Showing posts with label digital manipulation of photographs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital manipulation of photographs. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Digital manipulation of images in photoshop:4

Another one in the series of work based on my daughter and her belongings.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Digital Manipulation of Photographs in Photoshop: 3

This one was done purely from photographs - but with lots of layers and stages, most of which I've now forgotten!  

It involved a photo of my daughter changed with effects like Find edges and sumi e , drybrush, paint daubs and erasing parts and combining it with a wall hanging she had of dolphins, which was also changed a bit - possibly with drybrush.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Digital Manipulation of Photographs in Photoshop 2

Another in the series of digital manipulations of photographs of my daughter, done a few years ago.

She has a habit of running her fingers through her hair.  I photographed this Rosetti painting, cropped it,  used several effects on it to simplify it such as dry brush, and possibly sumi e.   I copied and flipped the crop I'd made, doubled the canvas size and pasted it to join as a mirror image and then integrated the photo of my daughter, applying the same effects to make the images gel together as one.

Lots of use of layers and techniques to unite the 2 very different images to make a cohesive finished piece.

I'll post more in the series.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Digital manipulation of photographs in Photoshop

These photos were part of a larger series I did a few years back.  

The subject is my daughter.  I took a lot of photos of her and her belongings and surroundngs.   These wine bottles stood in the kitchen with the light of the window shining through.

I layered a photo of her at varying opacities and then applied effects, simplifying shapes and adding graphic elements, layering +++ as I went.

Other images combined her with rugs and hangings and windows - I'll show some of those in days to come.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

digital manipulation, flowers, using Photoshop and Corel Paint Shop Pro

Not a great photo but I decided to play with it in Photoshop and Corel Paint Shop Pro

The original photo - a sunny day so high contrast against the background, taken with a close up filter (10x magnification)

The oriental poppies are starting to open, I can't see the dramatic centres clearly yet but they'll soon open.

The first image is the untouched photograph

This one is a combination of the original and the black and white version below, only a subtle difference but moodier? a little more dreamlike?.

Black and white version

I simply pasted the black and white version on top of the coloured version and used multiply in the layer options - then tweaked the colour a little using the hue and saturation, levels and contrast.

And on the final one I duplicated the layer in the black and white image and used edge effects, dodge and burn a bit, and upped the contrast.

Each programme has tools that I like - but oh Corel can be slooooow! and it isn't a matter of my computer speed/memory because Photoshop doesn't. Does anyone else have that problem?