on Monday but I was just quite frustrated with her Math teacher as she didn't give any transmittal letter on what my daughter would prepare. I was only able to talk to the class adviser and told me to just review the lessons with my daughter and even those that were not yet taken up. Halllllleeeeerrrr! Do I have to read and review the whole book to my daughter?!

I believed in my daughter's capacity yet proper communication should be channeled to us. The teacher didn't even return the latest test papers so I'm not sure what else my daughter will study. This Math teacher really frustrates me. I know she knew what she teaches but her laziness is what I can't take. She's always delayed in checking the assignments, the books and the test papers. If I don't reprimand her, I'm sure she won't bother checking at all. I guess I'm the only mom in my child's class/level who kept on checking on this teacher. And that's the only time she worked on it but if nobody would complain, I think she won't do anything about it.

I am not smart but I don't like sloppy teachers especially if my daughter took effort in answering her homework. I paid my daughter's tuition on time so they should also do their work on time unless some unavoidable circumstances happened. They are already on their 4th quarter and still, I see on changes on this Math teacher. That's why, I favored her Science teacher more because aside from being smart, she doesn't delay things.

Well, I could only wish my daughter good luck for now. We'll try to review starting tonight but only those that were taken up. The rest, I could only sigh... and murmur... darn this teacher.

Nov 21, 2011

What Happens Next?

I was out one time and when I came back, my daughters' clothes were already ironed. I should be grateful about it but the OC (obsessive-compulsive) in me can't stop checking how the clothes were folded.. Hmm, I ended up folding it again and even ironing some. I just can't help it. This is me. I'm not a neat-freak person but when it comes to my kids' clothes, I want it to look clean and neatly folded. I don't want others to take pity on them when they see my daughters wearing crumpled clothes. Even with the socks, it was not enough with me to see it rolled and folded. I've to make sure it was done neatly. Oh well. But with my own clothes, I don't mind since I'm not so particular with it. I only iron if it's needed (or depends on the quality of the clothes).

I also happened to check the trash and found my daughter's Halloween decorations thrown in the garbage. Hey, that was newly bought! My daughter learned about it and called someone responsible for throwing and she got this answer: "Your bat Halloween looked like a devil!". My daughter was astounded.

I explained to my daughter that bats looked more like a vampire :)... Bats are actually birds and they happen to be nocturnal just like the owl. Except that bats have red eyes and it will attack people if provoked, otherwise, some bats are harmless. Well, there are some things that looked like an angel but actually a devil inside.. Oh, I didn't tell her that last part. :p

I told my daughter to keep her things right away if she intends to use it the next year. Or else, all her things will be thrown without even asking her permission . Definitely that's not me who's going to do it for I am a keeper of things. But if it's beyond my control, for I happen to be out, then everything can be found at the trash.. and I don't know what happens next... (scratch my head, shake my head, tsk3x).

Nov 13, 2011

Don't Ask Me...

I'm quite pissed off right now. I just hope when someone asked me for a stupid question, he should be prepared for my sarcastic answer. Actually, I'm just trying to save his ass for all the credits that he has had. While I saved a lot, the other is living like a one day millionaire. I just hope he put the money into good use or save it for the rainy days. Because every time that he ran out of money, he's always babbling over me or making me feel like I'm the guilty party for not sparing him the money that he needs to pay for his credit CARDS. I spare actually, but I don't give a big amount shit of money coz I already have nothing left!

Darn it! Bullshit! I'm so pissed off and mad right now for he's also mad at me. He wanted to buy himself a gadget the he doesn't even need. We have so many gadgets at home and some are not even used already because he got tired of it! But it's not always enough for him. He has already EVERYTHING but still he's not yet contented I sometimes wish I'd go somewhere away from him! This is sickening! I hope he pay his bills first before thinking of buying luxury items. I hope he gets that but he never ever did!

Oct 27, 2011


Sorry, been M.I.A lately. I was busy doing other things and I don't want to post any rantings this time, I need positive vibes, hehe :D

There's no exciting things to share anyway and so far, life at home is okay. My kid's having her break from school and as usual, I do my daily chores at home. In fact, I have tons of clothes to iron but am so damn tired to do it I'd better procrastinate again and again, hehe. I'm planning to do it tomorrow, haha.

My MIL suggested that I hire now a maid to do things for me but I can't stand them anymore. So fed up adjusting to them and teaching them what to do and the next few days, they would either leave or we'll kick them out for the mess they do. It's peaceful at home now that I don't have a maid. Although at times, it's nice to let other people do things for you but if they're a pain in the ass, then I don't need them..

Life's been okay lately here... so far, so good and I won't trade it for something that will give me a headache ;-)

Aug 28, 2011

So Noisy!!!!!!!

I'm quite pissed off right now. I'm suppose to have my afternoon nap but our neighbor's dog is so noisy barking outside I wanted so much to scream!!!

If only I'm not friends with the owner I could have yelled awhile ago. Good thing that my 2 children are not disturbed with their nap. I wish this neighbor would know very well the definition of public disturbance. Sigh.... I could only wish...

Aug 26, 2011

When Friendship Turned Sour...

Whew! I came from somebody else's blog wherein this person was ranting about another person. I read what this blogger wrote and I seem to sympathize. Then, I logged on to my social network account and read somebody's rant in there. When I read it, it turned out that this person and that blogger were bickering to each other. Actually, they are both blogger and when I read both their sides, I found out that both committed mistakes, both had miscommunications and both were also right with their reasoning...

Anyways, I don't want to meddle with their business but it's just sad to know that they used to be very good friends (turned-sour). They have invested emotional bank already, they have shared good memories together and it just turned bad in one snap.

That's why I don't want to have a very close relationship with other bloggers for I don't really know who am I talking to. Of course I know the name, their places and whatever but to be very deeply in touch with them is so hard for me to do. Even with your own siblings and best friends you have misunderstanding, how much more to the person you don't actually see?

I didn't take sides to any one of them. Besides, why do I care? haha. No, actually, I don't want to meddle. I know know the root so I leave that to them. Hope they can settle that themselves because they're off age already and have kids for pete's sake! Okay, as I've said, I won't meddle so I'll just end my story here, hehe..

May 18, 2011

Pissed Off Again!

I'm quite pissed off with our latest helper. She left home last Sunday but promised to be back early Monday morning but until now she's not yet here. Her things are still here so it's possible she will still return. Actually, I don't care if she leaves but since she's still working for us, she should have at least informed us properly. But another thing that pissed me off was that she has done a lot of damage to our place. A lot of our things were broken and destroyed and she also smokes to think I'm so against it coz I have kids at home. I told her to stop and she promised to quit but still I found a lot of cigarette butt at the rest room at the back of our house. While she's not around, I've fixed a lot of things she destroyed and this made me more angry at her. Wait until she comes back, that's what I kept saying this time. I'm actually imagining to kick her ass but I know I can't do that so everything just leaves to my mind.. I'm not really a bad person but I don't like people who abuse things and doesn't leave a little respect to me for that would make me definitely mad...

Apr 26, 2011

We Don't Need Them!

I'm quite pissed off with our neighboring kids. I know I should not interfere but their being mean to my daughter was too much. I don't want to cause any trouble and the best way I could protect my daughter is not to play with them.

You see, we live in this place of only a year. These kids from our neighbor befriended my child and how happy she was. My child is 7 years old and her sibling is still an infant. So, imagine how ecstatic she was to found a new friend in our neighbor. Sadly, these kids were not so nice to her. If they can't get my daughter's things, they would say that they will not befriend her anymore. Sometimes, I heard them say that my daughter's boring or her way of playing was nonsense. Excuse me, they were at our house and the nerve for them to say that. But still, I tolerated. These kids come to our place if they liked it and if they were inside our house, they were always trying to make our house a mess.

This afternoon, my child who didn't play with friends lately because it was Holy Week, was so eager to play with them. She asked permission from me. I was hesitant but then later agreed. When she called the neighbors if they could play, I've heard it loud and clear when they said "We don't need you!". I was so hurt and so mad to hear those words from those kids. They were so MEAN! I called my daughter right away and told her not to play with them anymore. I was pissed off that I told my daughter never to play with them again and that 'she doesn't need them, too'. What I did might be too much but as a mom, I couldn't bear to hear those words from those naughty, naughty kids. Thank goodness I'm not friends with their families so it's easy for me not to let them get inside our house! I'm so mad that even my child's nanny was also furious with those kids. How I hate bullies because it reminds me of my childhood experiences...Sigh...

Apr 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter Everyone! I know some of you went to church to celebrate the feast of our Lord. But some of the kids are just too eager for Egg hunting. I don't know why they do egg hunting on Easter Sunday or why some called it Easter Bunny Hunting and all they showed were colorful or patterned eggs.
Anyway, what's important is that we get to celebrate this day to thank Jesus for all He did to us. So, happy Easter to y'all!

Apr 13, 2011

Mixed Nuts

I am quite exhausted today. I would've felt relieved for I have already found a replacement for my old house help but I guess I was still under stress that I feel this way. I have to take care of my 2 kids and my helper is just here to assist me with the household chores. But still, I am glad for it. At least, I'd be able to relax from my other chores. At least my concentration will be more on my kids and not so much on the house. And I guess I should give myself more rest so that I will have energy to do other things and one is blogging. I've even have some paid post but are not yet done coz I was tired. I'm actually trying to drag myself to do it so that I will not have anything else to think of today. But I know, by doing it slowly yet surely, I can finish my task...

Apr 9, 2011

How I Wish...

We have a new maid today and one of my questions to her was if she owned a cellphone. I am a bit strict on this policy now. My helpers got crazy talking or texting over the phone and never got to do their job done properly. They made excuses to go home because they were told do so by their parents, aunts, children or whatever alibi they could make. Sometimes, they go to the bathroom to excuse themselves only to find out that they've been spending their time talking endlessly on their phone. Gosh, how I wish I were a bitch so that I could throw their phone away. But I tried to grit my teeth and only call their attention if it was too much.

But my new helper has no phone - to my delight - but that was only short lived. She asked permission from me that she really has plans to buy a new phone so that she could check on her child left under the care of her mom. But I made her promise not to use it during day time. But I still don't know how long this new maid of ours would last because last year, most of them only stayed for only a month or 3. I hope this one will not make any mess just like our last one and hope she's good and last a little bit longer...

Apr 8, 2011

Lazy Day

I declare today my lazy day! I am in no mood to clean the house. I just folded our blankets in the rooms and give my kids a bath. I didn't bother to clean the bathroom or sweep the floor. I've got piles of clothes to iron but I gave myself a break. Tired! That is all I could think of. I just want to read a good book or do blogging or browsing on the net. I am in no mood for chitchat either. I guess what I only have to do is cook food for breakfast and lunch, wash the dishes and that's all. I even decided to take a bath later, if I'm not to lazy to do it, hehe. Okay, let me be lazy just this once... I deserved a break :D

Mar 31, 2011


My 7 year old child is growing up so fast and even her feet is getting bigger. For her age, she is sometimes mistaken as a 10 year old girl and her feet is almost 5 in size. However, she's getting thinner, too. She used to be chubby but now she's like me when I was her age ~ skinny. I was wondering if her current milk has to do something about it. She used to drink Enfakid and no matter how expensive it was, we still bought now. But now she's drinking a milk which is cheaper but nutritious because it's also mixed with vegetables. We might let her go back to her old milk and see if she will gain a little weight. But if not, perhaps she just got her structure from me, tall and lanky...

Mar 30, 2011

Spare Us!

Okay, I got a message from my relatives that we have to raise funds for my grandmother who is currently sick. It's okay with me but what I don't like is that we, the grandchildren were task to do it but the children has nothing to do with it? Honestly, I don't get what others are implying. What I know is that the children (not the grand) are not in good terms so they pass the burden to us. Hmmm.... But not all of them thinks like that. It's just that I don't want to be part whatever feud they have.

Beware of April Fool's Day

April 1 is almost near so be careful for those making pranks on April Fool's day. Honestly, I don't get it why people loves to make a laugh out of nothing. It would have been okay if it's not so serious or if their jokes are light and easy to take on. What I don't like is when some of the people are making so many nasty things, like making some of stars dead or make some crime and said all was just a joke. I wish the people doing this will fall on their own trap. It's nice to laugh at a silly joke but it's not funny when somebody make a mess on somebody else's life.

Bumped My Head

I was being careless awhile ago for I bumped my head hard. St---d me! I didn't watch out and it was oh-so-painful I thought it was bleeding near my eyes. I was in a hurry to do my chores and that was what I get. I left my chores undone and after I took a rest, I decided to do blogging. I told my hubby about it and he went home to check. He was worried not only for my safety but worried that people might accuse him of giving me a black eye, hehe. I'm expecting the bruise would come out later part of the day. I just hope nothing is damaged especially my eye part for I was really in pain when the wooden edge of our window hit hard on my face and part of my eyes. So, be careful also to other mommies out there...

Mar 18, 2011

Getting Nuisance

Duh! The school near us is currently having an activity but it's almost 9 pm and they are not yet done. It would have been okay but they're becoming a nuisance already. They played using their live band so loud and worst, their vocalist is just screaming not really singing. I wish they will stop now. Or at least their performers are just great to listen. I understand they are having a grand time in there but I hope they will be considerate to the people living near their vicinity. Besides, it's night time and their school is for graders not for high school students. They should be sent home by now...sigh...

Mar 16, 2011

My Mouth is Sealed

Sometimes, I'd rather do things by myself. I appreciate other people's help but if they're here just to say a lot of things and criticizing what they see, I guess I have every right to be annoyed or get irritated. I wish I could say this to them, "Okay, you can help but will you please keep your mouth shut?". I know that's too nasty to say that's why I tried my best to keep my cool and not try to talk. I wish they're just here to support not to add a burden at my place :/

Mar 7, 2011

Sore Throat

I'm not really feeling well today. I have a sore throat and it's slowing me down. But I just can't sit and do nothing for I have chores to do and most importantly, I have kids to take care of particularly the baby. This started early yesterday morning. I woke up having chills and I could barely move. I woke up my husband and asked him for my jacket. I couldn't even talk for my throat hurts! I just signaled to him that I need something to soothe my throat and a medicine to take. I was afraid I might have fever, so, better to treat it early before it becomes worst. I had a terrible headache, too, but glad not to have a fever until this day. Although I also felt quite agitated today, I was able to manage and carry one with my chores. I just hope and pray that I'll be better as not to jeopardize my other members of the family...