Showing posts with label ginni thomas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ginni thomas. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Could be Nothing, But...


I mean, it was 20 years ago. However, it was part of 20 years of corruption and undisclosed gifts on Thomas' part, so even if it doesn't mean something more sinister--how bad does it need to look?

I'm not sure how far AOC filing articles of impeachment against Thomas and Alito will go, or how far a request for the DOJ to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate Thomas's possible tax violations will go, but something has to give.

(This post is a nice place to remind everyone that when 13 years of Justice Thomas's financial disclosure forms were amended about a dozen years ago, it was because he failed to include his wife's income from Hillsdale College and the Heritage Foundation. We've obviously been hearing a lot about the Heritage Foundation lately)

Friday, May 17, 2024

Justice Alito Should Pack it In


If ultra-conservative SCOTUS Justice Samuel Alito (and family) feels so thin-skinned about the burden of the public commenting on the job he's doing (which affects all Americans, and no shit people are rightly concerned) , so much so that the US flag, inverted, was flown on his lawn like a cry for help or a signal that it was time for a revolution (or insurrection), if his bias has become so apparent that people deem it fit that he recuse himself from the most important cases relating to the preservation of our republic and the continued relevance of the Constitution as well as the court on which he sits (what the whole hell else is the "presidential immunity" question?), then he can really do us a favor and retire. 

Before the election, thanks. Because apparently, elections make him just too emotional, and as a nation, we've already had two long national nightmares over that sort of thing. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

TWGB: This Situation is not Hypothetical


If I were to take Justice Alito as a good-faith interrogator adhering to the actual facts of the Trump presidency--the actual president this case is about, and not some future generic president we're just having a classroom thought-experiment about, are we supposed to play along and imagine a path where 1/6 does not happen because Trump can rest safe in his bed at Mar-a-Lago certain that no ill shall befall him, because he had immunity. So, he just gracefully turns over the keys to the established firm:

And maybe that even means he is just fine keeping those documents from the White House that he doubtless acquired during his presidency--several boxes of, in fact--and selling them, because we are just going to assume a president does official things officially, and not shady-ass criminal stuff because one has always been a shady-ass criminal? 

On a day where Justice Brown-Jackson noted that immunity (or should we rather call it, impunity?) would turn the Oval Office into a center of criminal activity, we received testimony that Hope Hicks and Sarah Huckabee Sanders were in contact--via their White House offices, with David Pecker regarding the election interference/hush money cover-up scheme. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Red Line for Journalism


This is what I was talking about: the GOP would take the opportunity to read McDaniels' firing as being about cancelling Republicans when it is really about not giving a platform to election deniers and insurrectionists. Maybe she was "normie" by the standards of today's GOP, where asking if the 2020 vote was legitimate is now a qualifying question. But what if we just altogether derided the absolutely batshit claims that got us here--the Venezuelan voting machines, the German servers, the Italian satellites, the Chinese thermostats, that absolutely shit-pilled people seem to have believed in and are now losing their livelihood for--

I'm talking about Jeff Clarke, for whom this shit was that real. 

Or maybe for Mike Lindell

Ginni Thomas doesn't have a "job" per se, but she believed in the German severs.

There is a lot of rubbish otherwise sane people seem to have believed or pretended to. All of it pretty loosie-goosey bullshit.

These ideas are toxic waste, and were deployed by the Trump administration as if they were actually real, when they look like, in the clear light of day, nonsense.  Why in the world would any reputable news outlet support anyone who lent support to so much bullshit? 

UPDATE: The RNC is considering limiting NBC's access because of the McDaniel firing. But, but--they fired her first? LOL. 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

James O'Keefe's History of Cringe Dance Videos

In honor of the recent Will Sommer piece at WaPo regarding just what embarrassing and much-lauded anti-journalist James O'Keefe III spent Project Veritas money on, I thought there was nothing more appropriate than to take note of what O'Keefe tried to convey with the power of DANCE! which is something TYT just variously touched on as being a real O'Keefe THING over the years. 

I know, I know, I just visited O'Keefe being a part of the vast RightWing Grifter ecosystem not that long ago, but it continues to be funny to me that this clown collected an award from Ginny Thomas and has been considered "untouchable" because knuckle-draggers like his irrelevant hits that mostly don't do anything in the real world. 

But this is so iconic, so truly choice, so much a beautiful indication of what it means to be a LEGEND of Griftopia:

In September 2021, according to the report, Hurricane Ida floodwaters threatened to destroy the Project Veritas office in Mamaroneck. The staff scrambled to save equipment and their own lives — one elderly employee was briefly pulled underwater and had to be rescued by colleagues. But O’Keefe had already left the scene, asking employees to prioritize his own evacuation so he could make it to Virginia for a performance of the musical “Oklahoma!” in which he had the lead role, according to staffers cited by the audit.

“Don’t worry, everything will be okay,” O’Keefe told his employees, according to recollection of a staffer cited in the audit, “but help me get out of here.” In 2022, Project Veritas admitted in a tax filing to improperly spending $20,500 moving some staff operations to Virginia during O’Keefe’s time with the musical production for his convenience.

OOOOOklahoma! where the wind comes sweeping down the sonofabitching middle-aged theater-kid ass plain as fuck Golden Boy nonsense with lashings of reality and so much lawsuits. 

He's not here to be the rightwing Woodward and Bernstein--his Pulitzer dreams are more Rodgers and Hammerstein! 

I'm just saying. So many of these rancid people want to be stars.They have big dreams. But the right wing stage is where they start paying in SWEAT! 

Friday, May 5, 2023

The Best Friends You Could Have


Yesterday's early news began with word that Clarence Thomas' good friend, Harlan Crow, paid for his nephew's $100K-plus tuition, and this was undisclosed (in the way the gifts of various trips and the real estate transaction regarding his mother's house, where she resides rent-free were undisclosed) and ended with news that he also obviously very good friend Leonard Leo arranged to make payments to his wife, Ginni, as a consultant via KellyAnne Conway as a cut-out, so as to keep the payment, uh, shall we say, hush?

Who in the world has such generous friends?

Thomas has his strong defenders and I've seen all the "whatabouts", but that so many of these transactions were sub rosa paints a less-than rosy picture--and shouldn't it?  They didn't want the appearance of impropriety, but Ginni and Clarence Thomas took the money nonetheless. 

I stared at the blank blog page wondering what I had to say about this, and I'm shocked anything needs to be. Thomas should be ready to resign, and if not, Senate Democrats should be ready to hold hearings and yes, even subpoena wealthy privileged people who don't want to show up if it comes down to that. 

All this time, we've seen Republicans go on the offensive even when they are holding trash cards. When Democrats have legitimate beef, I never hear sizzle. 

It gets tired. Put conservatives on the back foot. Get on them. It's the only damn way.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Tempest in a Very Peculiar Teapot


The discussion of SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas' benefactor's unusual collection of Nazi memorabilia amongst his other bits of art are probably most charitably described as tacky and eccentric. Amusingly, he received vociferous support from a variety of conservative pundits, who he had also cultivated and collected over the years. 

In the words of Upton Sinclair, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it."  If that doesn't describe a lot of right-wing media, I don't know what does. 

When I was a kid, I had an uncle who got me interested in numismatics, and I collected things like buffalo nickels and Mercury dimes. The little coin shop where I poured over affordable collectibles sometimes had antiques--small historical artifacts, like medals and patches from someone's grandaddy's old footlocker. Anyway, I remember one time there was a patch with a swastika, and I just wanted to see it for a minute. 

The owner asked me did I know where it was from, and I was all of ten or eleven and I knew. Would I like to buy it?  And I decided it was interesting, but I didn't want to own a part of what it was. I was fascinated that I could touch it and handle a symbol I knew was associated with a great evil. But actually bringing it into my parents' house would have felt like doing something wrong to me. I knew what it was; that was enough. 

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Justice Thomas has Very Dear Friends


The owlish device of Bohemian Grove says" Weaving spiders come not here" and this is the crux of the story--weaving spiders be everywhere when a Supreme Court Justice is accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of gifts from politically involved billionaires.  Why, yes, that story was from 2011. Clarence Thomas has told on himself when he admits his dear friendship with Harlan Crow has been for something on the order of 25 plus years, when he has been on SCOTUS for nearly 32 years. 

Did he get endeared by this very good friend after having become a SCOTUS? and wouldn't any one of you find the lavishing of multi-million-dollar trips and so on very endearing? Of course, you are dear friends--now. 

Now, where this stands in the current court, where a leak was probably covered up, shouldn't we worry? Don't we respect this court though, all warts and blemishes aside?

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Call Them Insurrectionists


Two years ago, the Trump supporters attending a "Stop the Steal" rally spilled into the Capitol and tried to delay the work of that body. Today, elected members of that body are delaying its work by failing to select a Speaker of the House.  There is considerable overlap between the people who supported the first insurrection and those who are working to diminish the effectiveness and reputation of Congress from within. 

But that's not all. I could note that supporters of the "Anyone but McCarthy" movement include Ginni Thomas and Cleta Mitchell, who were serious supporters of the attempted Trump coup. It doesn't escape my notice that Ali Alexander, the Forest Gump of 1/6 because he was supposedly talking to everybody, is mad as hell about that "harlot", MTG.  He's ready to dime her out for her crimes see if he doesn't (betting he doesn't). 

Matt Gaetz put forward Donald Trump's name for speaker but got no bites--no one joined that wheel-less hearse funeral. That's a blow to folks like Flynn, Bannon and Stone, who have all variously suggested Trump as a potential Speaker of the House. But I don't think he's offering that name seriously--it's a troll. A threat.

I don't have a problem calling the 20 holdouts "insurrectionists" and anti-government government officials is definitely a thing, but I need to put that in context--they have company, and McCarthy isn't better. The Republican party is lousy with bomb-throwers and folks who have turned a blind eye to the events of 1/6, to the results of following and enabling Trump, to the irony of being called upon to lead government while having no faith in government solutions. 

The GOP simply isn't capable of governing. It doesn't matter what Republican gets named for the Speakership, the result will be the same: posturing for the base. Accomplishing nothing lasting. Maybe producing show trials for their base (like the idea of seeking retribution on Dr, Fauci for? Or investigating whatever they think Hunter Biden's laptop is good for.) We saw them give no shits when in the minority over many votes that could have done some good. They won't bring those kinds of votes to the table. 

The GOP has long undermined the idea of good government by being bad at government whenever they get elected. They don't bat an eyelash at undermining faith in our elections or anything else. They treat bipartisanship often as Grover Norquist once characterized it: date rape. They've had an insurrectionist mentality for a long time--it's just now that it's becoming very hard for people to ignore.

Friday, December 23, 2022

TWGB: Here's the Report


The long-anticipated January 6th Committee Final report is out and it's here at this link.  At 800-something pages, it sounds like it would be pretty hefty, but you can blast past the copious footnotes just to get the narrative of the thing--and of course, if you watched the televised hearings, you already know a lot of what it in there. 

The bottom line is: everything comes down to the former president--but we knew that. TrumpWorld knew it too--they protected Trump. Take the odd case of former Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson's legal counsel, who definitely was interested in her protecting Trump, not in her best legal interests. As in, that's point blank what he said:

“We just want to focus on protecting the president,” Ms. Hutchinson recalled Stefan Passantino, a former Trump White House lawyer who represented her during her early interactions with the committee, telling her.

There's probably a lot of that going around. It's been likened to mob lawyers and I don't see a problem with the analogy. 

I'm seeing some complaints from people who've blogged or reported on the events surrounding the 1/6 insurrection who are concerned about what the report doesn't show, but I think there has to be a limit to how many rabbit holes one wants to jump in and the committee had to pick and choose between things that could actually be usefully examined and addressed. How do you solve a problem like, for example Ginni Thomas? 

I'm not sure there was a good recommendation, there. Same with trying to tease out what can be revealed from all those folks who plead the fifth or thought that contempt was the better part of valor. 

To me, the most interesting parts are left for the end of the report, the sections labeled Appendix Three, The Big Rip-Off: Follow the Money and Appendix Four, Malign Foreign Influence. This is because the two recurring themes I come back to over and over again is that Trump is a confidence trickster, and that Putin's government wants the US owned by a confidence trickster. Trump encouraged his faithful little marks to give their money to a scheme to undermine this country. Trump gets to use that money for his legal expenses, they, for their part, get to participate in sedition. 

The RNC, and many GOP elected, had only been too happy to go along with a swindle that they had to know was not true. Trump himself knew he had lost and admitted as much. Fox News, one of the biggest spreaders of the voter fraud fertilizer and now facing a defamation lawsuit, has had their on-air personalities admit they knew better.  I don't for a minute think that the Republican congress people (not even Gohmert, Gosar, Greene, etc.) cared what was true. 

But at what cost to national security? Because you can't support a divisive fraud and not weaken us a country. One of my major premises has been that if you accept that Putin supports Trump (and vice versa) you also have to accept that you are no longer putting America first, because there simply is no reason to believe that Putin gives one shit about the best interests of the US. It's far more likely he is against them. 

This is why I have likened the GOP in the TWGB series to sunshine patriots that talk boldly of their love of country but run like Josh Hawley when asked to do one actual tough thing to defend it--or rather, a thing that wouldn't even be so tough, only scrupulous. It's also why I grit my teeth at the claim that no Republicans "of good standing" were on the committee, when apparently the price of that good standing was fealty to a bloody-minded fraud. 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

It's a Confession, if You're Listening


Here's a first--I'm linking to Newsmax because they have themselves a scoop even if they don't know it because Trump made a confession:

Trump fired his ire at the committee, and rejected a hearing claim he mocked Pence as "a wimp" for not kicking the Electoral College vote certifying President Joe Biden's election back to the states. 

 "I never called Mike Pence a wimp," Trump said. "I never called him a wimp, Mike Pence. Had a chance to be great. He had a chance to be frankly, historic. 

 "But just like [former Attorney General] Bill Barr and the rest of these weak people — Mike and I say it sadly, because I like them — but Mike did not have the courage to act. Bill Barr was afraid of certain things, and you know what they were: Please don't impeach me. Don't impeach me. 

 "'Bill Barr, please,' I said. 'What's wrong with being impeach? I was impeached twice and my poll numbers went up.'

Of all the dumb things to reject having done, saying he didn't call Pence a "wimp" (or, the word he wouldn't say there, of all places, "pussy") feels really tame against the actual claim that he vilified the man as a traitor in the hopes that an angry mob would dispatch him. Of course he's being stupid about the impeachment claims. Trump was impeached only once before 1/6. Once. He's retconning what he said. Did his numbers go up? Into 2020, the hell year? 

That's just a stupid thing to assert. But he also did state that he told Pence to kick the Electoral College vote to the state legislatures. And the 1/6 committee says they can verify Trump's involvement in the fake elector plot--that is to say, the scheme of what would happen right after Pence did throw the matter back to the state legislators.  This was the reason that people from Giuliani to Ginni Thomas were working state legislatures hard, to get some of them to overturn the will of the people. That's why Rep. Scott Perry and a raft of PA people need to get their asses looked at. And Michigan, too, and Arizona, and Wisconsin. Because Trump's scheme had them lined up for mischief, and it was this scheme Pence said no to: being Mr. Trump's conveyor belt. 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

This TrumpWorld Grab Bag Doesn't Want to Be Friends With You Anymore


This quote from Woodward and Costa's book, "Peril" came up in the 1/6 hearing today; Trump told Mike Pence "I don't want to be your friend anymore if you don't do this." This is what a child says in the midst of a temper tantrum. "We won't play GI Joes together and watch He-Man on the basement tv." It isn't what a grown man says. A grown man can accept he lost a fair fight. A toddler cries "Unfair!" when things don't go his way. Trump wanted Pence to violate the law, and he Tweeted to his angry followers in a way that suggested they should treat his VP like a traitor. He wanted them to hang Mike Pence.

Little kids don't have power like Trump did--we wouldn't give that power to an actual small child. But Trump is the baby-brained amoral asshole who delighted in his tantrum spilling over to thousands of other people, just because he didn't get his way. Mike Pence isn't a hero necessarily for going against Trump, although it did take some amount of physical courage--he was simply being a grown person who could see that the fantasy world where you just get new electors because you don't like how people voted was not reality. 

People voted for this immature jackass, and there are people who would vote for him again. He will not mature. He will not suddenly gain some new appreciation and respect for the law that he did not have on 1/6. He will still be the guy who extorted Zelenskyy, who denied his 2016 campaign had anything at all to do with Russia, that had several cabinet members whose exit he greeted with scorn and insults because they were "losers" (except--didn't he hire them in the first place?) and he will be the same dim bulb who pretended to believe insane conspiracy theories might keep his toddler ass in the White House even after 81 million people and the actual Constitution said they wanted him gone. 

TWGB: Meetings of the MAGA Minds


It's been a weird Trump World kind of day for a day when a scheduled 1/6 Committee Hearing had been postponed, but we nonetheless got very good 1/6 information. In my heart of hearts, I feel like the postponement isn't just some technicality thing, but probably is (fingers crossed) something more interesting, but I will take what I can get. 

I think the penny being dropped on Rep. Loudermilk's 1/5 Capitol tour is pretty interesting because of all the different stories he had about it. Does someone tell several different stories and file an ethics complaint against people trying to tell the truth on them just to get showed up like this, ever? Someone needs to be Whey Quieter, am I right? Ok. That sucked. I am having one of those days. And I do not believe that some totally innocent people are just super-excited about sconces. I remember a lot of people had stories post 9/11 about law enforcement getting freaked out about people taking photos at out of the way places around national landmarks. In the criminal vernacular, these folks are casing the joint--

(Although they didn't apparently take note of security cameras?) 

Now, interestingly, this idea that people expecting to go "wild" on 1/6 would infiltrate and occupy government buildings was backed up with a document, "1776 Returns", that was filed as a part of a Proud Boys' sedition case. Here is the meat of it:

The nine-page document, filed in federal court Wednesday, lays out a plan to fill buildings “with patriots and communicate our demands." Its stated goals include maintaining control "over a select few, but crucial buildings in the DC area for a set period of time" and getting as "many people as possible inside these buildings." 

 “These are OUR building, they are just renting space,” the document reads. “We must show our politicians We the People are in charge.”
Loudermilk's tour group was casing the area for the benefit of people like this, who wantedto do domestic terror to accomplish deeply misguided (because Trump lied to them about the election) goals. And the 1/6 Committee says there were other tour groups, and since at least one member Tweeted "This is 1776" I would be very interested to know more. 

As it was, we had people like this guy and his son and their Confederate flag showing up where they had no business being. 

That image will never fail to rouse something in me--maybe about how the past isn't even the past--but maybe about how we need to put the ghosts of the past all the way down if we want to move forward. 

Does it seem, after all this, gratuitous that we learn that the committee has emails showing that Ginni Thomas and her husband's former clerk, John Eastman, corresponded? Or should we have already fully expected as much? I would think that additionally raises the likelihood that the current Supreme Court Justice should try and make himself a former Supreme Court justice, because his foreknowledge of his wife's interference in the lawful transition of power seems awfully likely. If he wouldn't do that for the benefit of the dignity of the court, at least he could consider it for his own historical legacy? 

What I am seeing here is a meeting of the MAGA minds--people so far gone that the law was no longer a barrier to trying to continue Trump's reign of error because they felt they were at active warfare with the existing government for simply--not substituting actual reality with their own, warped version. 

It's like Pete Navarro's perverse idea that people who disagreed with him were part of the "deep state"--a charming (not!) idea that people who maintained the rule of law and acted as guardrails against the mayhem of abuse of power were just being...meanies. Their insistence on the law applying to all was the real way Nazi Germany got started! (Extreme and painful eyeroll.) 

And yet--there is a paradox to what should look like the obvious story that the 1/6 shitfit was ugly and out of pocket. When Ryan Kelley got picked up for his involvement in the 1.6 insurrection attempt, my first thought was, ok, next do Doug Mastriano. (His Reichstag theory is amusing because I think something similar--except the GOP wanted to blame antifa to take over the way the Fascists blamed Commies--and I think I have the right of that one, TBH.)  But I am not so sure anymore, because the way butthurt Republicans deal with adversity is apparently to circle the wagons. (I don't want to belong to a party that acts like a cult, but when Democrats are in a little trouble why aren't we more like this, right?) 

I understand why Merrick Garland is staying quiet--I do. But the answer isn't to not prosecute these SOBS anyway. You only just have to get enough of them to make them know the law is the law. 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

TWGB: Are We New to This?


Trump "ReTruthed" a comment regarding civil war on his lil' Mastodon knock-off, and yes, it is pretty serious that he's endorsing the idea after an attempted coup and on the same weekend he's shared a CPAC event with a notorious racist (I mean, among other notorious racists, c'mon....) but to be quite honest--there have been echoes of civil war with Trump for a very long time. This is definitely not the first time, and it hasn't even been subtle. 

"Civil War" was even a branded clothing item worn at the 1/6 insurrection. This isn't new, and long past disturbing. 

This is why I don't doubt the story that Trump suggested that MI elections official Jocelyn Benson be tried for treason for not overturning the results in that state. It is partially a joke to call Trump the "MAGA king", but in his mind, this person who likes to talk about shooting people in the legs--is it too far out to think he might declare "Off with her head!" like some demented monarch? 

It also isn't so far out to think he directed State Department officials to meet with activists pushing, let's be entirely clear, fraudulent election fraud narratives. How in the hell is that State Department business? you might ask, if you didn't already know Trump's attitude was "L'etat c'est moi." 

Monday, March 28, 2022

The Country is Held Hostage By the Fifth Dentist


Whenever I think about the 27% crazification factor (as an old-head blogger), I think about the vintage commercials about "four out of five dentists" thing when I was a kid. You don't know that fifth dentist in the survey. Maybe he just doesn't endorse products. Maybe he thinks chewing gum at all is a disgusting habit. Survey questions don't actually tell the whole tale of what the respondents believe, and that's a large part of why I feel like making a big deal out of polling can be kind of stupid. 

You can get poll numbers for people who blame Obama for the Katrina response. You aren't getting a snapshot of what people know. You are getting a snapshot of what they don't know but definitely feel. You are learning where the public messaging needs to concentrate and do better at factual/useful information. This is why polling about whether Biden could do more about fuel prices is stupid. You aren't gauging a fact--but the degree to which people understand the facts that we are not a socialist economy, and Biden doesn't control fuel prices. 

It would be great, I think, if actual journalists who cared whether they were doing a good job or not, actually used these polls as a yardstick to whether they were doing a great job of getting facts out there. Maybe poll numbers that deviate from reality aren't a partisan problem, so much as a failure to break out of "both-sidesing" stories to play pretend impartiality as opposed to the real thing of exposing absolute partisan shitbaggery. Maybe truth is the job of journalists to promote, not the job of partisans to correct the record. 

And yeah, I'd like it if Democrats could message better to overcome this shit, But I get why they haven't. It's so pervasive.

Friday, March 25, 2022

TWGB: There's Something About Ginni


The thing that makes TrumpWorld what it is, is the sense of an alternative reality. It almost feels like they aren't drinking the same water or breathing the same air. I've been fascinated with Ginni Thomas as an activist in a world where we presume some degree of judicial impartiality but also consider SCOTUS justices based on partisan lines--and how she is an unabashed conservative warrior. A Tea Partisan. A supporter of Project Veritas. A conspiracy theorist

So, it doesn't actually surprise me that Thomas texted White House COS Mark Meadows running the full QAnon gamut regarding the Venezuelan voting machines, Italian satellites, Chinese thermostats, German servers, green clovers, blue diamonds, and the evil liberals who were after Trump's lucky charms and were definitely going to go to GITMO and face a military tribunal. 

She's been out there where the buses don't run for more than a minute. 

What is concerning is that she was talking with her "best friend"--her spouse, the temporarily, one presumes, hors de combat Justice Clarence Thomas, who was in a capacity to rule on matters concerning the contested election, and on matters concerning what documents became available to the 1/6 Committee.  And knowing of his wife's various intercessions on this issue, never thought to recuse. 

But the thing of it is, people like Ginni Thomas are still at work. Now, Mo Brooks, now that his endorsement by Trump has been rescinded, might be saying that despite Trump's continued entreaties, he was determined to draw the line at the impossibility of the election being somehow rescinded or done over after 1/6!? But ask yourself, how many other people besides Mo Brooks who have made the political pilgrimage to Mar-A-Lago to kiss the hem of the golf pants of St. Don might have vowed a path of continued fuckery?  After all, there are Trump supporters to this day who might acknowledge that Biden is president but draw the line at calling him "duly-elected"

And as for the mindset of Trump himself, he has taken it upon himself to sue everyone for the "rigging" of....2016?  The election he actually won? Because he blames the "Russia, Russia, Russia" thing for his uneasy time in a job he was not especially suited for. 

So clearly, more alternative reality, there, folks. It's a plague in TrumpWorld, you see. Or it's just a grift to garner attention and donations in that particular case. 

And don't get me started on all the reasons why Trump wanted to stay in the White House, but seems just as protected outside of it. I will scream. 

The Deaths We Could Have Prevented

  Vice President Harris: We now know that women have died because of Trump Abortion Bans. That includes a healthy 28-year-old woman in Geor...