Showing posts with label tiger painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tiger painting. Show all posts

Monday, October 6, 2014

10x10 inch watercolor
I think I am finished with this tiger.  I will step away and give it a couple of days to make sure I don't need to do any adjustments.  Thanks to Gary Jones Wildlife Photography for permission to use the reference photo.  Thank you for looking.  Your comments and/or suggestions are always appreciated.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

New Painting

I am working on a new piece.  It is 10x10 inches.  I originally drew this for Sharon's Art March Challenge on FB using a photo that she had permission to use from Gary Jones Wildlife Photography.  I cropped it to work in a square format and drew it but that is where I stopped so now I am trying to complete it.  I am hoping to make good progress this weekend! 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Finished Tiger? & Early Stages of a New Painting!

I believe the tiger is finished and ready to sign. Many thanks to bridgetds at Flickr for the reference photo. It is very cloudy today so the picture is not perfect but very close to the actual painting
I am also posting the early stages of a new painting (well I did the drawing about a year ago).  It is also 20x20 inches and since it was already drawn I decided to work on it.  My reference photo.

I am starting some smaller, 8x8 inch, flower paintings which are more in my comfort zone. I am working on the sketch of a red rose now and will post soon.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Tiger WIP II

I am slowly working on the bamboo leaves and decided to start dropping some color in the face.  I have a couple of ideas bouncing around in my head for new paintings so I would like to make steady progress on this one before I get to many projects going.

Photo Credit: bridgetds at