Showing posts with label ramblings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ramblings. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring Is Coming

It amazes me every year that our Bradford Pear trees are the last ones to lose their leaves and are the first to get their buds...It's almost as if they just can't stand being naked and cold. Just the other day there was nothing on the tree and then ....
The promise of Spring
just waiting to open
one petal at a time
letting us know
that warmer days
are ahead
and the ground will
soon be covered
in multitueds of
color and shapes

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spa Sunday

My beautiful sister was here to visit this weekend and as usual it was too short a trip. I look forward to spending time in ATL this summer with the boys and getting to enjoy her company for a week or so. Today was spa day, haircuts were had, eyebrows were waxed and for a select one, hey Dar!, toenails were cut! I must say I was just in love with the haircut I gave Kel, she has just wonderful hair for a short cut. Just the right amount of wave. Makes me want to cut my hair off, but I know it won't look anything like hers. Just not fair....:(

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I Think I Have To Go To The Dr.

I've been feeling pretty poorly the last couple of weeks. I've had a cold that the kids have had and it just seems to linger on. I told DH the other day that I thought I had a sinus infection and I was going to tough it out. However, I woke up at 5:30 this morning with my left eye just gooped up shut and swollen...Pink eye it seems. The cold has spread to my eye. Guess I'm going to call the Dr this morning and see if I can get's hoping.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

High School Tag

OKAY, now on to the High School Survey Tag. Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be!! IN YOUR SENIOR YEAR DID YOU... 1. Did you date someone from your school? nope 2. Did you marry someone from your high school? No 3. Did you car pool to school? with my sister or drove myself 4. What kind of car did you have? I drove a 1978 Thunderbird 5. What kind of car do you have now? 1996 Grand Marquis 6. Its Friday night...where are you now? Hanging with hubby 7. It is Friday night...where were you then? Hanging with friends 8. What kind of job did you have in high school? I delivered pizza . 9. What kind of job do you do now? Wife, mother, sister, friend, and hairdresser 10. Were you a party animal? Not really in school, that came after... 11. Were you considered a flirt? nope, shy little fat girl 12. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? nope, tried to be invisible as much as possible 13. Were you a nerd? nope 14. Did you get suspended or expelled? I don't remember getting suspended, but I did get kicked out of my history class for the rest of the year after going off on the teacher. 15. Can you sing the fight song? heck no 16. Who was/were your favorite teacher(s) I liked my World History Teacher Mr. Foster not the same teacher from above question 17. Where did you sit during lunch? With my sis or friends 18. What was your school's full name? Jupiter High School 19. When did you graduate? 1987 20. What was your school mascot? Warrior 21. If you could go back and do it again, would you? Only if I could go back knowing what I know now. 22. Did you have fun at Prom? ummm..fat prom 23. Do you still talk to the person you went to Prom with? see above 24. Are you planning on going to your next reunion? heck no 25. Do you still talk to people from school? no one 26. School Colors? green and yellow 27. What celebrities came from your high school? nobody

3rd Folder 7th Pic

Another tag by In Time Out over at By The Hair Of My Chinny Chin Chin
This one was taken Christmas morning last year
I think he had just opened his mp3 player.
As a rule I'm supposed to tag 3 people to do the same. Pick the 3rd folder and 7th pic and post it, then let me know you did so I can check it out.
Tag You're it!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

In A Bind...Need Help

I am going to take a little time off from knitting seeing as my carpal tunnel is driving me crazy lately, as such I'm going to read. My dilemma is that I'm sort of stuck as to what to read. I hereby ask you, loyal bloggers, to help. Please suggest something for me to read. I will read almost anything fiction. I don't care for non-fiction being as I don't care to find out exactly how depraved and screwed up real people are. I'm pretty sure I already know... So leave me a comment and I'll see what I've already read, and will read those I haven't....

Monday, February 23, 2009

What's Been Up...

I have been pretty lax the last few days in posting...It's been a little crazy around here, it seems everyone is sick. W has been coughing and stuffy for the last two weeks and D is still holding on to his too. DH only had a couple of days of feeling crappy, and myself as well. I did manage to take the dog to the vet for her shots and schedule her for spaying. I have to say she was just a little lady about it all. I could tell she never really rode in a car before but after a couple minutes she calmed down. She seems to be fitting in well with the family, so far anyway. Work has been a little slow and it's frustrating at times, I can't stand to just be there and not be making any money, it would be one thing if I was paid by the hour, but on commission it seems like a waste of my time some days. It costs me more to drive over there (it's about 45 mins) add lunch , gas, and a babysitter, and it makes more sense for me to have stayed home. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to tough it out a couple more weeks. Season is on the way. On a good note, family is coming to visit this weekend. I can't wait. I will only get to see them on Sat. afternoon and night, some on Sunday. Some is better than none though. I miss them all the time. I've been knitting as usual, should finish the scarf tomorrow and I have to felt my bags too. Should be shoulder breaking work, but hopefully they will come out good.

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Daily Obsession...

As most of you know I have a few obsessions....yarn, books, chocolate, etc. And of course horses....I have loved them since I was but a wee little girl...I can tell you where they all are on my drive to work and when going someplace new I always point them out to my DH....hoping he'll get the hint and I'll be able to one day return to having one of these magnificent animals...As such I visit Equuiste every day to see the pics that people enter into their daily photo contest. I would encourage everyone who loves horses (and who doesn't) to check it can see some amazing this little guy here....

Friday, February 13, 2009

Parenting Blues....

Have you ever had one of those days when you kids just test every nerve that you have left? My little one is not feeling the best, coughing and runny nose and the like. I took him to the Dr. today and they gave me antibiotics and I just knew it was going down hill from there. You see W is the pickiest thing on the planet he won't eat hardly anything and if you try to get him to he has the WORST gag reflex. He gags, throws up, screams bloody murder....I knew getting him to take the medicine was going to be a job. It was. By the end of it there was crying, screaming, and a fair amount of yelling, and that was just me. He was sent to his room crying and not too happy with me. I've tried everything I can think of to make it easier. No luck. I feel like a complete failure as a mom for losing my temper, I just get so damn frustrated that I can't make him see that he needs to take it. The guilt afterwards just slams me down to the depths of depression and I get so mad at myself for letting a 3yr old get the better of me. I dread having to do it for the next 5 days, I just might pull out all my hair and run to the corner to bang my head repeatedly against the wall.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Obsess Much.....

I have a confession to make...I have an obsession...some of you may know this about me and for others it may come as a surprise.... I found myself running around the house today looking for one, something I've not seen before, or lately, as I've been known to do it twice, if it's any good. I started to panic....should I go out to get one, or raid D's supply? I couldn't find what I was looking for in his room, and I finally had to give up. Be sure I'm going out tomorrow for some.... BOOKS!!!! I apparently need to refill my stash....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Here I was sitting wondering what I could post about this morning, looking through old folders for maybe some spring pics, as we are all tired of the cold. I got up to put the laundry in the dryer and what did I see....
Hmmm, looks like it could be ice all chopped up...
or some of that snow that comes in little balls...
it's cool to the touch, but mushy...
This is what you find in your washer when your little one likes to get himself undressed for bath time and you're in a hurry putting it in the wash and don't check everything. I have been guilty of this when it comes to my hubby leaving pens in his shirt, but never this....
Just in case you ever wondered what was inside of a pull-up....this is it. It was all smooshed up at the top of my washer. I think I got it all out, I'm currently re-rinsing everything in hopes that it will all come off. Stay tuned....

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Driving to work this morning I saw something very rare in these parts...A live skunk! I had just turned onto another street and there in the dark he (or she) was. Running down the other lane just as fast as it's little feet could go. I drove by carefully, I didn't want to piss it off ya know, and I noticed something strange... Live skunks don't smell! I didn't smell anything! Amazing! Why I should think about getting one as a pet or something if they don't smell...after all they sure are cute! As I pondered this anomaly I continued on my way to work. After a few miles my eyes start to water and my nose is just picking up on a smell. It gets stronger and more intense as the miles pass by, and what do you know...dead skunk! The smell carries on the wind for miles, to the point that I'm breathing through my mouth, hoping I can make it. I take a sniff, nope still there, on we go. After what felt like forever, finally, the air starts to clear. Whew! I guess I won't get one of those cute things, for everything that lives, dies, and I don't want to have to pick that sucker up and bury it, the smell might never leave my nostrils....Oh well, I like my cats just fine anyway.....Well I 'm off to work the hair magic.