

Showing posts with label ads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ads. Show all posts

Google adsense payment checque is not good in my location

>> Monday, November 09, 2009

Hello everyone.....

I was so frustrated for my adsense payments that until now I've never been changed it to become real money/dollar that my fingers could hold it on then go shopping.NEVER! come true.

In my view, the Google adsense payment checque is not good in my location. Last few weeks I went to the post office Natanya branch but they said it should be on the bank transaction. I was not convince on that because I knew that was there I need to go. I went again on same branch the next Sunday day off but still they pass it on to 3-4 persons then said to go to the bank. It's so hard here to find a truly public servant , I understand the culture which is heaven and earth different from my country in terms of public service.So , the next Sunday I went too early before the bank scheduled opening hours. No one assisted me because the one who was in-charged was not on duty that some told me to go back the next day which is Monday .I cannot go out on my work place in any days of the week excepting Sundays and that is my day off. In my eagerness to exchanged it I approach one in middle cubicle table.I was shocked how she acted on me but then I've always calm down . I felt what they have on their minds , I'm just caregiver.But suddenly one female came in then talked to me on a bit nice way and here I need to do for the adsense checque to exchanged.

****** I need to open a bank dollar account that is an EXTENSION BANK ACCOUNT to where I am working(employer).******This is the impossible things and will not happen what ever it takes. Funny but I was shocked after hearing it.

****** Then I need to deposit the checque and wait for a certain days to widraw it.****My goodness ! in just one hundred dollar I have a headache to go back and port to where I need to exchanged it? I'm sure if ever I get that 100$ I have already spend 200$ for medicines and taxi fares. 

So , I decided to just kept on my wallet the Google adsense  cheque for remembrance .



>> Thursday, October 08, 2009

HELLO WORLD..... it is true!! yes's true, I recieved the first payment from google adsense, I will exchange this check on Sunday at the post office. Sunday here is the first working day and Saturday is thier rest day of the week. This is a part of the google adsense program given to each bloggers like me. THANK YOU GOOGLE!!!

Hello, co-bloggers..... thanks to you all , promise I'll be back soon.


Blogsvertise approval

>> Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Today is my lucky day ever.., since I started blogging . Two sites approved on my survivor blog for ads and affiliates access for thier products  .First email I recieved was I need to write about them , even they will not instructed me to do so I'll be posting about them once they approve my site. I been reading /crawling for more than a thousand blogs since November 2008 and I saw that this network is working good. Asking why? like me if I display ads that is moving or sharing any revenues It will stay hanging in my page , if not I'm erasing it.Sorry but that is the business here or could I ask if is still there anything outhere?, please tell me .My entire rest  hour for this day went on reading this site so I have knowledge of knowing them before goes to business. So in summary of all those having ads they have the right to keep on displaying thier ads or even reviews about them.I'll updates all of you of my mine soon as the days goes by.And now I recieved the second email stated that my application was already APPROVED without any words from  me if I will or not to do the first email they send. Do you agree that this is my  lucky day... guys and fellas outhere?.hehehe...yehey!yehey!.. I woke up now in blogging.I need to overtime now for EC dropping...see you there folks. 



WahahoW!!! YES!YES!!YESSss!! I'm allowed to put an ads in this blog survivor.It's been few months that I'm working for this to have it on my sidebar.happy feet Pictures, Images and PhotosLast month my laptop was dead and hospitalized , hehehe I bought a brand new set of computer.I'm trying to revive my account but I can't make it until last night that I checked it again to get codes but they turned it off as stated in email due of having many same ads inside my posts.They only allowed two(2) ads in every blogsite.Early morning today in my location I send reply message to the support team of my point of view ,then I erased it all - of coursed - because it was late night that I left it unfixed. Lunch time I recieved again another email saying that they reinstated my blog at adgitize.I was so impress of thier prompt response in approving and not waiting for 2-3 days or so..

One reason that almost a week  I'm not updating my blogs was have a feeling of depression in blogging.In all the reviews,advertise,affiliates ,etc.Only google adsense that I saw figures in my account.To any other ads I didn't find any movements so I was so sad and asking why I went blogging.A lil regrets but not totally in there because few friends here always checking me and telling where to go to get ads and reviews.Thanks to all you guys again and again.Oh..I'm already emotional here but happy for this blessings.




>> Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I got one of my email today that says:we just want to remind everyone about the AD UNIT placements. All Ad units should be properly placed depending on the type.......and next paragraph was - If you are interested in serving banners ads, make sure that your blog follows these requirements. I am happy of this for reminding of how to do with their ads placements.They have the right to order me what to do because they are paying on what is stated on agreements. Not big enough that we all know but the most important is THEY PAID EVERY CLICK compared to making tonnes of short stories that I dont know of what they wanted to or never I feel of seeing an approval on each story. It is very fraustrating! So...I could say that I might be happy if I'm not pounding my head anymore. lols. lols. lols.

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