Friday, May 7, 2010

Porta Leoni

Detail of Porta Leoni. Again, another example of history layers in town: roman, medieval and recent (probably XVIII century). I find this corner absolutely enchanting...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Morning drive

Driving to work, yesterday morning. I leave the city center behind and head to the industrial area of the town. After a few warm weeks, Italy (and the rest of Europe) is being hit by a strong weather depression that is causing strong winds and storms. After a long pause (four years!) I am now back at work, so I face this scene every morning, while a couple of weeks ago I was sipping coffee at the bar... I am not fact I am rather excited for my new position... I am just exposing some new facts of my life :-))))

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Episcopalian seminar

Episcopalian seminar, facade. Paintings and sculpures enrich this magnificent palace, probably the richest one in the district of Veronetta.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Freshly laundered

A day out in the countryside. Cerna, up on the Monti Lessini.

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