Wednesday, January 26, 2011

On the other hand…

…while I like the "yes we can" spirit that the mention of the response to Sputnik - big dreams and big investment around a common purpose - conjures, at least to me, the earmark veto pledge is just silly pandering to a constituency that's not going to appreciate it.

Well, it's more than that, I suppose. It's an executive branch power grab, too. The ability of Congress to write the budget pretty much any way they please is one of their Constitutional prerogatives, and one that I doubt either party in either house is eager to yield easily.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

OK, then, it's official.

America is the kind of country that tortures people…
The 225-188 roll call Tuesday by which the House failed to override President Bush's veto of a bill that would have prohibited the CIA from using waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques on terrorist suspects.
My America is gone. I want it back.

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The Speaker's blog has a round up of links and excerpts for a dozen editorials from major newspapers from coast to coast (including the P.I.) calling for an override of the Intelligence Authorization veto over its anti-torture provisions. It's shaping up to be a fight we can win.

Whatever you think we were, or should be, right now America, by executive edict, is the kind of country that tortures people.

The Constitution? Pish. International treaties? Tosh.

Someone scared the Preznit and now we torture people.

Override? Damn straight.

Sic 'im, Madam Speaker.

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

From the "Un-American Activities" file.

Some plain truth from Kagro X...
Basically, the situation is such that Bush feels perfectly comfortable vetoing everything of substance the Congress even proposes passing. Forget the "60 vote requirement" in the Senate. With Bush, if he wants his way, it takes 67 votes to do anything different. And 290 in the House.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007


CIA destroyed tapes despite court order
And? This case should probably topple the Bush administration. It probably won't.
Bush vetoes children's health bill a second time
"…without negotiating once."
Ominous Arctic melt worries experts
.…and if the experts are worried, brother, I'm worried. Sometimes this reality-based business is scary.
VA must act to curb combat-vet suicides, panel hears
We could start by making fewer combat vets.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"Nothing has been accomplished all year."

…sez Republican leader Rep. John Boehner. This is what nothing looks like:
Implementing the 9/11 Commission's recommendations.

Benchmarks for progress in Iraq.

Raising the minimum wage.

10,000 new math and science teachers for America's public schools.

The largest increase in college aid since 1944.

Ethics reform.
And, of course, dozens of bills passed by the House and stymied by Senate Republicans - despite majority support in the Senate - or Bush's newly discovered veto pen.

It's not everything, for sure. It's not nothing, either, though.

Still, we could do more and better.

We could, with more and better Democrats.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Key Priorities the President Vetoed.

More from The Gavel

$30 billion – National Institutes of Health: Life Saving Medical Research
(3 Months In Iraq)
$14.8 billion – Title I: Education for the Disadvantaged
(45 Days In Iraq)
$11.3 billion – IDEA State Grants: Special Education
(34 Days In Iraq)
$7.0 billion – Head Start: Early Childhood Education
(21 Days In Iraq)
$3.4 billion – Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services for Veterans
(10 Days In Iraq)
$2.4 billion – LIHEAP: Heating Assistance for Low Income Families
(1 Week In Iraq)
$2.2 billion – Community Health Centers
(6 ¾ Days In Iraq)
$1.5 billion – Job Training & Career Placement Dislocated Workers
(4 ½ Days In Iraq)
$1.2 billion – Career & Vocational Education
(3 ½ Days In Iraq)
$1.1 billion – 21st Century Learning Centers: After School Programs
(3 ½ Days In Iraq)
$228 million – Veterans’ Employment Programs
(16 ½ Hours In Iraq)
$23.6 million – Homeless Veterans Services
(1 ¾ Hours In Iraq)
$9.5 million – Programs for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injuries
(41 ½ Minutes In Iraq)

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

From the "Majorities Matter" file...

WASHINGTON -- House Democrats pushed through legislation Wednesday to add 6 million lower-income children to a popular health insurance program while making deep cuts in federal payments to Medicare HMOs, defying a veto threat from President Bush.

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Actually literally.

Matt Stoller (you've bookmarked Open Left by now, right?)…
Next week, Bush is literally planning to kill American children.
Really. Literally.

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Playing catch-up?

For the first six years of his presidency, it seemed as though George Bush hardly remembered that he could veto a bill. In fact, it seemed that a pretty clear quid pro quo had been worked out with the Republican Congress - as long as they didn't get involved in oversight of his administration they could do pretty much as they pleased, and their pleasure was found in endangering, bankrupting, dividing and distracting Americans.

Then along came the Democrats, and a flood of legislation designed to improve the lives of the American people. Vetoes and rumors of vetoes became the order of the day on Pennsylvania Avenue.

The Speaker has been keeping track

Promoting Life-Saving Stem Cell Research - H.R. 3/S.5

U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Health and Iraq Accountability Act


The College Cost Reduction Act - H.R. 2669

Homeland Security Appropriations - H.R. 2638

State-Foreign Operations Appropriations - H.R. 2764

Interior-Environment Appropriations - H.R. 2643

The Energy Price Gouging Act – H.R. 1252

The No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels (NOPEC) Act - H.R. 2264

FY 2008 Defense Authorization Bill - H.R. 1585

FY 2008 Homeland Security Authorization - H.R. 1684

Hate Crimes Prevention Act – H.R. 1592

D.C. Voting Rights Act – H.R. 1905

Rail and Mass Transit Security Act - H.R. 1401

Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2007 - H.R. 1255

Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2007 - H.R. 985

Reauthorizing Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund - H.R. 720

Employee Free Choice Act - H.R. 800

Requiring Medicare to Negotiate Lower Prescription Drug Prices - H.R. 4
Capsule descriptions, links and more can be found at the Speaker's site and at the NPI Blog, to which I tip my hat.

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