

Showing posts with label MISHMAR HASHARON. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MISHMAR HASHARON. Show all posts

What I have eaten during Erev Hag 2009?

>> Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Shana tova" and hag "zameach" that I heard as their greetings to each and every one with hugs and kisses to families and friends, wearing not so elegant but new and presentable . I loved looking at them on their happy faces welcoming their new year and another new beginning as they said.

First served was the juices and this kind of food that came from and purely fish pellet.This is the kosher food that my employer likes and  most favorite. Every time they serve in the dinning, this is the first choice by both of us. Gefilte fish as they named it, so easy to prepare.Get recipe here how to prepare and cook this Jewish food.

This is the only fresh salad I've chosen and few slices of small tomatoes.These have mixed with pomengrates and ripe pig tree fruit as toppings.

Soup - something like meat balls but with dough, good taste.

Look at my dinner plate , it has fried rice with raisin's, beef and rolled chicken meat inserted with nuts and some herbs or veggies that I taste. moments now and here I am pouring my glass of red wine.Just below half of my glass ,I might not drive our toy car to go home. "Don't drive while you drunk" right?

my friend Erika and her fiancee on the third long table from us.

There are a lot of foods prepared by the village kitchen chefs. I saw the bread, cakes and cookies.Fresh sliced of different kinds of fruits, cooked of dried mixture fruit called "komput".You pick what you want but I picked some and brought home, lol. Tea, coffee and colds drinks in another corner of the dinning hall. Great time and gathering that I included to my treasured moments here in my work place , Mishmar Hasharon.



>> Thursday, September 17, 2009

On September 18,2009 will be the Jewish New Year's Eve holiday.They have dinner and I am sure I'll be sitting beside my employer.It is my responsibility that where ever she goes I'll be on her back or beside her. lol..

In the bible Israel is called as "the land of milk and honey", so during their new year's eve they always prepared a long table dinner for the whole family(private) and here in my work place(kibbutz) is for the whole village people gathered together.Erev roshashana is the new year's eve in the whole world celebrations. Roshashana means "head of the year" . So..expect me to eat all their foods speacially their fruits of the year.Here are some lists of fruits and each symbol why they need to eat and prepared all of these during new year.

Hello world..did you know that pomegranates has 613seeds inside of one fruit? I know Jewish counted this,lol.Just today and my first time ever I knew these, thanks to them sharing their knowledge and spreading their beliefs of new year holiday.This fruit is the number one special at the long table together with honey during the erev hag (new year's eve) .

Honey  symbolizes the sweet whole year.

Bread, and other fruits was deepen to honey before swallowing, hehehe. I'm just following what they are doing specially if the family of where I'm working with is eating it.

Green spinach  symbolizes for green year with good harvest in the farm. They also prepared rounded head carrots.

Dates as sweet also, black eyed beans, leek, apples and gourd and more leafy fresh salads.

Rosh means head , so they are eating the "head of the fish"  which symbolizes the abundancy and fertility.


meet my new friend ERIKA

>> Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hello my new friend ERIKA, sexy, blond, white complexion, faithful friend and a good chef. Look at the image below, she brought me last night a big sliced of peaches cake she made. Waahhh....I did not slept until I did swallowed it all, sigh.Imagine she came after my heavy dinner, 1 kilo my score on weighing scale again in just one night grrrrr. But sorry she is already committed to one handsome local guy here in my work place.hehehe.Remember JHING_CUTIE ? her contract was finished and she will be going home to get marry to his pinoy (pa rin) bf that she found in Internet.
Erika love to bakes all kinds of cakes, bread and cookies . So you have the right to blame her why I am chubby but not slowly lazy caregiver now, lol.Soon I will feature here all the recipes she will be or we will be making , as I told you I am just a helper in times like this doing dish washing jobs. You know me where I had been and grown up. I am expert to all herbs cooking or those foods in the mountains or in the jungle.Sigh but proud as it was my reality of my life.



>> Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This is the Jewish tradition of mourning their relatives after funeral. "Sitting" as they called it here that all friends and relatives is coming to join each and everyone to where the deceased live. But if the certain house is not good or no spaces for their guests they announced it where like sometimes in the house or place of one of their children.

Mourning of shiv'a yomim is depend from what blood race they came from like my employer in Tel Aviv. They are from Teman, they are so religious that after funeral friends came early morning until almost midnight to pray .A lot of elderly came and go to pray and pray and telling of stories of their origins to the young mourners to know. My next employer was from Baghdad that they only pray on the 7th and last day of mourning.There are also friends and relatives coming during the day is something like working in different family race has different custom and tradition we followed.Also the food and the languages that sometimes we need to know the important translation of each word .But the most effective is the sign language to do.

Shiv'a yomim or sitting is like a reunion of friends and relatives of the deceased.They are coming with all their special bake cakes, bread and cookies.Siting with fun stories to every groups of peoples on each tables .It was so differently in my home country of mourning.

I also noticed that during the funeral they are not crying much or for their best they could is holding their breath of not to cry.Never I heard any sounds of cry or any. They are still trying to show of a half smile to all who joined them of their sympathies and loss.

During this shiv'a yomim most caregivers are also helping and still counting their days as working days.But there are families that after funerals they just giving schedule to their caregiver when and where to meet to settle their last obligations to workers.Sometimes even funerals they don't let the caregiver see the final resting place of her/his employer where they work day and night for how many numbers of years. So this is the end of everything for the good relationships between families and their caregivers. Very rare to families that after funeral they can still call or talk to their caregivers how is she going.Mostly employers relatives never remember the hardships or maybe I thought because they paid it all .


My Employer's Two Best Friends Funeral

>> Tuesday, August 25, 2009

May they rest in peace. We attended my employer's two best friends funeral last Monday and yesterday, Tuesday. My employer was so sad that make her uneasy for the last few days and sleepless nights . The first one was older than my employer of about six months.They are best of friends since their very young age way back in Warsaw, Poland.The other one was younger than my employer but they are friends too since they've meet here and stayed in this kibbutz (village).

They have here different ways of funeral ceremonies. When one person died in the early morning they buried it immediately in the afternoon or before sunset if there is no family members they have to wait . If some children or grand children are need too come , the funeral office took and freeze the body in certain place. I don't know where , never seen morgue or funeral houses here.The funeral service van was big as like an ambulance that have complete stuffs needed for an emergency purposes. I am confused before that I thought it was also an ambulance but it was not .From the house of the deceased the funeral service personnel first checked the body then wrapped and tied with a cloth . They change the cloth to white and covered the coffin with black before the final walk up the grave.

Not all remains was using coffins that made of an ordinary plywood as thick as one fourth I've seen.I observed that the size of a coffin was longer than the height of each remains.In our country it was bad. It should be exact and no single centimeter distance above the head and below the feet of the remains.

First they gathered in one place like here they called it "mo'adon". This is a multi-purpose building where the painting exhibit show before, celebrating birthdays and other occasions, meeting of conferences, etc.Then next was the final walk up the cemetery.From the funeral service van they put directly to where its final resting place.They did not wait all people behind to see before they drop it to the hole.They don't have here a concrete grave which is elevated from the ground. It was dug and under the ground funeral. After all it was covered with sand every one was so silent . Every members of the family , sometimes friends or any one who want to say something how and what kind of person the deceased was or how to be a friend of the deceased, etc...etc...that most and every body was crying even I found grasping my teary eyed.

They fixed the grave after few months some are just in days, the above portion was put a concrete or marble finished with the names, date of birth and the day when they died. It was written sometimes where they came from and the cause of their death.


I'm Far from Normal for 2 weeks

>> Monday, August 24, 2009

funny glitters
We moved to another house since Saturday afternoon due to the shower and comfort room renovations. It said that they will finish it within 2 weeks or/and as fast as they could. Everything was far from normal for me and for my employer here . Sleepless night was the worst ever for our first two nights here. My employer complained that this house was so dirty that is why the whole parts of her body was all itching.The day before we moved here I cleaned up everything specially the place to where our stuffs had been placed. I have this problem during the day time that I can not sleep even the whole night of not sleeping. I'm still doing my regular daily routine that if she is still in bed I clean again the other corner of the house and if she woke up I clean the area where she was and to show her that everything was cleaned up. Sometimes it was psychological thoughts to an elderly and need to or let her see and comfort her as so there's no blames in later days to come .My employer always have a good time sleep during the day time.

I was just lucky that there is open connection here so I transferred my unit . I just ask the ten meter cable wire to reach the place where I put my pc so that I can blog.


Cooking and Food Time Talks to caregivers!

>> Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Since I started to work here we agree that I can cook my food once in a while because they have village kitchen here, they called it "kadar'ha'okel"(not sure of the spelling but words sounds like it) which means "DINNING PLACE".We have food budget there but sometimes we are looking our native foods to eat. No problems to the office who manages the old woman and also to the family around her. But sometimes the elderly itself is the main problems. Some caregivers never never allowed to cook or bring foods even that is their local foods to their work place. For caregivers wanted the work assigned to them, stay there and sacrifice, if not you can go out and look for another job.In my situation is different it is she likes me to cook sometimes and hate sometimes.So..I need to observed first the mood before cooking. lol. I'm expecting that to all elderly because of their life experiences they've always bear in their mind the word "SAVING of EVERYTHING!" and need to do it then followed them.This is one treasure I acquired in working here as caregiver to an elderly."Save___ , save___ and save___ and save___."

Now , lets go to cooking - Last Sunday's tiring trips to Jerusalem , Monday- we're been to the general consultant of my old woman in Billingson hospital, one hour maybe drive up to there and another hour coming back home.Tuesday- a regular tiring day here inside the house and now Wednesday- I'm feeling a little bit homesick. I want to eat something that makes me feels good. I always have here a rice stick noodles, I bought veggies and fruits every Sunday before coming back to work and some ingredients have already in my cabinet. is what I cooked......pancit bihon!!!

Hey wait...Oh yeah! you're right! NO MEAT AT ALL ! I want to escape eating meat for few days maybe. I've just cooked it with chicken flavor mix and soy sauce(toyo-silver swan) with the biggest onions I found in public market.Joining one big head of garlic also and olive oil.No salt and pepper added, veggies are carrots, broccoli flower and cabbage.



>> Tuesday, July 14, 2009

If you are working abroad you can always remembered the smallest thing back home.This morning I went to the village store here in my work place.I want to have lunch with white plain rice. I'm just consuming one kilo of rice for the whole month. Imagine if I'm home one kilo is not enough for a single meal.Funny to tell but it was true. This country was not planting rice and even citizen's here don't know how it looks like before they are buying it in the store.They knew it is rice ready to cook but if you asked them where, what the colors or kinds, classifications, etc. they just turning their heads left to right which means they don't know.Just lately when airing reality tv shows and some issues on Internet they saw others facts about rice.
Look at the image how much one kilo of rice I bought, it is worth more than a hundred pesos (P100 ) in the Philippines .There are still higher prices than these quality but it was in the same taste . For me this is not the first class quality of rice. I grown up surrounded by rice that is why I know if something smell on the rice . I know if it was wet or dry during the harvest season until packaging for market exchanges to cash as one source of living. Most processed foods and this rice here are from Thailand, why from there? mostly citizen's here love to spend vacations in that country.Because of higher rice prices, I used to eat more fruits and veggies and it is more cheaper than rice compared to other prime commodities that I need.Wonders bothered me most , I'm still gaining weights even eating less rice.SAD!.



>> Sunday, May 10, 2009

This picture was taken last February 2009 on or after election day (Feb. 10,2009) and came out in all newspapers and tv news updates in ISRAEL.It was my employer and her eldest son EHUD BARAK , I was sitting on rightside of my employer- I'm always hiding if there is camera-hihihi... we meet in one place of MISHMAR HASHARON because EHUD was need to lead the tree planting. I cannot find my copy on my file of this picture,  so ask again to the youngest son RUVI.

I am sharing this image to all of you outhere to show that how busy his son was , he still have time to visit her mother.Yesterday the three other son's and thier wives came to visit thier mother.One special friend also came to visit her. Two daughters of EHUD with thier children's that was already a great grand children of my employer also came. She's very happy and she told me again the old , old stories of all history that we went to bed late last night.

REMEMBER the saying that we can have changes to the whole parts of our body but not the fact of having one mother in your entire life.




>> Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Israel's night of indepedence way back 1948 celebrates few minutes ago-disco dancing still going on, in every villages and towns all over the country.Me and my employer witnessed another year of celebration from thier liberation with invaders.Below are my few shoots that I cannot have much because one hand was holding my employer and other hand was with my camera and video.Oh...okay ..yes! I'm insane because I need it on blogosphere,lol.

Yom Ha'atzmaut (Hebrew: יום העצמאות‎ yom hā-‘aṣmā’ūṯ;) means the national Independence day of the State of Israel. Every year's celebration is always on the 5th of the Jewish month of Iyar, it centers around the declaration of the state of Israel by David Ben Gurion in Tel Aviv on May 14, 1948 and the end of the British Mandate of Palestine.It is always the day after Yom Hazikaron. I repeat saying again that the day in Georgian calendar for Jewish start after sunset.It's night life in some other countries.

Many Israelis celebrate the day with picnics and barbecues (known in Israeli slang as a "mangal" - from the Arabic word منقل meaning "stove"). In some parts of the country the eve of the holiday, people sing and dance in the streets. Balconies are decorated with Israeli flags, and small flags are attached to car windows or every where you can see thier flag hanging.

IN the dinning room ,dinner served in few minutes but they served first the "pita" so.. when the main menu come I finished already one
Programs started with the childrens on this village riding around bicycle and some are walking with flags hanging on their bikes.Next in dinning area then program history outside and the end by seeing fireworks.
There was also kids running back in fort waving flags in different sizes.



>> Sunday, April 26, 2009

In youtube videos you can see all people who witnesses this day in ISRAEL.There are videos shown in different  locations and it's amazing to see  all motorists stopping thier cars during the minutes of silence. Tonight is the  "erev zikaron" which means the commemoration all thier fallen soldiers battled in ground and space for the next day liberation of  holy land.Here in my work place have a corner in this village that all residents gathered and commemorates by offering songs, flowers , candle lighting and prayers  while mentioning of all the names of those soldiers died during thier active duty as an army and all victims of terrorism. Names of those who are born here and those who live here before.It is a solemm program and so emotional to observed and watched.Tommorrow before eleven in the morning will have another one minute siren/alarm to the whole nation.

Yom Hazikaron is observed on the 4th day of the month of Iyar of the Hebrew calendar, always preceding the next day's celebrations of Israel Independence Day.  It varies from year to year in the Gregorian calendar:
2006: May 2 
2007: April 23 (postponed from April 22 due to the latter's proximity to the Sabbath) 
2008: May 7 (moved from May 9 due to the latter's proximity to the Sabbath) 
2009: April 28 (The day opens the preceding evening at 20:00 (8:00 pm), given that in the Hebrew calendar system days begin at sunset, with a one-minute siren during which most Israelis stand in silence, commemorating the fallen and showing respect).Here is the pictures taken at Mishmar Hasharon during thier night of commemoration.I just have these two pictures because my right hand holding my employer and the left hand holding camera.What a crazy life of caregiver and same time a blogger , lol. 

I don't have my own videos where you can see motorists stopping during a one minute of silence.We caregivers are not allowed to leave our employer inside the home or work place without the permission of the family  and  there should be someone to replace before leaving the   work place.  I'm always  on my work /duty everytime of the jewish holiday of each year and I  only watched on tv live show of what is happening around. 


YOM HASHOAH (20April2009)

>> Monday, April 20, 2009

 Last Sunday I saw mostly stores in the city selling flags that they will use  to have flags displays around thier homes and everywhere in preparations of tonight's "erev hashoah" ceremonies.   We did not attend the village ceremonies few minutes ago because my employer was very sad today when she heard that her best friend , a classmates of her eldest son and nieghbor for long time ago was died in lung cancer. Only two weeks when we saw each other in the dinning room when they are taking lunch with other friends.Everytime she came and saw me outside she always ask me where is my old woman ,and how am I doing with my work.A very nice woman at heart to everybody here.May she rest in peace.

Today's weather was very hot and hard to breath outside until sunset. My employer was in bad mood if the temperature was too high that even the food she don't want to eat.She's watching almost half of the day all programs on television showing thier history and some of what happened this day long time ago.Programs that all related in today's commemoration.



FIRST DAY of HANUKKAH and........etc.

>> Monday, December 22, 2008

December 21,2008-SUNDAY- its DOUGHNUTS FESTIVAL yesterday morning when I went to the city,everywhere you can see a lot of doughnuts or SUFGANIYOT on display.First day of candle lighting of Hanukkah and every body was buying doughnuts,colored candles,potatoes,flour cake,etc.It is just desame as Christmas rush shopping in the market place,in supermarkets,bakeries and other stores for gifts.

But in the afternoon all radio and tv stations broadcast was terrible.Again rockets flying from GAZA to nearby towns of ISRAEL borders.Its different moods of celebrating Hanukkah in that place. Its should be children's affair and the most happiest moment during this celebrations but it ruined by this rockets.

Evening news time...politicians are all in their own ways of campaign as they started to go around in preparations to national elections this coming February 2009.A lot of different stories in every aspiring candidates in different locations they've choose.

I went back to work at past six o'clock in the evening.My employer was not home.They were in the hall celebrating the first candle light and watched games of children's from age 12 years and below.They did a lot of fun games that my employer enjoyed watching it.Like doughnuts eating contest,lighting candles passes to next child ,blowing balloons to let the candle lights off, etc.It is nice to see children's that they all wanted to be contestants of every games.




>> Friday, December 05, 2008

Once a month most elderly in this village gathered on these place called "MO'ADON SHESHIM".They are not complete attendance this time because some of them went to voting centers as they have an internal election for labor party today.Few of them are not feeling well in season like today, a very cold night and the daytime was too hot and windy.A temperature that most elderly had a hard time to overcome.

Rina Barkai, sitting far right with blue scarf was the major speaker of all times.They are discussing all the experiences and some historical people who brought out the legacy of their culture and traditions.It is a kind of memory rewinding for elderly here as they are talking most inspirational stories regarding Judaism.The most important and last part of the session was singing.I'm happy to see my employer,sitting first in front right,singing together ,swaying their heads and sometime clapping their hands thru the melody of the songs they sung together.And last but not the least is the snacks of all times,I'm always joining them during snack times. Sometimes I also sitting inside together with them that I've learned few things of their origin and their history.

Sitting on the center was my superior,ELI BARAK.I called it that way because he is our supervisor for all pilipino workers in this village.A very calm and slow talking man that I always respected.He is the one who fixes our legal papers,sometimes he is a carpenter when something i broke in my work,drives us to the doctor together with my employer in far hospitals appointments.Best thing with him was he never yelled at me at all.Very supportive also in terms of work.

Lastly, all these elderly are my good Friends here inside these village.I have a great time talking to them. A lot of stories being told and I'm a good listener too.



>> Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Everyday I'm always talked to this lady, her name is OKIE.She is so supportive to me in all of my needs her in my work.She is the one making all appointments to the doctors,buying medicines,drive us to the city in some medical clinics and sometimes she's helping me to buy my own personal needs and appointments to the insurance company in times that I'm not feeling well.I called her as a WONDER WOMAN!.Even though night time that i needed help, she's always coming to explain to my employer.She's not eating junk food and even meat.At the age of 63 yrs old she manage to have a regular jog/walk exercise almost everyday.Skinny looks of about 48 kilos in weight but stronger than me that I'm 75 kilos in weight.Around the area she's always on her bicycle with her stuffs going to her office.I'm so lucky to have work in this village because most people here are helping me if there is something to fix or things that i needed.

Around 1 o'clock today we went to the parlor for SAVTA's(grandmother) haircut and hair dye.It takes for more than 1 hour waiting until it finished. She looks tired and sleepy when we reach home.


PRIVATE CAREGIVERS:my daily routine

>> Friday, November 14, 2008

FRIDAY,weekend here and the busiest day of the week,some are busy cleaning,supermarkets are full of shoppers,public markets are also floods by all kinds of people,some are still half day working but most CAREGIVERS are in their work especially those stay in worker like me.we're busy too ,like me this morning,i woke up as early as 6 o'clock ,i cleaned outside ,water my few flower plants,and pick some for inside flower vase display,flowers has a great role for an elderly, an early morning smile on their faces.i do believe that the more they smiles and feels happy ,the more they are extending their lives. i prepared to clean outside for not disturbing her while still asleep.before she wake up i need to prepare her breakfast then go for shower,that's the routine comfortable to her,there are different types of morning daily routines to all caregivers,they give routine that is comfortable to every elderly,in this particular moves most elderly are not in irritated mode for the whole day.diapers delivery also this morning...its not door to door, its few meters walk from the house to where it delivers.

after all things have done to her,she needs to read newspapers,i need to have a cute ride of 5Min's to a rechargeable "calno-it" as they named it,this type of easy ride was always seen in golf courses,to reach the post office mail box area to pick up news papers,then i went to "kolvo" a village grocery for few errands that we need for Saturday because its their rest day like sunday in other countries but most business establishments are closed,before ,i heard its totally closed but now theres few are open like restaurants and some drugstores or fruit stands,cars are everywhere . some said that few years back, during shabbat streets and highways are totally clean or no cars at all.

we all know that newspapers has also a big role to every elderly,it is one way of rehabilitating or waking up their minds so as they still aware of whats going on around.some caregivers used to go outside for walking,sitting on the park and some doing a kind of fresh wind breath exercise.but me i still to go on with some household chores like cleaning her room,bed,windows etc and sometimes my room,the kitchen and living room.its almost 12 o'clock or maybe 11:45 that i finished but i need to shower then before we go to dinning room for lunch and get some foods for tomorrows meals.I'm in a hurry to go shower without bringing anything to use even though bathrobe i forgot, so i get out nude from shower running to my room. exactly 12 noon when we got out the house.

at 2 o'clock in the afternoon she needs for noon time rest, while me is busy posting, sometimes chatting with my families in the phil's and friends.she needs not more than two hours sleep. more than that she might not go to sleep the whole night but most us caregivers has nothing to do about it or we could not force them to get she gets up i'm giving some light mid afternoon snack like coffee with a piece of cake or biscuits then let her sitdown to watch tv news or some programs that she wants to see .until theres somebody to come for visits,sometimes a friend and usually grandchildrens and other extending families.


familyBROG's #1

>> Tuesday, November 11, 2008

during this 95th birthday of the mother MOLY was showing his ph.d (doctorate) certificate to his mother

avinoham pointing thier pictures when he & ehud was young kids at eretz israel musuem photo exhibit,picture taken in mishmar hasharon when photographer ZOLTAN KLUGER(cheif photographer 1933-1958) passed by the village on his way to work.

ehud barak's wife nili,me & avinoham's wife slumit

with ruvi&avinoham during 95th bithday the mother

ehud barak,mother ,me & moly during the family together to the 95th birthday of the mother in moly's home located in jerusalem.

at ehud's home in tel aviv during his 65th birthday for family together only.

me,slumit(wife of 2nd son avinoham),ehud barak,lilia(wife of youngest son ruvi) in ehud's youngest daugther wedding held in haifa

yulie tamir-education minister (L sit) nex tis me standing,nili & ehud barak in quessarya wedding , its their(my employer) relatives wedding

me and grandchildren to a youngest son Ruvi&Lila during barmitzvah held in nearby village kibbutz Ma'abarot (L-R/yuval,naama,yunatan&daniel)


75th ANNIVERSARY in my work place

>> Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A moment of a happy faces gathered together again in one place where they are during their early and memorable days of their lives.all of those people around the globe that was born here,work and been visitors of this kibbutz went back home to witness their awaited celebrations on its 75th foundation,lets look back 1933 during the swampy valley when the great grand parents gathered and form a group here,work and build on their poor bear hands and live here until the end of their lives.left behind are children's and grand children continuous working and struggling to become now a place of a progressive village on its own that evolves in today's high tech world.

i was so lucky to accompany my employer to be a part of their program and have dinner to all vicitors around.i witness here how everybody hugs,kissed and making laughter's to their relatives ,friends,classmates and everyone.program participants are those who have talents like singing,dancing -old and young,playing musical instruments,happy hour around then suddenly came the most important part of program to introduce the guest speaker,each and every one standing up to give a big applause,clapping,whistle roaring the whole village,its the sign of their proudness that they have their very own EHUD BARAK,born on these village,a man of highest integrity , a great leader of the STATE OF ISRAEL, a man of his own word,son of the oldest person by now in this village,then a minute of silence observed,then we heard the speaker on the stage delivering his speech gladly and happy.

this is the first time in my life attended celebrations like these and i can't imagine if i could attend some more gatherings in my journey(work) here in HOLY LAND....
and i'm sure theres no more,its so memorable to be in this family and on this place.
hope this will lasts for more and more years of more than what i needs to be here.
i'm thankful to the LORD for his generosity for me to be here and he gave me this employer, that HE blesses and keep her more strong and good health everyday.

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