Showing posts with label pacifists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pacifists. Show all posts

Monday, October 9, 2023

This Was Not Resistance


Hundreds of young concert-goers were killed, survivors were raped. They were young people: not the oppressors. Resistance discriminates. It uses necessary force. This was blood lust. This is why I don't feel a part of the far left: they suck. The DSA constantly uses division and smug up-fuckery to fail to accomplish even the merest goals. I noticed fucking PLO posters carried during the anti-Iraq war march 20 years ago. Fuck, people. Concentrate on one clear atrocity and stop being fellow travelers with bullshit. 

For example, Codepink dressed in weird costumes and played Pick-me Progressives and did nothing to end the Iraq or Afghanistan Wars because no one took them seriously. They protested against striking on ISIS. Also against striking Assad for the chem attacks, which I in retrospect wish Obama did. Because fuck that guy.

And here's Code Pink seen just recently snuggling up to Marjorie Taylor Green's gym-sweaty armpit:

Being exactly who one might expect:

Palestinians have every right to resist with force up to and including the murder of civilians and rape currently being committed by HAMAS, but Ukraine does not have the right to resist the murdering and rapist Russians who are hell-bent on occupying them? Ok. That's certainly...a take. 

Monday, February 20, 2023

When Anti-War is Pro-Aggressor


I genuinely don't think war is great, I don't. It's a brutal, stupid waste of resources and life. It is never the best solution to human difficulties, and only serves to create more problems and misery than whatever unfortunate situation supposedly brought it about. That said, every person at the "Rage Against the War Machine" rally except for journalists and counter-protesters are goddamn dumbfucks, grifters, clueless babies and Russian operatives, and they can go get fucked. And I mean that with all the love and sincerity I can muster.

If anyone purports to be from the so-called left and rallies with a backdrop of Russian flags and shares a venue with pretend-reformed neo-Nazis, wow. Sucks to be you. It's sad that back when a lot of us who were whole adults 20 years ago and were against the US invasion of Iraq we were also looking up to Dennis Kucinich and Scott Ritter, but we know a whole lot more now that we did then. Ditto Madea Benjamin. (I've got no dirt on her background, she's just a clueless peacenik who thinks Putin is a reasonable person who can be negotiated with and that people who tell her differently are warmongers for thinking sovereign nations should be able to defend themselves. In short, she should also get fucked for not using the brain she was gifted with.)

Anyway, it's hard to say folks are anti-war when they seem to have picked a side:

And by picked a side, I mean support absolutely everything Vladimir Putin could possibly want:

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Triggering My Hippie-Punching Reflex


I am the part of the left that actually thinks you should actively fight aggressors because oppression is bad and human rights violations are always wrong, and I think the people who don't understand that are actually unprincipled cowards who stand for pacifism at any cost because they can't fathom any cause worth fighting and even dying for.  Me, I fight fascists. I support the fight against the rashists. 

Russia is a terrorist state. They oppress Ukraine, and their own people. They are press ganging people in ethnic minority enclaves to fight this war and are basically intentionally using them as cannon fodder. They have announced militia law in the "annexed" territories which I think means press-ganging Ukrainians to fight other Ukrainians. This might go as well as the event where a low-level officer harangued ethnic Russians about their religious affiliation, to a sound and fatal fragging. 

There is no negotiation with people who have left behind all decency, and even mouthpiece Lavrov is telling us that Russia isn't open to negotiating with "the West".  Not if we're all hung up on who started what and committed genocidal activity upon whom and all that. They can send their useful idiots to talk about negotiation against the day they need it, but they are still on the brutal path that merits no quarter.

The Deaths We Could Have Prevented

  Vice President Harris: We now know that women have died because of Trump Abortion Bans. That includes a healthy 28-year-old woman in Geor...