
perjantai 28. kesäkuuta 2013

As Times Go By

DC ( drawing challenge ) of this week is about traveling in time. 
I travel back..and forth.. 
The first five photos are from 70`s taken by my dad .
He was a photographer who loved misty early spring and late autumn views. 
In the middle there is one of my recent paintings, self portrait as John Lennon :) 
The ball hanging there is from my childhood. I am looking towards tomorrow, 
curious about the future but aware of the times gone by .
The five pics under the painting are my photos and a pastel of the same surroundings by the sea which my dad also loved and photographed.


See more Time Travelers via the lovely blog: Miss Herzfrisch.
Thank you, Sabine, for this fascinating theme! 
Happy week end everyone, I`ll be away by the sea and will be back on Sunday to visit your blogs, 
x Leena

torstai 27. kesäkuuta 2013

Kuuma päivä Mäntässä

edessä Tom Engblom: maahanmuuttaja, sen takana  Johanna Lemettinen:kulta

Oikealla takana Anna Alapuro: G.A.S., edessä Jan Kailan pysäyttävät valokuvat nukkuvista ihmisistä

Eilinen kuuma päivä sujui leppoisasti Mäntässä hienoa kokonaisuutta ihmetellen. 
Yllätyksekseni olin eniten vaikuttunut videoista tällä kertaa. 
Veistokset olivat hienoja myös, kuten tuo maahanmuuttaja keskimmäisessä kuvassa. 
Jäin miettimään onko/ voiko olla että näyttelystä tulee kuraattorin teos, omakuva, tavallaan? 
Mene ja tiedä, en tunne kuraattori Jyrki Siukosta. 
Kokonaisuus oli mystinen, taianomainen, rauhallinen ja huolella koottu ja ripustettu, 
Olipa hieno päivä ja kaunis, metsäinen reitti Tre-Mänttä.

exhibition: Mänttä/kuvataideviikot 2013
the town of  Mänttä

The hottest day of the summer - and I decided to drive to Mänttä to see maybe the biggest and most distinguished art event of the summer in Finland.
And yes, it was worth it: in the old, charming fabric building there is a balanced combination of Finnish contemporary art.
I was most impressed of the videos and some sculpture pieces.
The exhibition is very carefully built, peaceful and magical.
I was wondering how much the exhibition was a picture, self portrait, of the curator Jyrki Siukonen himself..
Anyway I enjoyed the day with good company.
Plus, it was a beautiful road to Mänttä, we had a picnic by a lake :)

sunnuntai 23. kesäkuuta 2013

Keskikesän kuviokelluntaa


Raumanmeri 20.-23.6.
Nightless night is light pink,
 hay is dancing, 
my pastel crayons scatter as trying to find vivid shades of gray, 
At noon sea glittering blue and grass too green
and ...
 salmon soup hiding under parsley:)

torstai 20. kesäkuuta 2013


 View / acrylic on canvas

On The Rocks Little Pine Tree.. The Land of  Pine Trees
 Solstice is the challenge of this midsummer week, thank you Kristen, for this mesmerising theme!
See more about  DC ( drawing challenge ) in Kristen´s sun shiny blog  Sunny Spot.
I will be by the sea with friends to celebrate the midsummer: food from the grill, sauna &swimming,  fires&fireworks, playing cards & games etc.
 Finnish Midsummer
I`ll be back on Sunday visiting your blogs then. Have a nice week end!

about esrlier midsummers:

tiistai 18. kesäkuuta 2013

Efekti, kesänäyttely Purnussa

Tuomas Hallivuo

Jaakko Mattila / Sampo Malin

Jaako Mattila

Antti Immonen

Henni Alftan / Laura Könönen
Olipa hieno Purnu! Ja paikka itsessään on ihana.
In Finland there are plenty of summer art centres and exhibitions, 
Purnu is one of the most traditional and distinguished. It is beautifully located in the countryside by a lake. Pics of the exhibit above and some detail and overview pics of the place below

sunnuntai 16. kesäkuuta 2013


 Raumanmeri 15.-16.6.
Land of Fairy tale tango Satumaa

perjantai 14. kesäkuuta 2013

Mornig, Noon, Night

 .. is the theme of the DC this week.
In my collage collage of  pics there are details of my paintings and phototographs.
Here you are: Morning, Noon & Night.
See more about the challenge and theme and other participants in
Helen´s beautiful & creative Objects of Whimsy blog!
What an inspiring theme, thank you Helen:)

perjantai 7. kesäkuuta 2013




                                     State of mind.

                                Bits & Pieces.

O L o R



Processing the challenge

This Week´s DC is about 
 Mine became a mind map, collage, process diary..
The letter clips are from earlier works.
The words and  themes itself  tell about my recent and future(?) projects
Thank you sweet Ariane for this wonderful theme! 
See more about the challenge and other participants via
Ariane`s beautiful  blog: Rose 

Mood Board

tiistai 4. kesäkuuta 2013

Kielon aika

Lily of the valley and under water faces