If you are not doing what you love, you are wasting your time-Billy Joel

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Showing posts with label Heirloom Garment Cover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heirloom Garment Cover. Show all posts

Friday 23 September 2011

Heirloom Garment Cover- Tutorial and Pattern

Heirloom Garment Cover
I have just uploaded the tutorial and pattern for the heirloom garment cover featuring lace cathedral windows. You can find the pattern here and the instructions here.
It is a glorious morning here today so I hope it continues. I am working on a new apron pattern with a band of embroidery and hope to have it done over the weekend. I am using my favourite project colours of red,black and white.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Lace Cathedral windows-tutorial posted

Lace cathedral window technique

Heirloom Garment Cover
I have posted the tutorial for the lace cathedral window technique used in making the heirloom garment hanger which was taught in my class at the sewing convention last week. The technique is a specialised one and I will be posting the tutorial for the garment hanger at a later stage. The tutorial can be downloaded from here

Saturday 2 July 2011

Heirloom Garment Cover-Closet Safe Pattern and Instructions

Heirloom Garment Cover-Closet safe
I have done the pattern and the instructions for the garment cover-closet safe. The instructions are quite detailed and are about 10 pages in length if I remember correctly.The pattern and instructions can be found by clicking on the words. Please remember the pattern is only for wooden coat hangers similar to the ones in the photo above. If you have another coat hanger you will need to redraw the pattern. Please do not republish the pattern or instructions.

Heirloom Garment Cover-Closet Safe

Heirloom Garment Cover-Closet Safe
The heirloom garment cover is finished but I still need to write the instructions.I have used one of the grid designs from Kenny Kreations.I have removed the grid centre of the design when stitching it out. The design is padded from behind to give a 3D effect.

Padded Behind Printed Fabric

 I have used my printing on fabric treated with fabric softener technique  You can easily make this cover in patchwork or fashion fabric,add more lace, ribbon etc. You are limited only by your imagination. I have added a pocket to the front lining section, much like in a bag and you can store accessories etc in it or used it to keep valuables in.

Inside pocket
There are no exposed seams in this cover and you will be surprised how easy it is to sew together once all the decorative stitching and lace application is done. This is a good entry level to heirloom sewing project without having to spend a lot of money on supplies.
Check back tomorrow for the instructions.

Friday 1 July 2011

Heirloom Garment Cover-Closet Safe

Heirloom Garment Cover- closet safe

Picture to be printed onto fabric
I am working on an heirloom inspired garment cover-closet safe similar to this one and will have the pattern and instructions posted on the blog over the weekend. It will have a vintage lady print on fabric inserted into a machine embroidered oval frame.It will be similar to this batiste one but I am using calico or quilter's muslin as I like the rustic effect of that and cluney lace. The picture I am using is the one above from Graphics By Pati
If you haven't already done so don't forget to go and pick up my latest apron tutorial and pattern from yesterday's post

Monday 27 June 2011

2 more fantastic scarves

Purple Triana Yarn Scarf
Peacock Triana Yarn Scarf
My clever Mum has made me 2 more lovely new scarves. As I posted before, they are made from one ball of yarn and you have 8 stitches on the needle. Here is the yarn.It comes with the pattern for the scarf. Mum is currently working on a lovely grey toned scarf for me.
The heirloom quilt sampler class is underway so if you wish to join just email me.

Saturday 25 June 2011

Heirloom Quilt Class

Heirloom Sampler Quilt class
 We have started the heirloom quilt sampler class and the first list of requirements etc has been distributed. If you wish to be a participant in this class you need to email me so that I can add you to the distribution list. The classes will not be available for download on the blog site. However, if you wish to join after we are a little way down the track you are more than welcome to do so.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Heirloom Quilt Tutorial-expressions of interest

Heirloom Quilt

During September I am going to be tutoring at the Australian Sewing Guild Convention in Launceston Tasmania. One of my three intended projects was the heirloom quilt pictured. However, the heirloom course has been cancelled as it did not not attract sufficient enrolments. It is my intention to run the tutorial on my blog if I get enough people who would be interested in following the lessons. The tutorial would run over a number of months and provide step by step instructions for those who have not done heirloom sewing previously.
If you would follow the tutorials then please leave a comment or contact me by email.

Saturday 4 June 2011

My Very First Blog

After many years of sewing, quilting, knitting, sewing, beading and more recently machine embroidery I have decided it was about time I had my own blog to share my projects and ideas. One of my passions is also using antique images printed onto fabric in my projects. Some of my recent projects have been a selection of heirloom coat hanger/clothing covers incorporating these images.
I used heirloom fabric treated with fabric softener before it was printed using my inkjet printer. I will post a tutorial on this process in my next blog.