Chart of the day.
Labels: Chart of the day, Defense Budget, Military Spending, Priorities
A Democrat - without prefix, without suffix, without apology.
Labels: Chart of the day, Defense Budget, Military Spending, Priorities
Juan Cole got it here...
Labels: Budget, Chart of the day, Defense Budget, National Security, World
Steve Benen graphs the new WaPo/Bloomberg poll...
Labels: Chart of the day, Defense Budget, Medicare, Social Security, Steve Benen, Taxes
…Harry Reid offers some hope with a welcome blow for liberty. Via Joan McCarter…
Sen. Harry Reid is blocking the National Defense Authorization Act over provisions it contains that seek to direct how the government deals with Al Qaeda prisoners captured by the military. He explained his objections to the provisions in a letter to Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin and ranking member John McCain.The ACLU applauds…
Reid's letter specifically objects to three sections of the 2011 Senate bill: one making explicit the president's authority to hold terrorism suspects indefinitely; another directing that terror suspects affiliated with Al Qaeda or supporting forces be placed in military custody unless a national security waiver is invoked, and a third making permanent certain limits on transferring prisoners out of Guantanamo Bay.
“There is no reason why, particularly ten years after 9/11 and with bin Laden dead, anyone in the Senate should want to give the president the martial law authority to have the military capture and imprison civilians around the world — including American citizens on American soil — based on suspicion alone," the ACLU's Chris Anders said. "Sen. Reid is saying that kind of proposal does not fit in the Senate’s defense authorization bill.”Me too.
Labels: ACLU, Civil Liberties, Defense Budget, Harry Reid, LIberty, War On Terror
…you've lost the war.
Labels: Afghanistan, Defense Budget, Norm Dicks, WA-6, Withdrawal
Via Dave Johnson...
Labels: Chart of the day, Dave Johnson, Defense Budget
…abound. Here's a couple. Over at Crooks & Liars, Heather wonders...
How many teachers' salaries or years of funding NPR does launching a Tomahawk missle cost us?Several, I'm sure, of each. Elsewhere, Republican consultant Pat Griffin answers a query with a question...
What can I say about Newt Gingrich today that his ex-wives have not already said?Perhaps he'll think of something tomorrow.
Labels: Defense Budget, Education, Good Question, Newt Gingrich, NPR, Pat Griffin
…to keep things on a 'family-friendly' basis around here, because of things like this...
In his opening statement, [Defense Secretary] Gates fervently appealed for funds requested by Gen. David Petraeus for equipment to protect troops in Afghanistan. The money has been held up because it would come from a project benefiting a major contributor to the committee chairman, Bill Young (R-Fla.).Young's been paid $80,000 to care more about the production rate of surplus Humvees than soldier's lives. Nothing family-friendly about that, or about my reaction.
Labels: Afghanistan, Bill Young, Defense Budget, General Petraeus, Robert Gates
Via digby...
Labels: Budget, Budget Deficit, Chart of the day, Defense Budget, Digby, High Income Tax, Medicare, Social Security
My own personal former Congressman, Jay Inslee, who joined my own personal current Congressman in voting against the Defense Supplemental for Afghanistan...
"It is wrong to be borrowing money from China, laying off American police officers, to train police officers in Afghanistan."Yes, it is. Speaking of my OPC, Howie's got Rep. McDermott's remarks here.
Labels: Afghanistan, Budget Priorities, Defense Budget, Jay Inslee, Jim McDermott, Quote of the Day
John Conyers, via Howie...
As of 10:06 a.m., Sunday, May 30th, the United States will have spent $1 trillion on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.As of now, millions more.
Labels: Afghanistan, Budget, Defense Budget, Iraq
The Speaker speaks...
"I think we have to look at that war with a green eyeshade on."Yep, we do.
Labels: Afghanistan, Budget, Defense Budget, Speaker Pelosi
WASHINGTON - A senior Pentagon advisory group, in a series of bluntly worded briefings, is warning President-elect Barack Obama that the Defense Department's current budget is "not sustainable," and he must scale back or eliminate some of the military's most prized weapons programs.Heck, I can't imagine better news for the new President than a Pentagon that's on board with wiping out the budget bloat of hardware boondoggles.
Labels: Barack Obama, Budget, Defense Budget, Pentagon, Weapons
…at least in a nostalgic sense, seems to be busting out all over. Diane shares a little Ike love over at Tough Donkey, sending me scrambling for the latest fundraising missive from my own personal Congressman, which leads off with these words worth repeating...
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, and the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross."Remember respecting the office and the man, regardless of party? You must be near as old as I am...Dwight David Eisenhower
April 16, 1953
Labels: Defense Budget, Dwight Eisenhower, Presidency, War
New-Home Sales Hit 12-Year Low in NovemberSafer and sounder all the time.
Bush tops 'most admired' pollWhoa! Down is up!
AOL pulls plug on Netscape Web browserIn other news, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
Bush to veto defense bill after Iraq objectsIraq objects? I thought we bought Iraq.
Labels: Bush, Defense Budget, Economy, Housing Bubble, Iraq, Polls
Via Dave Johnson at Seeing The Forest…
…today's defense spending is 14% above the height of the Korean War, 33% above the height of the Vietnam War, 25% above the height of the "Reagan Era" buildup and is 76% above the Cold War average.That's one expensive boogeyman they've built up, huh?
Labels: Cold War, Defense Budget, Korean War, Ronald Reagan, Vietnam