Showing posts with label stencil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stencil. Show all posts

Monday, July 9, 2018

#320 - Mood Board

Hi Peeps!

Majo here. 
It's my turn this week to challenge you to create anything you want, it just has to be based on this mood board:

You can choose the colours, the texture, the pictures, whatever is convenient for you.

I can hardly wait to see what you come up with!

A little inspiration for you are my Artist Trading Coins based on the colours of the board ....

Take a look at all the beautiful creations by my teamies ....

I was inspired by the colour scheme and the glass stones.

Amanda Crow

Bild könnte enthalten: Ozean, Wasser und im Freien

Heather R

The colors from this week's mood board remind me of my daughter's school colors and so I was inspired to scrapbook a photo of her in her Colorguard jersey...


I was inspired by the colors and the cup of coffee in the bottom right corner.

For this challenge, I was inspired by the coffee cup and the color scheme.  Here is the planner spread I came up with based on the challenge.


I have done a pocket page spread for this moodboard to try and capture all the colours in the challenge. I will post a video up later this week for this spread, so keep an eye out on the facebook group or my channel. 

Happy Crafting ♥