Friday, February 02, 2007

Humor, moving , much fatigue & relief / changing my mind

I’m still with Maribeth (believe it or not). She has changed and maybe I’ve changed enough too. Let’s hope things continue to go well. Anyway, since it’s that time of the year and it’s the end of the month, my lease was up, and I moved out. Maribeth & I are really looking forward to getting at least 2/3rd of the $1500 I put down for security deposit. Although we have agreed to how much Maribeth would get (about 40%) she did make a biting remark about “only” getting about $400. I said I would love to give her more, but since I moved the heavy furniture out, I should get the majority of the security deposit. She didn’t dispute that line of reasoning. See, I told you she was changing for the better!

My helper, “Sal the Handyman” accused me of paying him last night “Wetback’s Wages”. I gave him $50 for 3 hours of work. Hell, that’s better than what I was making at the law firm until December! Oh well, I think he was kidding plus he was upset because Maribeth told him that he would have to only move about 3 boxes and it was a lot more than that.

Monday night, I was very tired when I was done moving at 11:15 pm . It was 15 degrees out. I was so fuckin’ “fatigued” that I just tilted the seat back and slept for 2 hours…in the condo parking lot… subfreezing weather. I had built up a bunch of heat before I passed out, so there were no worries. & when it got too cold in the car my body simply sensed it, and I woke up and went to bed.
Seeing as how I live in a tony condo complex that I work “so hard” at keeping nice, I was completely confident no one was going to come up and shoot me as they did Michael Jordan’s father. (may he rest in peace!)

Speaking of our tony condo complex, I decided not to resign. I was happy to keep serving, and it got to the point that the only reason I was going to quit was because Maribeth didn’t want me to be involved anymore. (She wanted me to spend as much time with the kids). But then she violated an obscure code and was politely told that she had violated it by one of the neighbors. So, she reasoned that maybe the household is better off to be covered “under the cloak of the President’s office”. So, I helped her out, and we're compliant w/ the regulation. No one is above the condo regulation. It’s just that some get more leeway to comply than others.

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