Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Not my own

It is going to take some getting used to renting. Gavin has decided to become and artist. There are little, or not so little, scribbles all over our apartment. I think they're sweet but I am sure the owner will not. I hope those Mr. Clean erasers really work. I will be trying them out.


kimbo said...

Oh they do work! Claire has been our little artist with the walls. It's really bad when you have to call the landlord and ask him what color paint is on the walls. Then when he assumes the truth (that your kids have mad marks all over them) and you try to cover up by saying your husband has patched up some holes in the wall and that's why you need the paint (also true, but the marker was a little more glaring). One of these days I'm just going to use that chalkboard paint and do a whole wall for my kids to scribble on.

Ali said...

Hi Sarah! I'm sure you going through such a big change! I really feel for you and hope you will be helped by those around to feel at home! The erasers do work, but they have been known to burn kids skin (a chemical kind that just keeps burning). I have never been burned by them myself but I don't let the kids use them anymore! Just wanted to warn you!!
Love!!!! Ali
ps...you are closer to use now, hopefully we can connect some time!!

Kacey said...

They work awesome!! I don't even stress when the crayons come out anymore.

(Love your new header!)

The Cuffs said...

I can't believe you haven't tried the magic eraser yet. It's my best friend!!!Every time I use it I tell myself "wow this really is magic! I love this thing!" It's amazing for tub and shower floors too, at least the cheap las vegas ones they do!

The ward is not the same with out you guys, I sure hope your new ward knows how lucky they are!

Coslett's said...

oh gosh sarah .... oh the joys! he is a sweetie though! how can you be mad at that face!??? love it! but hey you should get SOFTSCRUB instead of the eraser thing it works like a gem for things like this! Good luck getting it all out and i guess you will need to hide those crayons haha!