Showing posts with label san marino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label san marino. Show all posts

Join San Marino Corned Tuna's Me and My True Love Photo Contest

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

San Marino Corned Tuna's Me and My True Love Photo Contest. Get a chance to win a relaxing treat at any The Spa branch and a romantic dinner for two at Heat Edsa Shangri-la.

Who can join

  • This photo contest is open to anyone residing in the Philippines, so long they are legal age of 18 years and above.
  • All employees of CDO Foodsphere, Inc. and Rakso Computer Technology, their dealer network, accredited advertising agencies and suppliers, and their relatives up to 2nd degree of consanguinity or affinity are disqualified from participating in the promo.

How to join

  • To participate, individuals are to submit his/her photo with a partner together with any of the San Marino Corned Tuna variants at the microsite:
  • One entry for each participating couple.
  • Submission of photo entries is from February 1 to February 17, 2010.
  • A panel of judges from San Marino are to determine from the submitted entries the Top 25 Photos qualified for online voting based on the following criteria: 
- 50% Uniqueness of the content- 50% Over-all appeal and impact

  • Announcement of Top 25 Photos will be on February 19, 2010. Judges’ decision is final.
  • The top 25 qualified participants are to be notified through their registered email address.
  • Online voting is to start on February 20 until February 28, 2010.
  • The top two (2) photos with the highest number of votes by Feb 28, 2010, 12 midnight, are to be announced winners on March 1, 2010.

  • The two (2) couples with winning entries will receive the following:
Gift certificate for a relaxing couple spa treatment at The Spa (any branch).

A dinner for two at HEAT in the Edsa Shangri-La Hotel.


The following policies must be observed regarding the entry.

  • Photo must be of a couple with any of the San Marino Corned Tuna variant.
  • Photo must be original work of the participant.
  • Photo must not contain any identifying marks (watermarks, borders, texts, and signatures). Similarly, the photo must not be digitally altered or enhanced (other than standard adjustments such as color and contrast, brightness, etc).
  • Photo must not contain obscene, pornographic, or sexually-explicit content or information.
  • San Marino reserves the right to remove photos deemed offensive without prior notice

  • Winners will be notified through an email confirmation and a phone call from Rakso Computer Technology.
  • A representative from San Marino Corned Tuna will get in touch with the winners to discuss the details of the prizes.
To join, simply click the image above :) Good luck and have fun!


Find True Luck in San Marino

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Find True Luck in San Marino and get a chance to win an iPod Touch 3rd Gen. Visit and join the fun! Extended til January 31,2010.

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The Sexy Wife of Chichi, a Loving Mom of our little tot and a certified Super GirlTalker! Thanks all for dropping by and leaving some love! Please don't forget to FOLLOW me, its on my sidebar. And to those who already followed me, I'll definitely return the favor :) If ever I failed, please don't hesitate to grab my attention. I prolly just missed it. Thanks again! Smooches to all! Don't forget to leave me some love when you drop by :)
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