Come and get them Aunt Debbi, if you think you can! A couple of people have wanted to know the background to yesterday's post. So you have two choices - you can either follow the links in there , or view the abridged version below. This was submitted to The Garden Monkey earlier today as part of his current limerick challenge . Do go over and have a look, there are some absolute pearlers. Now James said, 'Look at those Phlox, And these are like gloves for a fox, And I have some Dahlia In full blooming regalia, They have no need for their socks' 'But Kate just tossed back her locks, To write in a tone that so mocks, And demanded to know Where their footwear did go, 'Are they hidden behind those rocks?' 'Ah madam, you mock me' he roared, 'I have the most well be behaved sward, Your words are too cruel And so we must duel, I defend their honour with my sword' So battle lines are now drawn, Acro...