Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's a Locke.

Proving that, in fact, sometimes we can all get along, yesterday the Senate, without debate, unanimously confirmed Gary Locke as Ambassador to China.

I've known Gary long enough and well enough that it kind of feels like he's my own personal Ambassador, but I know it's great news for every American.

And your Senators, no matter who they may be, did the right thing. All of 'em. That's worth an 'atta-boy.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

From the "Me too" file.

Elisabeth Warren...
"I’m saving all the rocks in my pocket for Republicans.”
Me too.

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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Congratulations Justice Kagan!

WASHINGTON — Solicitor General Elena Kagan won easy Senate confirmation Thursday to the U. S. Supreme Court, where President Barack Obama's nominee will make history as three women will serve at the same time on the nine-member court.
Congratulations women, too!

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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chart of the day.


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Thursday, August 06, 2009


Justice Sotomayor.

Oath on Saturday. Hurrah!

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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Well, not exactly…

Debate is scheduled to continue Wednesday to determine whether federal Judge Sonia Sotomayor will become the nation's first Hispanic Supreme Court justice.
Debate, huh? Whatever the Sotomayor proceedings may or may not be, there's been no debate involved. Performance would be a better word, perhaps. The outcome of the confirmation vote is hardly a matter of conjecture and certainly isn't hanging on anything that might be said by anyone on the Senate floor.

Of course, I'm delighted that that's the case, and hopeful that even more Republican Senators will demonstrate some understanding of and allegiance to constitutional democracy and join the growing list of yes votes among their colleagues (Kit Bond (R-MO) and Judd Gregg (R-NH) are the latest additions.)

Whatever's yet to come, though, there's no debate.

Time to vote.

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Let's hope they're not listening,,, Peggy Noonan. Not that there's much risk, given that she sounds somewhat rational on the call for a confirmation fight over Sonia Sotomayor...
Excite the base? How about excite a moderate, or interest an independent? How about gain the attention of people who aren't already on your side?
I've never really understood the whole "excite the base" strategy, anyway. Isn't the "base" supposed to be made up of folks who are with you regardless? Democrats call 'em yellow dogs, Republicans call 'em, what? Lunatics? They sure spend enough time howling at the moon...

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Sunday, May 03, 2009

From the "Cunning Plan" file.

So here’s the plan. Obama nominates the person he really believes would make the best Supreme Court Justice. About the time the Senate Judiciary Committee takes up the nomination, there is a leak from the White House that Obama’s second choice is Bill Clinton.
Pesto! A Republican vote appears.


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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Done deal.

Congratulations, Mr. Secretary!
The U.S. Senate voted on Tuesday to approve the nomination of former Washington state Governor Gary Locke to be U.S. commerce secretary, putting a Chinese-American in the job for the first time.
Hat tip to Sam Turner at The Bellingham Herald.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009


At last...
Hilda Solis was confirmed this afternoon as the new Labor Secretary in a vote of 80 to 17.
Now we have a Secretary of Labor who's also a Secretary for labor.

Any official word on Gary yet?

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Friday, February 06, 2009

The truth.

And nothing but. MissLaura...
This nomination is being held up because Solis is perceived as someone who will be on the side of working people if confirmed.
Free Hilda!

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

OK, then…

Specter Says He Will Back Holder
…can we stop with the silly and get this thing done.

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Monday, January 26, 2009

You win some…

…then you win some more.
Senate confirms Geithner as treasury secretary
And some more, soon, I trust.

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Thursday, January 22, 2009


Obama Moves to Quickly Erase Bush's Legacy

Senate approves landmark equal pay legislation

Obama sends a message: the United States will not torture

Senate Confirms More Obama Nominees

Obama Orders Secret Prisons and Detention Camps Closed

Are we having fun yet?

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Seven down…

By unanimous consent, the Senate has just confirmed Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy; Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education; Janet Napolitano, for Homeland Security, Peter Orszag as Director of the office of Management and Budget; Ken Salazar as Secretary of the Interior; Eric K. Shinseki as Secretary of Veterans Affairs; and Tom Vilsack as Secretary of Agriculture.
More in the next day or two after some political games have been played, but that's a strong start. The Republicans had best beware. I don't think the public has much patience left for pointless obstructionism.

Change keeps coming...

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The race may not go to the swift…

...nor the battle to the strong, but in the Senate, I'd bet on the side with the votes.
WASHINGTON — The nomination of Timothy Geithner to head the Treasury Department became a political tug of war Wednesday, with a top Senate Democrat saying that his confirmation is certain while a top Senate Republican said it wasn't.
Practically-President Obama seems to agree.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

From the "Why majorities matter" file…

Majority Leader Reid...
“Ted Olson will not be confirmed.”
We're counting on that, Harry.

We're counting on you.

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