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Showing posts with label videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label videos. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Let us looked backed the day when MJ performed in most popular sports Superbowl in one of the biggest stadium and what he contributes to all children all over the world.Sharing and giving the message of the good ideas to "heal the world" by joining hands to hundreds of children's on stage. Imagine the Staples center arena yesterday of the farewell tribute to MJ and this stadium where he performed few years backed?. He brings all peoples in all walks of life to show the world and to unite until he's last hour on earth.

I know most of readers here saying " what is the connection of this sports video to the death of pop icon MJ?".And please don't be annoyed if some are still talking about MJ.They have common purpose for the world of sports and the life of MJ. First the "charities " that he gave and shared to all children's that needed help.In all of his hard work on stage performances he always shared what he had. Hope everybody here read the news what are included in the list of beneficiaries about MJ's $500M assets. Did you see there in the list written the last word "charities"?. Secondly to the sporting world , every amount earned in every sports events the proceeds goes to "charities " and one main reason why forming the sports show. And lastly, all champions on all kinds of sports has started as a young children until they become an icon like MJ and all world champions in every games of the world of sports begins at their young ages. Am I right saying that all good things we need to remember from MJ?

I'm a ghost believers, I saw my eldest brother days after funeral .I did feel something what will happened to one members of our family before 48 hours that my father died but I was not sure then that he was. Ghost chooses peoples whom they wanted to show up and it has messages they wanted to tell or to let someone remembers. If this video above will show to those peoples behind this high tech world , surely they will say "it is ghosts".Coloring the audiences with that laser stick on MJ's hands and take note that all peoples sitting down there are not children's,right?.It is called high tech in recent civilization but to those behind the dark clouds they called it "ghosts".

Friday, May 22, 2009

DWTS ' 09 - we are the champions....

Determination of winning and to be the champion among comtemporaries with the highest goal they want to recieved is stand on the top board was paid off for these two dancers.Be passionate,giving a lot of patience, hard work and self discipline are the main tools why they deserved the title.Yes it is ,everybody are all great performers and deserving but in every games of contests there should be only one named as to be the champion of the world.

Almost one week had past but still evolves the whole world all thier videos in every performances that bring us joy and smiles to the way it should be.At the beginning and first thought to see SHAWN as an athletics figure,there are some predictions and asking why she's there.The first thought in every minds to the word dancer should be sexy and a graceful type of woman.I'm saying all of these to judge or either predicts in early part of the contest are not the right thing to do. Here it was proven that athletics and dancing has common words to say that "if you have it you must prove it".Athletic figure is not the hindrance to be a dancing champions , we saw it in every performances how they put energy on it , coordinations and the feelings of how the sounds of music relates on it.Nice performances and great messages ..hope this will brings to the whole as an inspiration especially to youth of our latest generations.

I have a little knowledge in dancing , after my graduation in college I was hired to work in one electronic company in Japan. The easiest and fastest way is to have an entry visa was to be a dancer.To make a story short I went on training ,a hard work,diet that I hates, disciplinary actions by our gay choreographers,up to the final judgement with some promoters from Japan I was FAILED to have entry visa.Words I heard was as if I'm playing basketball games.Wondering why but I'm not interested anymore.A big regrets that I wasted time in training but the challenge remains in there.After few weeks I got job in one company which is inline to what I have studied.So life must go or lose.