For the first six years of his presidency, it seemed as though George Bush hardly remembered that he
could veto a bill. In fact, it seemed that a pretty clear quid pro quo had been worked out with the Republican Congress - as long as they didn't get involved in oversight of his administration they could do pretty much as they pleased, and their pleasure was found in endangering, bankrupting, dividing and distracting Americans.
Then along came the Democrats, and a flood of legislation designed to improve the lives of the American people. Vetoes and rumors of vetoes became the order of the day on Pennsylvania Avenue.
The Speaker has been
keeping track…
VETOED BY THE PRESIDENT Promoting Life-Saving Stem Cell Research - H.R. 3/S.5
U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Health and Iraq Accountability Act
The College Cost Reduction Act - H.R. 2669
Homeland Security Appropriations - H.R. 2638
State-Foreign Operations Appropriations - H.R. 2764
Interior-Environment Appropriations - H.R. 2643
The Energy Price Gouging Act – H.R. 1252
The No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels (NOPEC) Act - H.R. 2264
FY 2008 Defense Authorization Bill - H.R. 1585
FY 2008 Homeland Security Authorization - H.R. 1684
Hate Crimes Prevention Act – H.R. 1592
D.C. Voting Rights Act – H.R. 1905
Rail and Mass Transit Security Act - H.R. 1401
Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2007 - H.R. 1255
Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2007 - H.R. 985
Reauthorizing Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund - H.R. 720
Employee Free Choice Act - H.R. 800
Requiring Medicare to Negotiate Lower Prescription Drug Prices - H.R. 4
Capsule descriptions, links and more can be found at
the Speaker's site and at the
NPI Blog, to which I tip my hat.
Labels: Bush, Congress, Speaker Pelosi, Vetoes